Collective efficacy has been described as an emergent group attribute composed of individual perceptions (Feltz and Lirgg, 1998). It represents the group equivalent of self-efficacy and is defined as “a group’s shared belief in its conjoint capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to produce given levels of attainment ”(Bandura, 1997; p. 477). Consequently, it is an important component for team sports because it can influence a team’s collective effort, their persistence in tough situations or defeat, and is a characteristic often observed in successful teams (Bandura, 1997). Accordingly, sport psychology research has consistently demonstrated that collective efficacy has positive effects on sport performance (e.g., Feltz and Lirgg, 1998; Greenlees et al., 1999; Hodges and Carron, 1992; Watson et al., 2001). Despite this support, there has been a lack of research investigating the potential interventions that might increase collective efficacy and influence subsequent team performance. However, before developing specific interventions, research should first explore the correlates of collective efficacy and this forms part of the rationale for conducting this study. For individual athletes, applied sport psychologists often recommend mental imagery as a technique to improve individual performance. Indeed, Bandura suggests that imagery helps to increase self-efficacy and consequently performance. Given the close association between self-efficacy and collective efficacy, and because collective efficacy perceptions are also manifested at an individual level, it is therefore probable that imagery will also increase collective efficacy. In a review of over 200 scientific studies on imagery, the majority of investigations indicated that imagery improved sport performance (Martin et al., 1999). Since 1999, research has continued to support these findings and has highlighted that imagery can increase performance through a number of different mechanisms (e.g., Evans et al., 2004; Smith et al., 2001; Smith and Holmes, 2004). One of these mechanisms is via changes in self-efficacy and state sport confidence. Although similar, these two constructs differ slightly, such that self-efficacy beliefs relates to confidence for a specific situation or task, whereas state sport confidence reflects confidence levels at a specific moment in time. Bandura, 1997 suggests that two sources of self-efficacy, vicarious experience and enactive mastery experience, can be attained through the use of imagery or ‘cognitive rehearsal’. Accordingly, research has indicated that imagery use by athletes is predictive of their levels of self-efficacy (e.g. Beauchamp et al., 2002) and can be used as an intervention to increase both self-efficacy perceptions (Jones et al., 2002) and state sport confidence (Callow et al., 2001).In recent years, imagery use by athletes has been broadly categorized into five functions defined during the development of the Sport Imagery Questionnaire (SIQ; Hall et al., 1998). These five functions were separated into cognitive and motivational categories (see Paivio, 1985). Specifically, cognitive imagery functions include: Cognitive Specific (CS), which involves imagery that focuses on improving a specific motor skill; and Cognitive General (CG), which entails imaging strategies/plays that might be used in specific competitions. The motivational imagery functions include: Motivational Specific (MS), which is used to image successfully achieving personal goals; Motivational General-Mastery (MG-M), which requires the individual to image being mentally tough and confident in all circumstances; and Motivational General-Arousal (MG-A), representing imagery that involves feelings of relaxation, stress, arousal, and anxiety associated with sport. Recently, Short et al. (2002) discussed the important conceptual distinction between imagery type/content and function. Specifically, they suggested that the items in the SIQ represented different types or content of imagery and that athletes could use these for a variety of different functions. To use imagery successfully, therefore, researchers recommend the type of imagery used should match the intended outcome. This suggests that to increase athlete’s feelings of efficacy, an intervention which focuses on MG-M imagery content would be most appropriate (cf. Martin et al., 1999). Studies exploring the link between imagery functions and sport confidence (e.g. Abma et al., 2002; Callow and Hardy, 2001), and imagery function and self-efficacy (Beauchamp et al., 2002; Mills et al., 2001), have indicated that athletes high in these constructs use specific types of imagery. For example, Callow and Hardy, 2001 found that CG and MG-M imagery were related to state confidence in lower skilled county netballers, whereas MS imagery was related to state confidence in higher skilled county netball players. The authors suggested that the low-skilled sample used MG-M type imagery as a source of performance accomplishment information to enhance efficacy expectations, while the high-skilled sample used MS type imagery to image specific images associated with goal achievement. Similarly, Mills et al., 2001 observed that athletes high in self-efficacy in competition situations used more motivational types of imagery than athletes who had low self-efficacy. Research evidence has indicated that perceptions of self-efficacy are important determinants of collective efficacy (Magyar et al., 2004; Riggs and Knight, 1994; Watson et al., 2001). For example, Magyar et al., 2004 discovered that self-efficacy perceptions significantly predicted individual perceptions of collective efficacy in rowers. Furthermore, Bandura (1982, p.143) suggests that “collective efficacy is rooted in self-efficacy”. Therefore, if collective efficacy is in part determined by self-efficacy, both should logically share the same antecedents (Bandura, 1997). In particular, vicarious experience and mastery expectations provided through imagery may not only increase self-efficacy, but also as a consequence increase individual perceptions of collective efficacy. In short, simply imaging individual components of performance may increase individual perceptions of collective efficacy. In addition to the indirect influence through self-efficacy, imagery may also directly influence perceptions of collective efficacy. Indeed, Callow, 1999 has suggested that CG type imagery may influence a team’s collective efficacy as it allows an individual to rehearse game elements such as team moves or plays. Similarly, as MG-M type imagery provides both enactive mastery and vicarious experiences (Bandura, 1997), this also would be likely to increase collective efficacy. To date, only Munroe-Chandler and Hall, 2004 have tested the effects of an imagery intervention on collective efficacy. Specifically, the authors utilized a multiple baseline across groups design with a sample of female soccer players and found MG-M imagery increased collective efficacy in two of the three experimental groups. Although these initial findings provide preliminary support for the imagery use and collective efficacy relationship, Munroe-Chandler and Hall’s research was limited to a young (10-12 years old), non elite sample. Given the existing findings regarding imagery use and self-efficacy (e.g. Abma et al., 2002) it is likely therefore that perceptions of collective efficacy and imagery type may differ as a function of skill level. Furthermore, because collective efficacy was examined at the group level, little is known about the relationship between imagery use and individual perceptions of collective efficacy. As imagery is largely an intervention used to manipulate individual cognitions, primary effects of the intervention occur at the individual level. Therefore, understanding which imagery functions are used by athletes with high collective efficacy beliefs, from different competitive levels, will help the development of suitable imagery interventions. To develop a more accurate understanding of the relationship between collective efficacy and imagery types, the selection of appropriate measurement criteria is essential. In particular, recent research has heavily emphasized the use of a multilevel approach to examine group constructs such as collective efficacy (e.g. Watson et al., 2001). Multilevel approaches examine each individual’s perception of their team’s collective efficacy and also the aggregated perceptions of the group as a whole. To match the definition of collective efficacy as a “shared belief”, perceptual consensus should exist at a group level regarding the collective efficacy of that team (Feltz and Lirgg, 1998). While a multi-level analysis has a number of advantages over single level analysis for examining group construct (cf. Moritz and Watson, 1998). Carron et al., 1998 suggest that the appropriate level of analysis depends upon the research question being answered. Gully et al. (2002) also suggest that the level of theory being considered should dictate the measurement and analysis. Indeed, recent research on collective efficacy (Heuze et al., 2006) and cohesion (Hardy et al., 2003) has followed this philosophy. In our study, as imagery is an individual cognitive process, we therefore chose to examine its relationship with individual perceptions of collective efficacy, rather than those aggregated at a group level. A further issue concerning the level of measurement of collective efficacy relates to the operationalisation of collective efficacy measures (c.f. Bandura, 1997). Currently, four possible operational definitions of collective efficacy have been suggested. The first method aggregates the self efficacy scores for each individual in the team/group. However, while collective efficacy may be an extension of self-efficacy, the two are not the same (Bandura, 1982; p143). The second method uses a group response to a single question to attain a consensus of collective efficacy beliefs. Although this method directly relates to collective efficacy perceptions, Bandura (1997, p.479) suggests that individual responses would be effected by social persuasion and conformity. Therefore, results might be biased towards the perceptions and opinions of stronger characters within the group. The third methods aggregates team/group members own perception of what they believe their team’s collective efficacy is. For example, “I believe my team is confident”. In contrast, the final method aggregates each individual’s perceptions of the teams’ perceptions of collective efficacy; for example “my team believes we are confident”. Previous research indicates that both the third and fourth operational definitions are equally suited to the measurement of collective efficacy (Short et al., 2002). Consequently, these operations were used in the current study. In summary, the current literature suggests that certain imagery functions predict self-efficacy and that imagery interventions can be used to increase self-efficacy and self confidence. Furthermore, it has also been demonstrated that self-efficacy strongly predicts and moderates individual perceptions of collective efficacy. Given these relationships, it is therefore likely that certain individual imagery functions will also predict collective efficacy through their influence on self-efficacy perceptions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate which individual imagery functions predicted high individual perceptions of collective efficacy in team sport athletes. As previous studies have indicated that MG-M type imagery is significantly associated with self-efficacy scores (e.g. Beauchamp et al., 2002) and CG imagery is suggested to allow rehearsal of team plays (Callow, 1999), it was proposed that a similar relationship would exist with collective efficacy. Specifically, it was hypothesized that MG-M and CG imagery would account for the most variance in collective efficacy scores. Based upon the evidence that suggests those athletes competing at a higher level consider imagery more relevant to performance than those competing at a recreational standard (e.g. Cumming and Hall, 2002), it was also predicted that both MG-M and CG imagery would explain more variance in collective efficacy at a high competitive standard (elite) compared to that of a lower competitive standard (non elite). |