All animals in the SIT group ran successfully throughout the SIT program. As the results, the SIT group demonstrated a decrease in the body weight and an increase in the ratio of muscle weight to the body weight in the plantaris and the soleus muscles as compared to the CON group. Furthermore, bioenergetic improvements in both anaerobic and aerobic enzyme activities, fast-to-slow shift of muscle fiber type composition, and hypertrophy in the type IIA fiber were also observed only in the plantaris muscle (Table 2 and 3). These training responses are similar to the those reported in a previous study with similar training protocol (Takekura and Yoshioka, 1990). It is well known that a prolonged period of physical exercise or endurance training can induce an accumulation of HSP72 in skeletal muscles of rat and human (Desplanches et al., 2004; Liu et al., 2004; Liu et al., 1999; Milne and Noble, 2002; Naito et al., 2001; Skidmore et al., 1995). On the other hand, little attention has been given to the effects of sprint-type training on the accumulation of HSP72 in the skeletal muscles. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to clarify whether sprint interval training (SIT) could induce the accumulation of HSP72 in the plantaris and soleus muscles of rats. Our data indicated that the high intensity-short duration sprint interval training (~80 m·min-1) was sufficient to increase the HSP72 in rat skeletal muscles. In an endurance training program, it is postulated that the primary factor to increase HSP72 in skeletal muscles is a prolonged elevation of the body temperature (over 3°C above the resting temperature) (Hamilton et al., 2001; Skidmore et al., 1995). In the SIT program, however, we observed that the elevation of rat rectal temperature was less than 1°C although many muscles other than the plantaris and the soleus muscles must be recruited for the sprint running. It was impossible that we could exactly know the rise in working muscles temperature in the rats because we didn’t directly measure the temperature in the working muscle. However, it has been reported that the temperature in the working human muscle during prolonged high intensity exercise was slightly higher (about 0.5°C) than the rectal temperature (Saltin and Hermansen, 1966). Furthermore, in the current study, each SIT training session consisted of 6~10 sets of 1 min sprinting, and each set was separated by enough recovery period (2~5 min). Since the temperature of the working muscles with a plenty of blood flow is gradually increasing, it is inconceivable that the temperature of the working muscles would locally elevate and keep over 2~3°C higher than the rectal temperature during only the 1 min sprint running. In addition, the total exercise duration was no more than 10 min a day and the time exposed for the plantaris and the soleus muscles to hyperthermia would not be so long. Taken together, the impact of SIT-induced changes in muscle temperature would not be so large to induce HSP72 accumulation; therefore, hyperthermia would not be the main contributing factor for the increased HSP72 level in the present study. Instead, it has been reported that sprint exercise requires a higher anaerobic energy supply compared to the endurance exercise (Ross and Leveritt, 2001), and results in a decreased muscle glycogen and a greater accumulation of lactate within the muscle and blood which leads to a decreased pH (McLellan et al., 1990). Indeed, our preliminary data demonstrated that the blood lactate level during the SIT program reached 6 mM, which was over the lactate threshold. Further, the anaerobic enzyme activities were also improved in the plantaris muscle, which was, however not seen in the soleus. Therefore, anaerobic metabolism-related stresses by the SIT, e.g. acidosis and/or a decreased glycogen level in the skeletal muscle, could be the main factors to accumulate HSP72 for the plantaris and soleus muscles. What is interesting is that the adaptation of HSP72 was clearly different between the plantaris and soleus muscles (Figure 2). Although the levels of HSP72 were significantly increased by the SIT program in both the plantaris and the soleus muscles, the magnitude of the increase in the plantaris was 550% whereas that in the soleus was only 26%. Endurance training studies also showed that the accumulation of HSP72 was greater in the fast muscle (plantaris) than the slow muscle (soleus) (Desplanches et al., 2004; Naito et al., 2001). It has also been shown that the accumulations of HSP72 after heating the hindlimb (~42°C for 1 h) were 6.8 and 2.2 times higher than the control condition in the plantaris and the soleus muscles, respectively (Oishi et al., 2003). Therefore, the capability of accumulating HSP72 with a certain level of stress seems to be fiber type specific, and it is higher in the fast muscle than the slow muscle. In the present study, the basal level of HSP72 tended to be smaller in the plantaris (fast) muscle (Figure 1). It could be speculated that, following stressful stimuli the magnitude of the increase in the HSP72 levels is greater in the muscles which have low basal level of HSP72. If there is a certain required level of HSP72 in response to training stimuli, there is no doubt that HSP72 levels need to be increased at a greater rate to maintain the cellular homeostasis in the plantaris muscle. In that respect, the soleus with high basal levels of HSP72 would require less amount of increase after SIT. While the magnitude of the increase in SIT-induced HSP72 levels in the plantaris muscle (550%) seemed much greater than the result of our previous endurance training study (~94%) (Naito et al., 2001), the HSP72 levels in the soleus muscle were very similar between the two studies (26% vs. ~22%). One possible explanation for different levels of HSP expression following SIT and endurance training could be the recruitment pattern of muscles during different types of running exercises. Since, the plantaris muscle is predominantly recruited in the SIT type of exercises (Sullivan and Armstrong, 1978), SIT may result in high level of physiological changes specifically in the plantaris muscle. Indeed, our data demonstrates that an improvement of anaerobic enzyme activities and hypertrophy in the type IIA fiber occurred only in the plantaris muscle. Therefore, fast-twitch fibers in the plantaris muscle would be anaerobically recruited during the sprint running, as a result, conditions associated with the induction of HSP as glycogen depletion, hypoxia, lower pH by lactic acid formation, and so on in the muscle cells might be largely changed (Locke, 1997). The skeletal muscle has a great adaptability to exercise training such as bioenergetic improvements and transformation of contractile proteins (Booth and Thomason, 1991; Booth et al., 1998). The enzymatic improvements, fast-to-slow shift of fiber type proportion and muscle fiber hypertrophy were in fact observed in the plantaris muscle in our current study (Table 1 and 2). These exercise-induced adaptations in skeletal muscle are accomplished by the cascade of gene activation, transcription and translation associated with each functional protein, and such cascade is followed by the synthesis of newly proteins in trained muscle cells. This synthesis of newly protein is accomplished by the assist of molecular chaperon that is HSP72 (Liu and Steinacker, 2001; Locke, 1997; 2002). The accumulation of HSP72 was, therefore, a fundamental phenomenon for the training adaptations including the enzymes or contractile proteins to take place. Physical exercise training causes various stress conditions on muscle cells, including thermal, metabolic, mechanical and oxidative stress (Liu and Steinacker, 2001; Locke, 1997). Our data suggested that without having major hyperthermia, the anaerobic stresses induced by SIT might result in HSP72 accumulations in rat skeletal muscles. The intensity of mechanical stress may also affect the alteration in the level of HSP72 because the magnitude of HSP72 increase in the plantaris is much higher following SIT than that of the endurance training. However, it is not clear how these associated stresses with the SIT interacted to yield our findings. Therefore, further studies may be warranted to evaluate the influence of each factor to accumulate HSP72 with monitoring exactly the changes of temperature in the working muscles during the SIT. |