The purpose of this study was to determine what, if any, relationship exists between cortisol and testosterone (both in total and free forms) in physically active men at rest and in the recovery from physical exercise. Previous research had found that pharmacologically manipulated levels of cortisol had resulted in reductions in circulating testosterone (i.e., a negative relationship) (Bambino and Hsueh, 1981; Cumming et al., 1983). We hypothesized that this negative relationship would exist between circulating cortisol and testosterone, specifically after exercise when cortisol was at the high end of the normal physiological range. A correlation relationship was found in this study that was in concordance with previous literature, and supportive of our hypothesis. That is, a significant negative relationship between cortisol and total testosterone was found in the Exercise Recovery samples; however, there was no relationship between the hormones in the Resting samples. This finding of a relationship when cortisol is elevated (~160% above Resting) suggests that perhaps that some critical level of cortisol must be reached in order to substantially influence circulating testosterone levels (see mechanism discussion below concerning pharmacological dosages). This notion, however, is in need of further examination in future research. This negative association between testosterone and cortisol has been reported in a few other exercise related studies (Hoogeveen and Zonderland, 1996; Nindl et al., 2001; Opstad, 1992). However, these studies have suffered from use of very small samples sizes (thus limiting their external validity) or they reported the relationship only on an observational basis and did not test the association statistically. To our knowledge, our study is the first to examine this issue in an exercise-based study with adequate subject numbers to allow a statistical analysis of the relationship. It is recognized, however, that the issue of blood collection timing in the present study is a limitation within our data. Ideally, the blood sampling times should have been precisely identical and standardized in Trial #1 and # 2 as has been recommended by others (Daly et al., 2005). Nevertheless, the Exercise Recovery data for cortisol and total testosterone in the present study reveal similar relationships as reported by the Daly et al. study (Daly et al., 2005). The specific physiological basis for a negative relationship between cortisol and total testosterone can not be determined from our data, but several postulates have been put forth by other investigators. Cumming et al., (1983) examined the response of luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin, and total testosterone to cortisol administration (i.e., pharmacological levels). They found that while circulating testosterone was decreased, there were no changes in LH or prolactin, suggesting that the effect of cortisol on testosterone production was in the testes and not the central endocrine regulatory components (i.e., hypothalamus-pituitary; [The authors, however, did not measure LH pulse frequency or amplitude, thus a central component influence can not be totally discounted]). Cumming and associates speculated that cortisol disrupted the testicular steroidogenic process in the Leydig cells perhaps by enzymatic inhibition. In vitro animal model research supports this conjecture on their part. For example, Bambino and Hsueh (1981) found a direct inhibitory effect of infused pharmacological dosages of cortisol on the LH receptor activity and content of the testes in rats. Specifically, they proposed that that increased concentrations of glucocorticoids (cortisol) disrupt the binding of LH on the testes and thus steroidogenesis process. Later work by these same authors expanded on this point and suggested that perhaps testicular cAMP production and the activity of the 17α-hydroxylase enzyme were somehow suppressed by glucocorticoids (Welsh et al., 1982). Other researchers have reached similar conclusions; i.e., the steroidogentic enzymatic activity for testosterone synthesis within the testis is disrupted (Castro and Matt, 1997). We acknowledge also that other factors could be affecting cortisol and total testosterone in an independent fashion, and thus the observation we report could be the result of such factors and the cortisol and testosterone in our subjects are not directly affecting one another. A negative relationship was not found between cortisol and free testosterone, but rather the opposite occurred - a positive relationship existed in the Exercise Recovery samples. This finding has been previously reported in the literature (Daly et al., 2005). The physiological explanation for this finding is uncertain, but several possibilities exist. First, it is possible that the increased concentration of free testosterone is a result of an increased adrenal contribution of testosterone to the circulation. In response to physical stress such as exercise, the adrenal gland is stimulated through a cascade of reactions to produce cortisol. Cortisol and testosterone are formed in the same cascade of reactions at the adrenal gland (Kroboth et al., 1999). Therefore when the adrenal gland is stimulated to produce cortisol, it is possible that some free testosterone is produced and secreted concurrently, leading to increased circulating concentrations of both hormones. Secondly, testosterone can be transported in the blood bound to sex hormone binding globulin and other carrier proteins (e.g., albumin), while cortisol can be transported somewhat by the latter and cortisol binding globulin (Rosner, 1990). Since, cortisol and testosterone are formed from the same precursor, they are structurally very similar. Thus the possibility exists that an increased concentration of cortisol in circulation could cause some dissociation of free testosterone from its carrier proteins as the two hormones compete for binding sites (Rosner, 1990). Additionally, binding protein affinity changes can happen in response to the pH and temperature changes occurring with exercise which could result in overall less carrier protein uptake of hormone thereby increasing the free hormonal portion (Obminiski and Stupnicki, 1996; Rosner, 1990). Whether any of these events occurred to influence the hormones and resulted in the positive relationship observed is uncertain and speculation on our part; further research is necessary to examine this phenomena and elucidate the mechanism. |