Results indicated that modern golf shoe outer sole design features did not significantly influence ground reaction force measures on natural grass turf. The main determinant of force measures was the type of club used. The force-time profiles generated and recorded in the vertical, mediolateral and anterior-posterior planes show some general similarities in terms of shape and weight transfer to those presented from artificial surface studies by Williams and Cavanagh, 1983; Barrentine et al., 1994; Koenig et al., 1994; and Williams and Sih, 1998. All the latter identified the greater Fz max at the front foot compared to the back foot in accord with the findings of this research. In this natural grass turf study the Fz max force at the back and front foot with the driver was significantly less than with the irons. A natural grass turf based study from this laboratory of a more experienced group of 16 golfers (handicaps less than 14) reported Fz max forces at the front foot and back foot respectively of 1.2 BW and 0.77 BW for the 3 iron and for the driver 0.79 BW and 0.49 BW when a different type of alternative spike design golf shoe with less movement specific outer sole mouldings, was worn. The iron data for Fz max and force generation (Fz, Fy, Fx) reported in this research agrees closely with the example given by Koenig et al., 1994. However, Barrentine et al., 1994 reported data showing higher rear foot Fz max around 0.80 BW and front foot Fz max around 1.1 BW for both 5 iron and driver, though in support of the findings of this research further consideration identified that Barrentine et al. ‘s example driver trace had a much lower back foot Fz max of 0.5 BW and force generation in general agreement with this research. From detailed consideration of the literature it is evident that the generally reported greater back and front foot forces when using the driver are anecdotal (Dillman and Lange 1994; Hume 2005). Koenig et al. (1994) mentioned that greater forces were generated in the downswing with the driver though no data was provided and there was a similar unsupported statement by Williams and Cavangh (1983). In Barrentine et al., 1994 the difference between the mean Fz max values of the driver and 5 iron was only 8 N at the back foot and 13 N at the front foot. It is possible that authors in earlier studies on artificial surfaces did not report data for the driver as they had reservations about the integrity of the shoe sole interface. Only Barrentine et al., 1994 reported that subjects considered the interface typical and these subjects wore Goodyear welted golf shoes which would not have penetrated the Astroturf surface. Thus it appears that in this research, when the penetration of the outer sole contact surface area protrusions and spike penetration was possible, new data relevant to driver usage and force generation has been gained. The lower vertical forces identified with the driver when compared to the 3 and 7 irons across all handicap groups are considered to be a result of the differing swing planes of the clubs (Coleman, 2007) resulting in a more vertical swing plane for the irons, which was subsequently reflected in the vertical force values. From this research the maintenance of a stable stance seems a key factor whilst swinging the longer length driver, with its resultant inherent ability to create more angular force at the club head to produce a greater ball impact speed. The longer length of the driver results in the adoption of a more upright stance and the need for the golfer to retain stance during the backswing, downswing and follow-through when high centrifugal forces are created. Lindsey et al. (2002) described the existence of a more upright posture with less saggital plane trunk flexion when a driver was in use compared to when a shorter 7 iron was used and positioned closer to the body. With the driver in this research there was less force generation in the anterior-posterior plane which again indicates the importance of stance to maintain the circling driver club head in position. During the driver’s downswing force transfer from the back to the front foot occurs, but as less back foot force is generated in the back swing there is less to transfer to the front foot in the downswing prior to impact. This research investigation has therefore shown that when using irons there is greater force generation in the backswing to the back foot, and then that this allows greater force transfer to the front foot during the downswing to ball impact. In contrast when using the driver the maintenance of stance, with penetration of the natural turf with the golf shoe outer sole mouldings and spikes, is of prime importance to resist the centrifugal forces generated by the swinging club and maintain club head position. The coefficient of friction measured for all shoes at the sole to turf interface during golf swings with all clubs was 0.62 approximately, and such values do not present a real danger of slip. These data suggest that the golfer may be able to perceive and moderate movement at the feet on natural turf to reduce the risk of slip or golf swing performance impairment. It should be noted, however, that all shots were performed on level ground, and thus do not take into account the undulating nature of a golf course, with the possible increase in slip potential this brings. Further research should consider rotational forces which occur at the shoe to natural turf interface in view of the particularly high centrifugal forces generated with the driver and the observed greater mediolateral force generation at the front foot. |