Rearfoot motion is a key component of the gait cycle. McGinnis (1999) describes rearfoot motion in the closed kinetic chain as, "The natural sequential pattern of pronation and supination during the stance phase of running; measured for research and clinical purposes in the frontal plane as the angle between the shoe and the lower leg." Pronation is a normal part of the gait cycle that aids in shock absorption and adaptation to changing surfaces during the stance phase of the gait cycle. The motions associated with pronation include dorsiflexion of the talocrural joint, abduction of the forefoot, and eversion of the calcaneus. Abnormal pronation is quantified as maximum pronation beyond 25% of the stance phase of the gait cycle for walking (Genova and Gross, 2000). Pronation may also be abnormal if it occurs out of sequence or at the wrong time during the stance phase (Genova and Gross, 2000). Foot orthotics are used to correct abnormal motion of the rearfoot, ankle, and lower leg during the gait cycle. Orthotics are used to restore dynamic stability and reduce the degree of excessive pronation of the subtalar joint during the stance phase of gait (McCulloch et al., 1993). McCulloch, et al. (1993) describe orthotics as "…devices (that) are designed to control the amount, rate, and temporal sequence of subtalar joint movement and restore normal biomechanical relationships in the lower extremity during stance." Nigg and coworkers (2004) listed the prescription of orthotics in order to "reduce the frequency of movement-related injuries, to align the skeleton properly, to provide improved cushioning, to improve the sensory feedback, and/or to improve comfort." A post is a type of orthotic that is placed in the rearfoot of the orthotic shell in order to "reposition the calcaneus in ‘neutral’ to control calcaneal eversion during the initial portion of stance phase of gait," (Genova and Gross, 2000). Orthotics, such as a wedge or post are often prescribed as a means to "control excessive subtalar and transverse tarsal joint motion during the stance phase of gait" (Nawoczenski et al., 1995). The literature suggests that orthotic devices are effective in reducing the degree of abnormal pronation as well as clinical symptoms of the lower limb. Genova and Gross (2000) determined that the use of foot orthotics result in a significant reduction in maximum calcaneal eversion and calcaneal eversion at heel rise for subjects walking on a treadmill. This study also pointed to the fact that shoes with motion control features can also result in substantial reductions in the standing calcaneal eversion angle, and that shoe construction must be considered when prescribing and evaluating an orthotic. McCulloch and coworkers (1993) found that orthotic devices significantly changed rearfoot motion during stance phase of walking by reducing maximum pronation. There is also literature that suggests that orthotic usage has no impact on rearfoot kinematics. Williams and Davis (2003) determined that orthotics had no significant effect on rearfoot kinematics in runners. Ball and Afheldt, 2000 state that despite the proposed benefits of orthotic usage, the mechanisms of cause and effect that permit orthotics to improve the client's condition are still unknown. The calcaneal inversion/eversion component of subtalar motion is measured by using the posterior calcaneus and posterior midline of the leg as reference points. It is assumed that the neutral position (0°) is when the two posterior lines coincide (Mueller, 2005). Individuals without impairments present with 5° to 10° of calcaneal eversion and 20° to 30o of calcaneal inversion. Picciano et al., 1993 used unilateral weight bearing stance to simulate the midstance position of gait. Also, static rearfoot weight bearing measurements are used clinically when assessing rearfoot motion (Cornwall and McPoil, 1995). Previous studies show diverse results that are difficult to reconcile because the methods and purposes of each study were slightly different (i.e. orthotic effectiveness in runners vs. walkers, effectiveness of inverted orthotics, orthotic effectiveness during stance phase, etc.). These studies open the way for more research to be done on the effectiveness of orthotics in rearfoot kinematics. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of foot orthotics and footwear on static rearfoot kinematics. A secondary purpose was to validate manual goniometric measurements with angular measurements calculated for the Ariel Performance Analysis System. |