Our results indicated that 8 weeks of 2% high cholesterol diet increased all serum cholesterol profile fractions and induced formation of atherosclerotic lesions in thoracic aorta and to less extent in carotid artery. After 8 weeks of concomitant exercise intervention, atherosclerotic plaques were significantly reduced in both arteries. None of the arteries in NC and NE groups showed any sign of fatty streaks. Although exactly how exercise improves atherosclerosis is still unclear, several possible mechanisms of the anti-atherogen effects of exercise have been proposed: including antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of HDL-C, decrease in plasma LDL-C (Leaf et al., 2003) and positive changes resulting from exercise-induced oxidative stress such as induction of antioxidant systems as a defensive mechanism of the cell under oxidative stress (Meilhac et al., 2001). In contrast to studies in rabbit (Yang et al., 2003) and mice (Meilhac et al., 2001), in this study, chronic exercise increased HDL-C or proportion of HDL to LDL. According to our results and others (Leaf et al., 2003; Price et al., 2002), increase in HDL-C level can be the main effect of chronic exercise on serum cholesterol profile. Based on the recent studies, it seems that HDL-C is protected from exercise-induced oxidative stress by paraoxonase antioxidant enzyme (Aviram et al., 1998). Probably exercise through increase in efficacy of HDL-mediated reverse cholesterol transport system and lipoprotein lipase activity results in finally to decrease of LDL-C, VLDL-C and TG in plasma and then atherosclerosis (Ensign et al., 2002). In this study, chronic exercise reduced atherosclerotic lesions in thoracic aorta more than in carotid artery. These changes are similar to those reported in thoracic aorta and carotid artery in New Zealand white rabbit by exercise (Chen et al., 1993; Delp et al., 1993; Jen et al., 2002). There is little information about the susceptibility of the different arteries to atherosclerosis and their improvement by exercise in the literature (Chen and Li, 1993; Laborgne et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2003). According to the vasorelaxation studies in rabbit arteries, different responses of thoracic aorta and carotid to atherosclerosis and exercise may result from vascular function and differences in exercise-induced flow-mediated nitric oxide production (Chen and Li, 1993; Jen et al., 2002). It is well known that the blood flow in aorta increases several folds during exercise, whereas, the flow in carotid arteries remains relatively constant due to efficient cerebral autoregulation. Therefore, the exercise-induced changes between carotid and aorta are likely due to local increases in blood flow or sheer stress instead of the systemic changes in the plasma hormone level (Chen and Li, 1993; Yang et al., 2003). Shear stress undergone during acute and chronic exercise may result in an improvement in vasomotor function and may deter atherogenesis. Blood vessels with higher areas of shear stress are usually found to be free of atherosclerotic changes while areas of lower shear stress such as arterial branch points are more prone to atherogenesis (Ross, 1993). Our data also show that amelioration of chronic exercise-induced antioxidant defense systems may be considered as one of the important defensive mechanisms for prevention and regression of atherosclerosis. Although there is a close relationship between the hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis, it has been suggested that atherosclerotic lesions might depend on increased oxidative stress (Leborgne et al., 2003). Hypercholesterolemia increases the levels of ROS and elevated ROS can stimulate the progression of atherosclerosis pathogenesis. Exercise is also known to induce oxidative stress on the body due to the increased generation of ROS and probably depletion of antioxidants that may result in atherosclerosis (Shern-Brewer et al., 1998). In this study we found that erythrocyte activities of total SOD, GPX and CAT were significantly decreased by high cholesterol diet. Red blood cell CAT activity was increased by chronic exercise but total SOD activity rose with exercise only in the normal diet group whereas GPX activity was reduced by exercise and /or high cholesterol diet. It has been proposed that high cholesterol diet induces free radical production and may result in oxidative stress (Mantha et al., 1993; Meilhac et al., 2001; Sen, 1995). Most of the studies but not all have shown that regular exercise strengthens antioxidant defense in healthy humans and animals (Beckman, 2002; Clarkson, 2000; Ji, 1999). On the other hand these results are highly conflicting with each other. Upregulation of GPX in response to acute exercise has been reported in skeletal muscle in animal experiments (Ji, 1993) and in erythrocytes of some normal humans (Atalay et al., 1997; Balakrishnan et al., 1998). On the other hand, no changes have been found in erythrocyte GPX activity in human (Duthie et al., 1990) and animal studies after chronic exercise (Bejma et al., 2000; Ji, 1999). However, the majority of studies have shown an increase in GPX activity with exercise and the response of erythrocyte GPX activity in our study agrees with some previous studies also showing a decrease after exercise (Balakrishnan et al., 1998; Deaton and Marlin, 2003). It seems that decrease of GPX activity in our study may result from: lipid peroxidation (Thirunavukkarasu et al., 2002); sensitivity to exercise-induced peroxide and proxy radical formation according to its location in the cell. In addition, exercise intensity can also influence lipid peroxidation because high intensity exercise has been shown to be generally superior to low intensity exercise in the up-regulation of GPX and SOD activities (Powers et al., 1999). Furthermore, type of animal can be a determinant, it has been reported that GPX activity in the blood of intact mammals predisposed to atherosclerosis (rabbits, mini-pigs, men) is considerably lower in comparison to the resistance species (rats). Hypercholesterolemia also produces an abrupt decrease in GPX activity in the whole blood and plasma in the susceptible animals and exercise may impose an additional stress for decreasing its activity (Lankin and Tikhaze, 1980). It has been reported that exercise has not changed the red blood cell CAT activity in human subjects following exhaustive exercise (Duthie et al., 1999), and in small mammals (Selman et al., 2002). Conversely, another study has shown an increase around 20% with exercise (Deaton and Marlin, 2003). CAT activity of erythrocyte has been reported to be increased in professional cyclists compared with amateur cyclists and sedentary controls (Aguilo et al., 2003). Exercise-induced CAT expression in C57BL/6 mouse arterial wall has been reported after chronic and acute exercise (Meilhac et al., 2001). It is thought that decrease of CAT activity in HC group as well as increased CAT in exercised groups depends on oxidative stress intensity. SOD has been studied to a greater extent than other antioxidant enzymes, but there is not a consensus about response of erythrocyte SOD activity to exercise in the literature (Atalay and Laaksonen, 2002; Clarkson and Thomson, 2000; Ji, 1999). In our study, total SOD activity in erythrocyte rose with exercise only in the control group and this observation is in agreement with some studies in rabbit (Fukai et al., 2000) and human (Duthie et al., 1990). Most of the studies with a few exceptions indicate that acute exercise increases SOD and this activation of SOD results from increased superoxide production during exercise (Ji, 1999). On the other hand, many studies have reported no increase or unchanged SOD activity following short-term and prolonged exercise in tissues including muscle, heart, lung, liver, brain, plasma and red cells (Clarkson and Thompson, 2000; Deaton and Marlin, 2003). In our study decreased SOD activity under concomitant effect of chronic exercise and high cholesterol diet may result from high oxidative stress through increase of superoxide production. Superoxide may react with other ROS such as NO to form highly toxic species such as peroxynitrite in addition to direct toxic effects. Alternatively, superoxide can be converted to much more reactive hydrogen peroxide which can then lead to highly toxic radical formation (Hunt and Wolff, 1991). In addition, decreased CAT activity can also contribute to the oxidative stress found in hypercholesterolemic animals. Understanding of the relationship between exercise, oxidative stress and the changes of antioxidant enzyme activity during exercise remains a challenge (Deaton and Marlin, 2003; Ji, 1999). Thus, although some of the antioxidant enzymes are activated during chronic exercise, the protective margin could be quite limited depending on individual enzymes and the tissues (Ji, 1999; Powers and Lennon, 1999). Antioxidant enzymes may be activated selectively during exercise depending on the oxidative stress imposed on the specific tissues as well as the intrinsic antioxidant defense capacity. In this study we found that plasma MDA, TAC and T-SH levels were significantly increased by chronic exercise and /or high cholesterol diet. Although MDA as a marker of oxidative damage has been studied extensively, generally very variable and conflicting results have also been reported in various tissues and plasma of animal model and human (Atalay and Laaksonen, 2002; Clarkson and Thompson, 2000; Deaton and Marlin, 2003; Ji, 1999; Mantha et al., 1993; Meilhac et al., 2001; Urso and Clarkson, 2003). This inconsistency of results may be a reflection of differences in exercise intensity and duration, type of animal or training or assay method used (Deaton and Marlin, 2003; Ji, 1999). Increased MDA in our results may be attributed to high sensitivity of rabbit to free radical production by high cholesterol and exercise. Since recently it has been reported that oxidized lipids can also induce some of the antioxidant enzymes such as CAT in aorta and Mn-SOD in mitochondria (Meilhac et al., 2001), increased lipid peroxidation by exercise may also be interpreted as an antioxidant or antiatherogenic effect. The overall TAC considers the cumulative effect of all antioxidants present in plasma and it is used for evaluating the effect of several physiological conditions on plasma in human and animals (Ghiselli et al., 2000). In contrast to our results, it has been reported that exercise with 65% VO2max decreased plasma TAC in rat (Ficicilar et al., 2003). It has also been shown that high intensity endurance exercise, decreased plasma TAC and increased susceptibility to oxidation in human (Sharman, 2004). While the plasma TAC is mainly accounted for uric acid and vitamin C (Balcerczyk and Bartosz, 2003), based on our results, alteration in thiol content can also be considered as determinant of TAC changes and indirect index of protein oxidation. It has been reported that moderate exercise induces the oxidation of human blood protein thiols (Inayama et al., 2002). Most of the exercise studies related to thiols have investigated GSH metabolism and have reported different and controversial results (Clarkson and Thompson, 2000; Sen and Packer, 2000), but GSH account for only half of all cell thiols. Studies on exercise-induced protein oxidation have mainly used the formation of carbonyls as a marker and information about the effect of exercise on protein sulfhydryl is scanty (Sen and Packer, 2000). The direct scavenging of hydroxyl radicals by thiols have been suggested as their main protective function (Sagrista et al., 2002). One of the properties of most thiols is their ability to act as reducing agents. While exerting its antioxidant function, thiols such as glutathione are transformed from a reduced sulfhydryl (-SH) state to an oxidized disulfide (-s-s-) state. However, in biological systems, disulfides are recycled to thiols by specific reductase enzymes using cellular-reducing equivalents such as NADH or NADPH (Sen and Packer, 2000). Amelioration of the mentioned process by chronic exercise may lead to the accumulation of the reduced state of thiols. More studies are required for evaluation of the relationship between the atherogenic diet, exercise effect, TAC and its components specially thiols in human and animal models. In conclusion, our findings suggest that chronic exercise is a proper method for prevention and regression of atherogenic diet-induced atherosclerosis along with positive change in serum cholesterol profile and enhancement of TAC. The late case, based on our data, is probably due to the elevation of total thiol concentration. In contrast to TAC, the activity of red blood cell primary antioxidant enzymes were reduced by atherogenic diet but the pattern of changes in these enzymes were differently affected by exercise and /or high cholesterol diet possibly because of alterations in the ability to adapt to exercise-induced oxidative stress intensity. We found that exercise and /or high cholesterol diet increased pro-oxidants evident by lipid peroxidation but this finding may not be necessarily deleterious and can also be interpreted as an “antioxidant;-antiatherogenic ”response. |