Research article - (2007)06, 117 - 125 |
The Use of Neural Network Technology to Model Swimming Performance |
António José Silva,1,2![]() |
Key words: Evaluation, age group swimmers, individual medley, front crawl. |
Key Points |
Subjects |
A sample of 138 swimmers (65 males and 73 females) of National level was used in this study. The participants were age group swimmers and were selected to join technical and conditional evaluation. The participants provided their written informed consent and the procedures were approved by the institutional review board. Although both boys and girls belonged to the same age group, the mean age of the males was 15.9 ± 0.4 years and the mean age of females was 13.2 ± 0.4 years. This age difference in the same age group is due to the LEN (European Swimming League) rules, which impose girls to be two years old backward comparing to boys because of an earlier biological maturation. |
Evaluations |
All subjects were submitted, during three days, to a test battery comprising four evaluation domains: kinanthropometric evaluation, functional evaluation (strength and flexibility), specific function evaluation (hydrodynamics, hydrostatic and bio-energetic characteristics) and semi qualitative swimming technical evaluation. In the first day, the testing included kinanthropometric and dry land functional evaluation. In the second day of testing, swimming functional and technical evaluations were performed (separated by 6- 8h). In kinanthropometric domain, variables were selected among anthropometric measurements, body composition and somatotype. The anthropometric measures were registered according to the In dry land functional evaluation, strength and flexibility tests were made (Carzola, The swimming functional evaluation domain comprised three different categories registered as follow: hydrodynamic characteristics measured by the maximum distance achieved by the swimmer in ventral gliding, after a push off in the wall (Carzola, Semi qualitative swimming technical evaluation was performed in order to evaluate technical efficiency. The detected errors were registered in a criterion observation check list. Each swimmer performed a maximal 4x25 m trial test in each one of the swimming techniques: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, front crawl. Recovery between trials was 30 min and the order of the swimming styles was randomly assigned. Each trial was videotaped both underwater and above the water in the sagital plane with JVC- SVHS synchronized cameras. Both images were mixed using a Panasonic WJMX50 mixing table. In order to obtain a dual media final image, the optical axis of each video camera was parallel between each other. Both video cameras provided images on the sagital plane since they were placed in the lateral wall of the pool, 30 cm underwater and 30 cm over the water surface. The cameras were placed at 7.5 m distance with the optical axis perpendicular to the swimmers plane of displacement. A third underwater fixed camera was placed in frontal plane, with the optical axis perpendicular to the optical axis of the others two cameras at 5 m distance. The third camera image was synchronized with the sagital cameras images using a traditional synchronized focus system, visible in the visual camp of each located camera (Vilas-Boas, |
Performance |
The best performance in 400 meters FC and 200 meters IM were used as dependent variables. The best time recorded in each event closest to the evaluation moment was considered. Those times were converted into points according to the “ |
Data analysis |
Mean and standard deviation (SD) were calculated for all variables. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of normality and Levine's test of homogeneity of variance were performed to verify the normality of the distribution. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient or Spearman correlation coefficient were used, whenever appropriate, to verify the association between variables. Data was analyzed using SPSS 10.1 (Chicago, IL). The significance threshold was set at p < 0.05. Considering internal validity (intra and inter observer validity) of semi qualitative technical evaluation, a randomize selection of 75% swimmers were re-evaluated. Each one of these swimmers was evaluated two times by the same observer and a third time by another expert. The first two evaluation moments (same observer) were undertaken with one month interval. The third evaluation period (different observer) was made at the same time of the second moment (first observer). After the semi qualitative technical evaluation, the intra and inter observer agreement were performed, using the Kappa Cohen Index for ordinal variables and the R of Spearman correlation coefficient for ratio variables. The performance modeling was accomplished by a feed forward neural network with three neurons in a single hidden layer, as shown in Hornik et al. ( Where: 𝜏 is the activation function, k is the number of hidden unities, vjl and wij represent weights, Ó¨i are polarization values (biases) and u is the data vector. The non-linear function f was estimated using the optimization method of Lavenberg-Marquardt which is a standard method to minimize the mean square error, due to its properties of convergence and robustness (Marquardt, The weight initialization was performed with the decline method of Nguyen and Widrow ( The neural network training and performance was done using the following objective function: Where: N is the number of data samples considered, ỳ represents the true output by the neural network and represents the estimated output by the neural network. Eighty percent of each dataset was randomly used to estimate the model and the remaining 20% was used to validate it. The training stopped when the compromise between the performance in minimization of the training set error and the quality of the obtained generalization of the validation set were satisfactory. In the test developed, it was verified that 600 seasons were sufficient for this application. Four predictive models were built for each gender and dependent variable (400 meters FC and 200 meters IM) including variables with significant correlations ( |
Regarding the analysis of internal validity of semi qualitative swimming technical evaluation, 75% of the ratio variables that were studied (96) presented correlation coefficients (inter and intra observer) of r = 1 (p = 0.000). In the other variables (32) high correlation coefficients were also found (r = 0. 884, p = 0.047). As for the ordinal variables, the Kappa Cohen Index values were always equal to 1, thus representing a perfect agreement between the absolute evaluations that were made. |
Bi- varied Correlations |
Neural network models |
Only the independent variables that were significantly associated with performance (400 meters FC and 200 meters IM) were included in this application. In |
Bi varied correlations |
Several authors (Lees, In male swimmers, height correlated positively with the performance in both events, which supports previous findings (Lees, In female swimmers, the performance in the 200 meter IM event correlated with chest depth, foot length and with height and confirms the results obtained previously by Kubiak-Janczaruk ( According to our results, strength did not seem to determine performance in age group swimmers, at least in the general parameters that were evaluated. Our results showed only a single significant association between strength measures and performance. This lack of significant associations is at odds with previous studies with swimmers (Smith et al., We have found some significant correlations with the 200 meters IM performance and flexibility measures in males, such as foot plantar flexion and trunk extension. Although the association values were weak, these results agree with the data presented in the literature. The study of Saavedra, The magnitude of the correlations between swimming velocity at LT and both performance variables corroborates the findings by others (Kubiak-Janczaruk, The maximum lactate accumulation may indicate anaerobic energy release and this variable is seldom associated with the performance in shorter swimming distances (Bonifazi et al., Concerning the hydrodynamic skill glide in males, we found a significant association with the 400 meters FC event, matching the results of Rama and Alves, In our sample, buoyancy did not correlate with the performance (in both genders), thus confirming the results of Rama and Alves, The associations between semi-qualitative technical parameters and performance in the present study are limited to few significant correlations observed in crawl stroke in females. These results converge with Saavedra, |
Neural network models |
The non-linear analysis resulting from the use of feed forward neural network allowed the development of four performance-prediction models. As we can observe in In recent years, concepts and tools from dynamical systems theory have been successfully applied to the study of movement systems, contradicting traditional views of variability as noise or error. In this perspective, it is apparent that variability in movement systems is omnipresent and unavoidable due to the distinct constraints that shape each individual's behaviour (Davids et al., This technique may also be extended to performance analysis in other sports. Indeed, Maier et al., |
The use of neural network technology in sports sciences allowed us to create high realistic models of swimming-performance prediction based on previous selected criterions that were related with the dependent variable (performance). The accuracy of the predictive models that were developed supports previous data from the literature. Therefore, it was considered that the neural network tool can be a good approach in the resolution of complex problems, such as performance modeling and the talent identification in a wide variety of sports and, specifically, in swimming. |
Modeling of the 400 meters FC performance |
The modeling of the 400 meters FC event in male swimmers involved the integration of height, span/height index, fat-free mass, fat mass, swim velocity at lactic threshold, glide and technical effectiveness in the arm exit phase in FC. In female swimmers, the modeling of the 400 meters FC event involved the integration of leg length, swim velocity at lactic threshold, technical effectiveness in FC (arms/global), technical effectiveness in arms down sweep phase and arm exit phase in FC. The estimated model in males predicted an average score of 675.2 ± 52.4 (4min 30.60sec ± 11.70sec), while the true average score was of 680 ± 54.0 (4min 29. 56sec ± 24.12sec). An average difference of 4.8 ± 26.8 points was verified, which represents an estimation error of prediction of approximately 0.6 ± 4.3%. In female swimmers the model predicted an average score of 649.0 ± 66.0 (5min 03.55sec ± 15.66sec), which confronts with a true average of 652.3 ± 72.8 (5min 02.95sec ± 35.37sec). An average difference of 3.3 ± 49.1 points was verified, which represents an estimation error of prediction of approximately 0.7 ± 7.8%. |
Modeling of the 200 meters IM performance |
The modeling of the 200 meters IM event for male swimmers involved the integration of height, span/height index, chest depth diameter, ankle flexion, trunk extension, swim velocity at lactic threshold, technical effectiveness in breaststroke (leg down sweep) and in FC (arm exit). In female swimmers, the modeling of this event involved the integration of height, leg length, foot length, depth chest diameter, hand press strength, swim velocity at lactic threshold, maximum lactate accumulation, technical effectiveness in backstroke (legs), FC (global), FC (arms global), FC (arm exit). The estimated model in male swimmers predicted an average score of 652.7 ± 72.7 (2min 25. 03sec ± 16.15sec), while the true average score was of 658.4 ± 59.9 (2min 24.45sec ± 12.21sec). An average difference of 5.7 ± 49.2 points was observed, which represents a mean variation between true and estimated performance of just 1.7 ± 13.3%. For female swimmers the result of the constituted model predicted an average score of 615.8 ± 76.4 (2min 45.75sec ± 20.56sec), which confronts with true average of 612.8 ± 74.9 (2min 46.09sec ± 19.92sec). The average value of the difference between true and estimated performance was of -3.0 ± 42.8 points, which represents an estimation error of prediction of approximately -0.2 ± 6.9%. |