Differences (p < 0.05) in PPO were found between the TBM and FFM method of resistive force selection. The values recorded for PPO when the resistive forces reflected the FFM component of body composition indicate that karate practitioners have high peak powers when compared to other groups. Peak power profiles obtained in this study were greater than those reported in the literature. Specifically values were greater than data reported by Baker et al. (1995) among a sample of male karate fighters (1159 ± 110 W), Winter et al., 1991 among a sample of male physical education students (1007 ± 135 W), Nakamura et al., 1985 for a group of Japanese physical education students (930 ± 187 W) and greater than those reported by Vanderwalle et al. (1985) on a French sample (813 ± 137 W). The greater power outputs recorded in this study may be the result of the optimisation procedures used. However, the increases may also be attributed to individual training status and unknown genetic factors that may be independent of resistive force selection. The values recorded indicate that the FFM protocol produces lower optimal resistive forces (6.6 ± 1.0 kg TBM vs. 5.5 ± 1.0 kg FFM p < 0.01) resulting in higher power outputs, attributable to increases in maximal pedal velocity (127 ± 8 rpm TBM vs. 142 ± 7 rpm FFM p < 0.01). The higher power output measures obtained compared to the TBM method, may also underline the inconsistent muscle mass to total body mass relationship found in individual participants. For example, total body mass values measured in this study were 78.8 ± 10.3 kg. The total fat % of the participants was 16.5 ± 4.6, demonstrating clearly the problems associated with optimisation procedures that are inclusive of the fat component of body composition. This problem may be more pronounced in populations with higher body fat values. The resistive force transferred to the ergometer cradle, based on TBM values does not represent accurately the active muscle tissue utilised during experimental conditions. These values may overestimate resistive force requirements, resulting in a decrease in pedal revolutions which has a negative effect on the power profiles produced. The FFM protocol may also represent a more finite way of externally loading the ergometer cradle. The more sensitive FFM load increases appear to be able to isolate and identify small changes in pedal velocity that the TBM protocol disregards. Vanderwalle et al., (1985) recorded values of 125 rpm for adult sprinters and 105 rpm for male recreational runners. The values recorded in this study for karate fighters were higher (127 ± 8 rpm TBM vs. 142 ± 8 rpm FFM) and reflects the high anaerobic nature of the discipline. Power, is the composite product of two factors, strength and speed, therefore a range of results are possible with varying contributions from both components, especially when the criterion is optimisation of absolute maximal power (Inbar et al., 1996). This is true in the present study as greater power was achieved by increasing the resistive force and by increasing the number of pedal revolutions for both the TBM and FFM protocols. The observable inter participant differences recorded for the TBM and FFM protocols may be related to individual inability/ability to generate high levels of velocity. There may be many reasons for this including the proportion of fast twitch fibers (type II) in the exercising muscle, and differences in physiological and biochemical factors that relate to genetics which may be inclusive of each individual karate fighter's tactics and relative training status. Thorstensson et al., 1975 found evidence to confirm a greater proportion of type II fibers in athletes engaged in activities requiring short lived or sprint performances. The findings of this study indicate that karate fighters could also be in this category of athletes. The higher power output observed for the FFM protocol may have resulted from an initial preferential recruitment of fast twitch motor units, which may be attributable to the increase in pedal revolutions observed using this protocol. Studies on intact human muscles have reported that individuals with muscles containing a high proportion of type II fibers are capable of faster contraction velocities, and therefore greater force output (McCartney et al., 1983; Thorsstenson et al., 1975), but are more prone to fatigue during repeated dynamic contraction. Fatigue was not measured in this study, but previous studies have indicated no differences in fatigue profiles when the TBM and FFM protocols were compared (Baker et al., 2001). Nilsson et al., 1977 recorded a strong correlation between ratios of electro myographic activity to power associated with fatigue, in individuals with a high percentage of type II fibers, suggesting that diminished force was due to selective fiber attenuation. The increase in power output observed when the participants were optimised for FFM may be associated with increased voluntary command of the supra spinal centres. This greater contribution may increase fiber recruitment, by the optimisation of individual motor unit firing frequency, and by the synchronisation of the firing patterns between the motor units themselves (MacDougall et al., 1991). The findings of this study suggest that existing optimisation protocols need to be reassessed if true power output is to be attained. Increased PPO values resulting from higher pedalling velocities during optimisation procedures for FFM appear to maximise muscle contraction dynamics. These findings are in contrast with previous authors (Katch, 1974) who reported that body mass and leg volume were of little predictive importance during the early portion of a high intensity cycle ergometer test. However, other researchers (Baker et al., 2001; Blimkie et al., 1988; Dore et al., 2001; Inbar et al., 1996; Van mil et al., 1996) have found similar relationships to the findings observed in this study. Namely, that during high intensity cycle ergometry the power profiles generated are related to the participants FFM or to the mass of the muscles that perform the test. |