This one season prospective cohort study showed an overall basketball injury incidence of 9.8/1,000 hours. A review of the literature on sports epidemiology reveals inconsistencies in data collection methods between different studies and few prospective epidemiological studies in basketball have been performed so far (Gomez et al., 1996; McKay et al., 2001b; Meeuwisse et al., 2003; Messina et al., 1999) but none of these within European countries. Also, there is significant variability in the definitions used (Messina et al., 1999). Because of the strict definitions applied here, we found a higher injury rate than Yde and Nielsen, 1990 at club level; however, McKay et al., 2001b showed a higher injury incidence of 24.7/1,000 hours at national/elite level compared to our results. Incidence observed in our study was also considerably higher compared to other prospective investigations (Meeuwisse et al. 2003, Messina et al., 1999). The injury incidence found at the professional level in our study, is more than twice as high as the injury incidence found by Deitch et al., 2006, Huguet and Begué, 1998 and Starkey, 2000, but is more or less in line with the results of Henry et al., 1982, although our outcome is slightly higher. Not all participating players were injured, but as seen in our study (67.7%), 44.7% (Meeuwisse et al., 2003) to 69% (Henry et al., 1982) of all players are affected by injuries. The lower the level of play, the higher the risk of sustaining injuries, as is shown by the relative risks. This difference can be caused by many things, such as e.g. skill level and age, to name a few. The true reason for this difference however, cannot be deduced from this study. With an incidence of 1.5/1,000 hours in the present study, ankle sprains, along with overuse knee injuries, were by far the most common type of injuries. The high prevalence of ankle injuries is supported by findings from previous epidemiological studies, which have also shown that these injuries are common (Colliander et al., 1986; Deitch et al., 2006; Gomez et al., 1996; Henry et al., 1982; Hickey et al., 1997; Huguet and Begué, 1998) and that sprains of the lateral ligaments make up the majority of these injuries (Apple et al., 1982; Deitch et al., 2006; Henry et al., 1982; Hickey et al., 1997). Knee injuries have also been recognized as being common in basketball (Colliander et al., 1986; Deitch et al., 2006; Henry et al., 1982; Hickey et al., 1997; Huguet and Begué, 1998) and patellar tendonitis or Jumper’s knee has long been known to be particularly prevalent in high level basketball players (Henry et al., 1982; Hickey et al., 1997; Lian et al., 2005; Starkey, 2000; Zelisko et al., 1982). In our study, the injury incidence for ankle sprains was similar compared to overuse knee injuries. This is why further analysis in this paper has focused on the general and sports specific circumstances involved in these two kinds of injuries. In our study we were not able to compare the risk for new or recurrent ankle sprains, since we had no information on previous ankle sprains of the uninjured sample. The injury rate of re- (47.1%) and new injuries (52.9%) was comparable. McKay et al., 2001a found that a history of ankle injuries was the best predictor for the occurrence of ankle injuries. Meeuwisse et al. (2003), however, could not confirm a significant difference between the risk for re- or new injury. Significantly more ankle sprains were sustained during games. Meeuwisse et al. (2003) also found games to be more dangerous for the occurrence of ankle sprains, but only for ankle sprains resulting in 7 or more session losses. Ferretti et al., 1992 suggested that the increased frequency of injuries in games is caused by of the high-intensity level of competition and because of the maximum effort that is expended during games. The athlete is at maximum risk, which might make athletes more vulnerable to injury. Our results showed that ankle sprains were particularly seen in offense, but no significant difference could be found between the different playing positions. The study by Meeuwisse et al. (2003) revealed lowest risk for forwards and highest for center players, but could not prove a statistically significant difference. Landing on an opponent’s foot in this study has been identified as the first major inciting event causing ankle sprains, which is mainly the result of jumping tasks. In second place, ankle sprains were brought on by sudden changes of direction. An earlier study performed by McKay et al., 2001a, also showed that the two main risk factors for ankle sprains in basketball are landing or jumping on someone else’s foot or making a sharp cutting manoeuvre. Not only in ankle sprains, but also in all other acute injuries, contact mechanisms were reported significantly more as a cause of injury, and contact with an opponent was seen significantly more than non contact mechanisms. Also Meeuwisse et al. (2003) registered more injuries resulting from contact than from non contact, and Zelisko et al., 1982 found a high prevalence of injuries caused by contact with another player. Our study shows a high incidence of AKP, and Jumper’s knee was the most common diagnosis. The main reported causes for AKP were high training loads or monotony of exercise. Anderson et al., 2003 demonstrated the existence of a temporal relationship between training load and injury, which suggested a causative link. An increase in injuries occurred during times of increased training loads. Center players seem to have a significantly higher prevalence of AKP than forward players. This was the first prospective cohort study on the epidemiology of basketball injuries performed in a European country. As in all epidemiological studies, there were pitfalls we tried to avoid. We had to rely on the motivation and honesty of the players and TDs for filling out every injury sustained and answering the injury definitions. It appears that our injury incidences were quite high compared to those found in the existing literature; this, we think, sheds a positive light on our research. The high injury rate found is also a result of the injury definitions used in this study. The importance of carefully defining injury, meticulously collecting data, characterizing exposure and calculating risks and rates has previously been well described (Gomez et al., 1996). Since we consider injury definitions as the gateway for injury reporting, injury definitions used here were very strict and included minor, moderate as well as serious injuries. This could also explain the high injury incidence found in the present study. The investigated sample can be considered rather small. In research however, one has to decide which methodological issues will be applied, and whether they appropriately answer the questions and purposes put forward at the beginning of the study. The small sample size allows for a close follow-up, resulting in a zero drop-out rate and an injury reporting which covers minor and severe injuries as well as acute and overuse injuries. Although a longer data collection time span would have provided more injury data, the period of investigation as determined at the start of the study was set up to ensure close follow-up of this kind of population. Exposure measurement for each individual should be taken into account in the future to calculate the differences between the playing positions using RR instead of OR. Also the reporting of previous ankle sprains is a valuable tool which should be considered in the future. |