Baum A. (2006) Eating disorders in the male athlete.. Sports Medicine 36, 1-6. |
Beals K.A. (2004) . Disordered eating among athletes. Human Kinetics. |
Berry T.R., Howe B.L. (2000) Risk factors for disordered eating in female university athletes.. Journal of Sport Behaviour 23, 207-219. |
Brownell K.D., Rodin J., Wilmore J., Brownell K., Rodin J., Wimore J. (1992) Eating, body weight and performance in athletes: disorders of modern society. Eating, body weight, and performance in athletes: an introduction. PA/ LEA and Febiger. Philadelphia. |
Cobb K.L., Bachrach L.K., Greendale G., Marcus R., Neer R.M., Nieves J., Sowers M.F., Brown B.W., Gopalakrishnan G., Luetters C., Tanner H.K., Ward B., Kelsey J. (2003) Disordered eating, menstrual irregularity, and bone mineral density in female runners.. Medicine Science Sports Exercise 35, 711-719. |
Dale K.S., Landers D.M. (1999) Weight control in wrestling: eating disorders or disordered eating?. Medicine Sciences Sport Exercise 31, 1382-1389. |
Davis C. (1997) Normal and neurotic perfectionism in eating disorders: an interactive model.. International Journal of Eating Disorders 22, 421-426. |
DiNicola V.F., Roberts N., Oke L. (1989) Eating and mood disorders in young children.. Psychiatric Clinics of North America 112, 873-893. |
Fairburn C.G., Cooper Z., Shafran R. (2003) Cognitive behaviour therapy for eating disorders: A “transdiagnostic” theory and treatment.. Behavior Research Therapy 41, 509-528. |
Ferrand C., Brunet E. (2004) Perfectionism and risk for disordered eating among young french male cyclists of high performance.. Perceptuor Motor Skills 99, 958-967. |
Fogelholm M., Hiilloskorpi H. (1999) Weight and diet concerns in finish female and male athletes.. Medicine Sciences Sports Exercise 31, 229-235. |
Garner D.M., Garfinkel P.E. (1979) The eating attitudes test: an index of the symptoms of anorexia nervosa.. Psychological Medicine 9, 273-279. |
Garner D.M., Olmsted M.P., Polivy J. (1983) Development and validation of a multidimensional eating disorder inventory for anorexia nervosa and bulimia. International Journal Eating Disorders 2, 25-34. |
Gila A., Castro J., Cesena J., Toro J. (2005) Anorexia nervosa in male adolescents: body image, eating attitudes and psychological traits.. Journal of Adolescent Health 36, 221-226. |
Gingas J., Fitzpatrick J., Mc Cargar L. (2004) Body image of chronic dieters: lowered appearance evaluation and body satisfaction.. Journal American Dieting Association 104, 1589-1592. |
Griffiths R.A., Mallia-Blanco R., Boesenberg E., Ellis C., Fischer K., Taylor M., Wyndham J. (2000) Restraining eating and sociocultural attitudes to appearance and general dissatisfaction.. European Eating Disorders Review 8, 394-402. |
Grubb H. J., Sellers M.I., Waligroski K. (1993) Factors related to depression and eating disorders: Self-esteem, body image, and attractiveness. Psychological Reports 72, 1003-1010. |
Haase A.M., Prapavessis H.R.G., Owens R.G. (2001) Pefectionnism, social physique anxiety and disordered eating: a comparison of male and female elite athletes.. Psychology Sport Exercise 33, 209-222. |
Hall C., Lane A.M. (2001) Effects of rapid weight loss on mood and performance among amateur boxers.. British Journal of Sports Medicine 35, 390-395. |
Herpertz-Dahlmann B. M., Wewetzer C., Remschmidt H. (1995) The predictive value of depression in anorexia nervosa: Results of a seven-year follow-up study.. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 991, 114-119. |
Hewitt P.L., Flett G.L., Turnbull-Donovan W., Mikail S.F. (1991) The multidimensional perfectionism scale: reliability, validity and psychometric properties in psychiatric samples.. Psychological Assessment 3, 464-468. |
Hewitt P.L., Flett G.L., Ediger E. (1995) Perfectionism traits and perfectionistic self-presentation in eating disorder attitudes, characteristics, and symptoms.. International Journal Eating Disorders 118, 317-326. |
Hopkinson R.A., Lock J. (2004) Athletics, perfectionism, and disordered eating.. Eating Weight Disorders 9, 99-106. |
Johnson C., Crosby R., Engel S., Mitchell J., Powers P.S., Wittrock D., Wonderlich S. (2004) Gender, ethnicity, self-esteem and disordered eating among college athletes.. Eating Behaviors 5, 147-156. |
Keel, P.K., Mitchell, J.E., Davis T.L., Crow S.J. (2001) Relationship between depression and body dissatisfaction in women diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. International Journal Eating Disorders 330, 48-56. |
Koivula N., Hassmen P., Fallby J. (2002) Self-esteem and perfectionism in elite athletes: effects on competitive anxiety and self-confidence.. Personality and Individual Differences 32, 865-875. |
Kurtzman F.D., Yager J., Landsverk E., Wiesmeier E., Bodurka D.C. (1989) Eating disorders among selected female student populations.. Journal American Dieting Association 89, 45-53. |
Labrecque J.R., Stephenson I., Boivin L., Marchand L. (1998) Validation transculturelle canadienne-française du multidimensional perfectionism scale. Revue Française Clinique Comportement Cognition 3, 1-14. |
Lane A.M. (2003) Relationships between attitudes toward eating disorders and mood among student athletes. Journal Science Medicine in Sport 6, 144-154. |
Lane H.J., Lane A.M., Matheson H. (2004) Validity of the eating attitude test among exercisers.. Journal Sports Science and Medicine 3, 244-253. |
Leichner P., Steiger H., Puentes-Neuman G., Perreault M., Gottheil N. (1994) Validation d’une échelle d’attitudes alimentaires auprès d’une population québécoise francophone. Revue Canadienne Psychologie 39, 49-54. |
McCoy J. (1996) A study on women cyclists among best for women.. Auburn University News 5, 1-8. |
Mazzeo S.E. (1999) Modification of an existing measure of body image preoccupation and its relationship to disordered eating in female college students.. Journal of Counseling Psychology 46, 42-50. |
McNair D., Lorr M., Droppleman LF. (1971) Profile of Mood States Manual. Educational and Industrial Testing Service. |
Mendelson B.K., Mendelson M.J., White D.R. (2001) Body-Esteem Scale for Adolescents and Adults.. Journal Personality Assessment 76, 90-106. |
Mendelson B.K., McLaren L., Gauvin L., Steiger H. (2002) The relationship of self esteem and body esteem in women with and without eating disorders.. International Journal Eating Disorders 331, 318-323. |
Nevill A.M., Lane A.M. (2007) Why self-report ‘Likert’ scale data should not be log-transformed. Journal of Sports Sciences , -. |
Parker W.D., Adkins K.H. (1995) A psychometric examination of the multidimensional perfectionism scale. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessmen 17, 323-334. |
Paxton S.J. (1996) Prevention implications of peer influences on body image dissatisfaction and disturbed eating in adolescent girls.. Eating Disorders 4, 334-347. |
Ruggiero G., Levi M., Ciuna A., Sassaroli S. (2003) Stress situation reveals an association between perfectionism and drive for thinness. International Journal Eating Disorders 34, 220-226. |
Sassaroli S., Ruggiero G. (2005) The role of stress in the association between self-esteem, perfectionism, and worry, and eating disorders.. International Journal Eating Disorders 37, 135-141. |
Shafran R., Cooper Z., Fairburn C.G. (2002) Clinical perfectionism: a cognitive behavioural analysis. Behaviour Research and Therapy 40, 168-171. |
Sheffield J.K., Tse K.H., Sofronoff K. (2005) A comparison of body-image dissatisfaction and eating disturbance among Australian and Hong Kong Women.. European Eating Disorders Revue 13, 112-124. |
Skemp-Arlt K.M. (2006) Body image dissatisfaction and eating disturbances among children and adolescents: Prevalence, risk factors, and prevention strategies.. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance 77, 45-51. |
Slade P.D. (1982) Towards a functional analysis of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.. British Journal Clinical Psychology 21, 771-775. |
Smolak L., Murnen S.K., Ruble A.E (2000) Female athletes and eating problems: a meta-analysis. International Journal Eating Disorders 27, 371-380. |
Sundgot-Borgen J. (1993) Prevalence of eating disorders in elite female athletes. International Journal Sport Nutrition 3, 29-40. |
Sundgot-Borgen J. (1996) Eating disorders, energy intake, training volume, and menstrual function in high-level modern rhythmic gymnasts.. International Journal Sport Nutrition 6, 100-109. |
Sundgot-Borgen J., Torstveit M.K. (2004) Prevalence of eating disorders in elite athletes is higher than in the general population.. Clinical Journal Sport Medicine 14, 25-32. |
Terry P.C., Lane A.M., Warren L. (1996) Eating attitudes, body shape perceptions, and mood among elite rowers: effects of age, gender and weight category. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2, 67-77. |
Terry P.C., Lane A.M., Warren L. (1999) Eating attitudes, body shape perceptions and mood of elite rowers.. Journal Sciences Medicine in Sport 2, 67-77. |
Thiel A., Gottfried H., Hesse F.W. (1993) Subclinical eating disorders in male athletes: a study of the low weight category in rowers and wrestlers. Acta Psychiatr Scandinavia 88, 259-265. |
Vandereycken W. (1987) Are anorexia nervosa and bulimia variants of affective disorders?. Acta Psychiatrica Belgica 87, 267-280. |
Vohs K.D., Voelz Z.R., Pettit J.W., Bardone A.M., Katz J., Abram-son L.Y., Heatherton T.F., Joiner T.E. (2001) Perfectionism, body dissatisfaction, and self-esteem: An interactive model of bulimic symptom development.. Journal of personality and social psychology. 220, 476-496. |
Yates A., Edman J.D., Crago M., Crowell D. (2003) Eating disorder symptoms in runners, cyclists and paddlers.. Addictive Behaviors 28, 1473-1480. |
American Psychiatric Association (APA) (1994) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. Washington, DC. American Psychiatric Association. |
Andersen R.E., Bartlette S.J., Morgan G.D., Brownell K.D. (1995) Weight loss, psychological and nutritional patterns in competitive male body builders.. International Journal Eating Disorders 118, 49-57. |
Augestad L., Flanders W. (2002) Eating disorder behaviour in physically active Nor wegian women.. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 12, 248-255. |
Bastiani A.M., Rap R., Welztin T., Kaye W. (1995) Perfectionism in anorexia nervosa.. International Journal of Eating Disorders 17, 147-152. |
Baum A. (2006) Eating disorders in the male athlete.. Sports Medicine 36, 1-6. |
Beals K.A. (2004) . Disordered eating among athletes. Human Kinetics. |
Berry T.R., Howe B.L. (2000) Risk factors for disordered eating in female university athletes.. Journal of Sport Behaviour 23, 207-219. |
Brownell K.D., Rodin J., Wilmore J., Brownell K., Rodin J., Wimore J. (1992) Eating, body weight and performance in athletes: disorders of modern society. Eating, body weight, and performance in athletes: an introduction. PA/ LEA and Febiger. Philadelphia. |
Cobb K.L., Bachrach L.K., Greendale G., Marcus R., Neer R.M., Nieves J., Sowers M.F., Brown B.W., Gopalakrishnan G., Luetters C., Tanner H.K., Ward B., Kelsey J. (2003) Disordered eating, menstrual irregularity, and bone mineral density in female runners.. Medicine Science Sports Exercise 35, 711-719. |
Dale K.S., Landers D.M. (1999) Weight control in wrestling: eating disorders or disordered eating?. Medicine Sciences Sport Exercise 31, 1382-1389. |
Davis C. (1997) Normal and neurotic perfectionism in eating disorders: an interactive model.. International Journal of Eating Disorders 22, 421-426. |
DiNicola V.F., Roberts N., Oke L. (1989) Eating and mood disorders in young children.. Psychiatric Clinics of North America 112, 873-893. |
Fairburn C.G., Cooper Z., Shafran R. (2003) Cognitive behaviour therapy for eating disorders: A “transdiagnostic” theory and treatment.. Behavior Research Therapy 41, 509-528. |
Ferrand C., Brunet E. (2004) Perfectionism and risk for disordered eating among young french male cyclists of high performance.. Perceptuor Motor Skills 99, 958-967. |
Fogelholm M., Hiilloskorpi H. (1999) Weight and diet concerns in finish female and male athletes.. Medicine Sciences Sports Exercise 31, 229-235. |
Garner D.M., Garfinkel P.E. (1979) The eating attitudes test: an index of the symptoms of anorexia nervosa.. Psychological Medicine 9, 273-279. |
Garner D.M., Olmsted M.P., Polivy J. (1983) Development and validation of a multidimensional eating disorder inventory for anorexia nervosa and bulimia. International Journal Eating Disorders 2, 25-34. |
Gila A., Castro J., Cesena J., Toro J. (2005) Anorexia nervosa in male adolescents: body image, eating attitudes and psychological traits.. Journal of Adolescent Health 36, 221-226. |
Gingas J., Fitzpatrick J., Mc Cargar L. (2004) Body image of chronic dieters: lowered appearance evaluation and body satisfaction.. Journal American Dieting Association 104, 1589-1592. |
Griffiths R.A., Mallia-Blanco R., Boesenberg E., Ellis C., Fischer K., Taylor M., Wyndham J. (2000) Restraining eating and sociocultural attitudes to appearance and general dissatisfaction.. European Eating Disorders Review 8, 394-402. |
Grubb H. J., Sellers M.I., Waligroski K. (1993) Factors related to depression and eating disorders: Self-esteem, body image, and attractiveness. Psychological Reports 72, 1003-1010. |
Haase A.M., Prapavessis H.R.G., Owens R.G. (2001) Pefectionnism, social physique anxiety and disordered eating: a comparison of male and female elite athletes.. Psychology Sport Exercise 33, 209-222. |
Hall C., Lane A.M. (2001) Effects of rapid weight loss on mood and performance among amateur boxers.. British Journal of Sports Medicine 35, 390-395. |
Herpertz-Dahlmann B. M., Wewetzer C., Remschmidt H. (1995) The predictive value of depression in anorexia nervosa: Results of a seven-year follow-up study.. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 991, 114-119. |
Hewitt P.L., Flett G.L., Turnbull-Donovan W., Mikail S.F. (1991) The multidimensional perfectionism scale: reliability, validity and psychometric properties in psychiatric samples.. Psychological Assessment 3, 464-468. |
Hewitt P.L., Flett G.L., Ediger E. (1995) Perfectionism traits and perfectionistic self-presentation in eating disorder attitudes, characteristics, and symptoms.. International Journal Eating Disorders 118, 317-326. |
Hopkinson R.A., Lock J. (2004) Athletics, perfectionism, and disordered eating.. Eating Weight Disorders 9, 99-106. |
Johnson C., Crosby R., Engel S., Mitchell J., Powers P.S., Wittrock D., Wonderlich S. (2004) Gender, ethnicity, self-esteem and disordered eating among college athletes.. Eating Behaviors 5, 147-156. |
Keel, P.K., Mitchell, J.E., Davis T.L., Crow S.J. (2001) Relationship between depression and body dissatisfaction in women diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. International Journal Eating Disorders 330, 48-56. |
Koivula N., Hassmen P., Fallby J. (2002) Self-esteem and perfectionism in elite athletes: effects on competitive anxiety and self-confidence.. Personality and Individual Differences 32, 865-875. |
Kurtzman F.D., Yager J., Landsverk E., Wiesmeier E., Bodurka D.C. (1989) Eating disorders among selected female student populations.. Journal American Dieting Association 89, 45-53. |
Labrecque J.R., Stephenson I., Boivin L., Marchand L. (1998) Validation transculturelle canadienne-française du multidimensional perfectionism scale. Revue Française Clinique Comportement Cognition 3, 1-14. |
Lane A.M. (2003) Relationships between attitudes toward eating disorders and mood among student athletes. Journal Science Medicine in Sport 6, 144-154. |
Lane H.J., Lane A.M., Matheson H. (2004) Validity of the eating attitude test among exercisers.. Journal Sports Science and Medicine 3, 244-253. |
Leichner P., Steiger H., Puentes-Neuman G., Perreault M., Gottheil N. (1994) Validation d’une échelle d’attitudes alimentaires auprès d’une population québécoise francophone. Revue Canadienne Psychologie 39, 49-54. |
McCoy J. (1996) A study on women cyclists among best for women.. Auburn University News 5, 1-8. |
Mazzeo S.E. (1999) Modification of an existing measure of body image preoccupation and its relationship to disordered eating in female college students.. Journal of Counseling Psychology 46, 42-50. |
McNair D., Lorr M., Droppleman LF. (1971) Profile of Mood States Manual. Educational and Industrial Testing Service. |
Mendelson B.K., Mendelson M.J., White D.R. (2001) Body-Esteem Scale for Adolescents and Adults.. Journal Personality Assessment 76, 90-106. |
Mendelson B.K., McLaren L., Gauvin L., Steiger H. (2002) The relationship of self esteem and body esteem in women with and without eating disorders.. International Journal Eating Disorders 331, 318-323. |
Nevill A.M., Lane A.M. (2007) Why self-report ‘Likert’ scale data should not be log-transformed. Journal of Sports Sciences , -. |
Parker W.D., Adkins K.H. (1995) A psychometric examination of the multidimensional perfectionism scale. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessmen 17, 323-334. |
Paxton S.J. (1996) Prevention implications of peer influences on body image dissatisfaction and disturbed eating in adolescent girls.. Eating Disorders 4, 334-347. |
Ruggiero G., Levi M., Ciuna A., Sassaroli S. (2003) Stress situation reveals an association between perfectionism and drive for thinness. International Journal Eating Disorders 34, 220-226. |
Sassaroli S., Ruggiero G. (2005) The role of stress in the association between self-esteem, perfectionism, and worry, and eating disorders.. International Journal Eating Disorders 37, 135-141. |
Shafran R., Cooper Z., Fairburn C.G. (2002) Clinical perfectionism: a cognitive behavioural analysis. Behaviour Research and Therapy 40, 168-171. |
Sheffield J.K., Tse K.H., Sofronoff K. (2005) A comparison of body-image dissatisfaction and eating disturbance among Australian and Hong Kong Women.. European Eating Disorders Revue 13, 112-124. |
Skemp-Arlt K.M. (2006) Body image dissatisfaction and eating disturbances among children and adolescents: Prevalence, risk factors, and prevention strategies.. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance 77, 45-51. |
Slade P.D. (1982) Towards a functional analysis of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.. British Journal Clinical Psychology 21, 771-775. |
Smolak L., Murnen S.K., Ruble A.E (2000) Female athletes and eating problems: a meta-analysis. International Journal Eating Disorders 27, 371-380. |
Sundgot-Borgen J. (1993) Prevalence of eating disorders in elite female athletes. International Journal Sport Nutrition 3, 29-40. |
Sundgot-Borgen J. (1996) Eating disorders, energy intake, training volume, and menstrual function in high-level modern rhythmic gymnasts.. International Journal Sport Nutrition 6, 100-109. |
Sundgot-Borgen J., Torstveit M.K. (2004) Prevalence of eating disorders in elite athletes is higher than in the general population.. Clinical Journal Sport Medicine 14, 25-32. |
Terry P.C., Lane A.M., Warren L. (1996) Eating attitudes, body shape perceptions, and mood among elite rowers: effects of age, gender and weight category. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2, 67-77. |
Terry P.C., Lane A.M., Warren L. (1999) Eating attitudes, body shape perceptions and mood of elite rowers.. Journal Sciences Medicine in Sport 2, 67-77. |
Thiel A., Gottfried H., Hesse F.W. (1993) Subclinical eating disorders in male athletes: a study of the low weight category in rowers and wrestlers. Acta Psychiatr Scandinavia 88, 259-265. |
Vandereycken W. (1987) Are anorexia nervosa and bulimia variants of affective disorders?. Acta Psychiatrica Belgica 87, 267-280. |
Vohs K.D., Voelz Z.R., Pettit J.W., Bardone A.M., Katz J., Abram-son L.Y., Heatherton T.F., Joiner T.E. (2001) Perfectionism, body dissatisfaction, and self-esteem: An interactive model of bulimic symptom development.. Journal of personality and social psychology. 220, 476-496. |
Yates A., Edman J.D., Crago M., Crowell D. (2003) Eating disorder symptoms in runners, cyclists and paddlers.. Addictive Behaviors 28, 1473-1480. |