This is the first study to report reliability measures of static and dynamic lumbar endurance on a BackUP lumbar extension dynamometer. The results suggest that both static and dynamic lumbar endurance can be assessed reliably on this machine in apparently healthy individuals. Previous research has tested the reliability of isometric lumbar extension strength on the BackUP lumbar extension dynamometer, resulting in high reliability coefficients (r = 0.92 - 0.97) at multiple joint angles (Udermann et al., 2004). Unfortunately, reliability studies that test lumbar endurance on machines that effectively stabilize the pelvis and isolate the lumbar extensors are limited. To the best of our knowledge, only one other study has reported static and dynamic lumbar endurance measurements on a pelvic stabilizing lumbar extension dynamometer (Udermann et al., 2003). In that study, eight healthy participants completed 4 lumbar endurance tests (2 static, 2 dynamic) on a MedX dynamometer, each separated by a 24-hour resting period. The authors reported high reliability coefficients for static (r = 0.95) and dynamic (r = 0.91) endurance tests. When pelvic stabilization is not employed, as is the case with the Sorensen test or repetitive arch-ups, conflicting results have been reported (Alaranta et al., 1994; Latimer et al., 1999; Mayer et al., 1995; McGill et al., 1999; Moffroid et al., 1994). Alaranta et al., 1994 found the Sorensen test to be moderately reliable (r = 0.66), while repetitive arch-ups had a high reliability coefficient of 0.83. Mayer et al., 1995 demonstrated unacceptably low test-retest correlations of 0.20 on the Sorensen test. Conversely, McGill et al., 1999 showed a reliability coefficient of 0.99, and Latimer et al., 1999 found high interclass correlation coefficients (ICC) ranging from 0.77 to 0.88 on the Sorensen test for participants who had current, previous, or asymptomatic nonspecific LBP. Latimer et al. also demonstrated that activity level does not appear to affect the reliability of the Sorensen test (ICC = 0.86 for active participants, ICC = 0.82 for inactive participants). Furthermore, Moffroid et al., 1994 demonstrated an excellent correlation coefficient of 0.96 for active individuals, but a poor correlation coefficient of 0.39 for inactive individuals. Reasons for this inconsistency may be the variety of ways examiners have performed the tests and the ability of the pelvis and hips to rotate freely, allowing contributions of additional muscle groups. Although these tests have been shown to be reliable, have predicted first time occurrences of LBP, and have demonstrated that individuals with current or previous LBP have shorter endurance times than healthy individuals (Alaranta et al., 1994; Hultman et al., 1993; Luoto et al., 1995), the validity of these tests in measuring lumbar endurance has to be questioned. Without stabilizing the pelvis, the lumbar muscles cannot be isolated effectively because of the contributions from the hip extensors. Moffroid et al., 1994 indicated that the Sorensen test fatigued the hip extensors more than the lumbar extensors. Kankaanpää et al., 1998 also found the Sorensen test to be influenced by an individual’s body weight. Factors like weight and body proportions that are not directly associated to lumbar endurance capacity must not manipulate the test results (Jorgensen and Nicolaisen, 1986). With these non-dynamometric tests, the weight of the upper body cannot be accurately measured. Relative load applied to the lumbar extensors must be known because endurance time is primarily dependent on the relative load on the muscles (Jorgensen, 1970). The weight of the upper body may be too heavy of a load for postsurgical individuals or for those experiencing LBP or injury. With the BackUP dynamometer, the resistance load can be set to as little as five pounds and can be incrementally increased as the patients progress through treatment and rehabilitation programs. Our study was conducted with volunteers in good general health, so direct generalizations to patients with low back pain cannot be made. A variety of factors that may be present in clinical populations (e.g. pain inhibition, level of motivation) may impact reliability levels in this population. One limitation of the tests described in this study is that they are performed in a seated position. This raises questions in regards to the specificity of the tests in relationship to the variety of activities, postures and positions that individuals are in as they perform activities of daily living and tasks possibly related to occupation. This is a common limitation of many standardized physical tests. However, previous research has shown that isometric strength in the seated position is related to lifting capacity in the standing position (Matheson et al., 2002). These tests provide simple and reliable assessments of lumbar muscle endurance. Given the strong relationship between poor endurance of the lumbar muscles and an increased risk of future low back pain (Biering-Sorensen, 1984; Luoto et al., 1995), the findings of this study have practical applications. For example, clinicians, athletic trainers, fitness specialists, and occupational risk managers can use these tests to assess lumbar muscle endurance of patients, athletes, and workers to provide baseline measurements of function to help guide intervention strategies. Future research is needed, however, to assess the reliability of the endurance tests in patient populations and validity (e.g. responsiveness, concurrent validity) in various settings. |