Research article, Young investigator - (2006)05, 707 - 713 |
Dynamic Training Volume: A Construct of Both Time Under Tension and Volume Load |
Quan T. Tran1, David Docherty2, |
Key words: Resistance training, maximal voluntary contraction, fatigue, electromyography |
Key Points |
Participants |
Ten university-aged males participated in the study (age = 25.8 ± 3.15 yrs; mass = 86.5 ± 15.2 kg). All participants were strength-trained with a minimum of one year of upper body resistance training. Written consent was obtained prior to participation and all participants were briefed on the purpose of the study and potential risks from participating in the study. Approval for the study was granted by the University Human Research Ethics Committee. |
Experimental design |
Participants performed each fatigue protocol, in random order, on separate days with approximately 48-72 hrs between testing sessions. Ninety percent of the 10RM load was used as the load for all fatiguing protocols to ensure the VL was consistent and could be maintained within and between trials (Benson et al., Prior to participation in the testing session, each participant completed two familiarization sessions, separated by 48-72 hrs. All sessions were supervised by the principal investigator and participants were asked to refrain from performing any resistance training targeting the forearm flexors for the duration of the study. |
Fatigue protocols |
The three different training protocols were designed to manipulate either concentric TUT or VL ( |
Familiarization sessions |
Following an initial rest period (5 min) participants performed a warm-up consisting of three sets of 10 Testing for the 10RM load was performed using the repetition scheme of protocol A because this protocol involved both the high TUT and high VL parameters ( Following the 10RM test, the remaining protocols in random order were performed at 50% of the 10RM. This was necessary in order to familiarize the participants with the different contraction cadences required for each protocol. Five minute rest periods were provided between fatiguing protocols. |
Testing sessions |
Following an initial rest period of 5 min, the participants performed an identical warm-up as in the familiarization session, but utilized the repetition scheme of the fatigue protocol being tested in order to provide participants with additional practice with the timing of lifts. Maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) and integrated electromyography (iEMG) were measured before and immediately after each fatiguing protocol ( |
Set up on the modified preacher curl |
Maximal isometric contractions were performed on the modified preacher curl apparatus. The apparatus was adjusted so that the legs and thighs of the participant were at a 90° knee angle to each other and with the chest flush against the arm rest pad ( |
Maximal voluntary isometric contraction |
Participants performed 2 MVICs before doing the training protocol separated by 3 min rest periods, and one MVIC immediately after the protocol ( |
Electromyography |
Prior to the electrode placement for the electromyography (EMG), the skin was thoroughly prepared via sanding of the designated area and cleansed with isopropyl alcohol. Electrode placements were marked by non-permanent ink and participants were instructed to redraw the marks when they appeared to fade. A ground electrode was placed on the lateral aspect of the deltoid (Behm et al., EMG data were sampled at 2000Hz and analyzed at 2s of the MVIC for a period of 500ms. Raw EMG was amplified (Biopac Systems Inc. EMG 100 and analog to digital converter, MP100 set at 2000 gain) and filtered (10 - 500Hz). The EMG signal was then rectified and integrated for data analysis using Acknowledge 3.7 software (Biopac Systems, Inc.). |
Statistics |
Data were analyzed using SPSS 11.5. A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures was conducted (3 × 2). The two ANOVA levels included the fatigue protocols (A, B, & C) and the differences between pre- and post-test measures. F ratios that reached p ≤ 0.05 were considered significant. Student’s paired t-tests were performed where significant main effects were detected. |
Protocol A, which involved 2½ times more concentric TUT, resulted in a significantly greater (p < 0.01) percent decrease in force production (27.62 ± 1.66%) compared to protocol B (15.86 ± 1.35 %). Similarly, the greater VL of protocol A, resulted in significantly greater deficits in force production compared to protocol C (20.25 ± 3.12%). The decreased force production between protocol B and C was not significantly different ( Protocols A, B, and C all resulted in significant (p ≤ 0.05) decreases in iEMG activity from pre- to post-values (30.28 ± 7.97%, 20.94 ± 6.78 & 21.72 ± 8.17%, respectively). However, no significant differences occurred between the three protocols (F = 0.46) ( |
Muscle fatigue |
The major findings of this study were that, when VL was equated, greater TUT produced greater overall muscular fatigue as reflected by the reduction in the force generating capability of the muscle. When TUT was equated, greater VL resulted in greater overall muscular fatigue ( The results support the findings of Tran et al., Tran et al., Potential peripheral muscle fatigue mechanisms may include accumulation of muscle lactate but more recent information is suggesting that lactate is not a major contributor in the development of fatigue (Allen, |
Motor unit activation |
Electromyography represents the electrical properties of the muscle and is often used to monitor central drive because of the relationship between the amplitude of the surface EMG and the net motor unit activity (Farina et al., The reductions in iEMG are contradictory to the nonsignificant results of muscle activation found by Tran et al., The reduction of iEMG immediately following the training protocols in the present study would suggest development of central fatigue, which may account for up to 25% of deficits in force production (Taylor et al., |
The present study has shown that muscular fatigue, as reflected by a decrease in the force generation capability of a muscle group, is influenced by the time the muscle group is placed under tension (TUT) and the VL, as measured by the number of repetitions and the load that is being lifted. Training volume has been associated with chronic neuromuscular adaptations and is an important training variable. When prescribing training programs this study suggests that the way in which training volume is calculated may have a significant impact on the neuromuscular changes that occur. People who design programs need to be specific in the way they describe training volume. |