Research article - (2006)05, 567 - 574 |
Reducing the Likelihood of Long Tennis Matches |
Tristan Barnett1,![]() |
Key words: Tennis, scoring systems, sport, generating functions, long tennis matches |
Key Points |
Discussion of the Problem (Using Graphical Results) |
Up until 1970 (approx), all tennis sets were played as advantage sets, where to win a set a player must reach at least 6 games and be ahead by at least 2 games. The tiebreaker game was introduced to shorten the length of matches. A tiebreaker game is played when the set score reaches 6-games all. However in three of the four grand slams (Australian Open, French Open and Wimbledon), an advantage set is still played in the deciding fifth set. |
The Mathematics of Generating FunctionsModelling a Tennis Match |
Forward Recursion |
The state of a tennis match between two players is represented by a scoreboard. The scoreboard shows the points, games and sets won by each player, and is updated after each point has been played. It is assumed that the conditional probability of the server winning the point depends only on the data shown on the scoreboard. This enables the progress of the match to be modelled using forward recursion. An additional assumption is that the probabilities of each player winning a point on his own service remain constant throughout the match. |
Development of Generating Functions of Distributions |
The forward recursion enables the probabilities of various possible scoreboards to be calculated. These probabilities can be collected in the form of probability generating functions, or moment generating functions (using the transformation Lemma: If X and Y are independent random variables and It becomes convenient at times to take logarithms, and work in terms of cumulant generating functions, since The higher order cumulants depend on powers of the scale for the random variable, and for the purposes of communication it is useful to transform them into non-dimensional statistics (i.e. numbers) such as the coefficients of variation, skewness and kurtosis. |
The Inversion of the Cumulants Using Normal Power Approximation |
This gives a continuous approximation to a discrete distribution (Pesonen, |
The Number of Points in a Game |
Let Croucher, Let The moment generating function for the number of points in a game for player A serving, The mean number of points in a game Similar expressions can be obtained for the coefficient of skewness Let The moment generating function for the number of points in a tiebreaker game, The moment generating functions for the number of games in a tiebreaker set, |
The Number of Points in a Set |
The Parameters of Distributions of the Number of Points in a Set |
Let Similar conditional moment generating functions can be obtained for reaching all score lines (c,d) in a set. The moment generating function for the number of points in a tiebreaker set becomes: A similar moment generating function can be obtained for the number of points in an advantage set. Let The mean number of points in a set is affected by the mean number of points in a game and the mean number of games in a set. The mean number of points in a game is greatest when |
Approximating the Parameters of Distributions of the Number of Points in a Set |
The moment generating function for the number of points in an advantage set Taking the natural logarithm of the moment generating function gives an alternative generating function known as the cumulant generating function. Let The moment generating function, This can be expressed as: Similarly, the following result is established for Notice the last term does not vanish due to the difference in the scoring system for a tiebreaker game compared with a regular game. |
The Number of Points in a Match |
From this point an advantage match is considered as a match where the first four sets played are tiebreaker sets and the fifth set is an advantage set. The moment generating functions for the number of points in an advantage and tiebreaker match, The following approximation results can be established for the number of points in a match, similar to the approximation results established for the number of points in a set: Approximation results for distributions of points in a match, could also be established for tennis doubles by using the above results established for singles. The probability of a team winning a point on serve is estimated by the averages of the two players in the team. When The number of points played each set in a match are independent, if Suppose An extension of this property of cumulants is given by the following theory (Brown, |
Theorem |
If For example the mean number of points in a tiebreaker match, Let It is often the case that by shortening the length of matches, decreases the probability of winning for the better player. However this is not necessarily the case as shown by replacing standard ‘deuce’ games with 50-40 games. |
Conclusions |
The mathematical methods of generating functions have been used to calculate the parameters of distributions of the number of points in a tennis match. The results show that the likelihood of long matches can be substantially reduced by using the tiebreak game in the fifth set, or more effectively by using the 50-40 game throughout the match. We used the number of points played in a match as a measure of its length. This measure is related to the time duration of the match and avoids the complications of delays between points, at change of serve, at change of end, injury time and weather delays. Further work could involve calculating the time duration of a match from the results presented in this paper. This could then be used to calculate the probabilities of the match going beyond a given amount of time. This would provide commentators and tournament officials with very useful information on when the match is going to finish. |