The degree of coordination observed during rowing exercise may be judged low. However, this value is completely dependent on the method of determination used. Different methods are proposed in the analysis of coordination between respiratory and locomotor rhythms but with variable results. Spectral analysis (MacDonald et al., 1992), nonlinear mathematical models like the Farey tree (Gonzalez and Piro, 1985) or the HKB model, a dynamical model first developed by Haken, Kelso and Bunz (Haken et al., 1985), or the percentage of recorded breaths in one phase of propulsion (Bernasconi and Kohl, 1993) have all been used. An integer frequency ratio is characteristic of coordination. It implies a tight phase locking during consecutive breaths. The base of any method for detecting coordination is to establish how often apparent phase locking may arise randomly. Previous studies suggest that coordination may often be intermittent; thus a detection method capable of discriminating short- term rhythm interactions is necessary to establish physiological interactions between breathing and moving limb patterns. We chose the method described by Hill et al., 1988, a rather well-identified method in the literature (Seebauer et al., 2003a; 2003b) allowing us to detect coordination even when it occurs sporadically, with varying coupling patterns, and in a not randomly fashion. However, since this method imposes strict criteria (see Methods) for coordination between two rhythms generators, it appears as a restrictive method and this may explain the low values of degree of coordination reported (about 20 %) in the present study and in the literature using the same method (Fabre et al., 2007; Seebauer et al., 2003a; 2003b). The main goal of this study was to assess whether acute hypoxia modifies the degree of coordination between respiratory and locomotor rhythms during constant workload rowing exercise in order to investigate possible competitive interactions between neuro-mechanical (movement) and chemical (hypoxia) respiratory drives. The few studies (Paterson et al., 1987; Seebauer et al., 2003b) which have investigated this issue gave conflicting results. Paterson et al., 1987 observed a decrease in degree of coordination during running with hypoxia whereas Seebauer et al., 2003b showed no influence of hypoxia on the coordination between breathing and cycling rhythms at three submaximal workloads. Rowing appears like a very different form of locomotion than running or cycling. Upper-body locomotor muscles implicated in rowing are in part the same as respiratory muscles and are acting directly on the chest wall (diaphragm, rib cage) in contrast to running or cycling activities. This type of mechanical links between respiratory and locomotory systems is further strengthened by the succession of cramped and extended body positions during rowing (Siegmund et al., 1999). Such an activity (with an important contribution of the upper-body limbs in propulsion) had never been investigated in this way. When two rhythmic components of a system interact in a way so that one (locomotor rhythm) imposes its rhythm on the other (breathing), the first is said to have entrained the other (Bramble and Carrier, 1983; Hill et al., 1988; Rassler and Kohl, 1996; Seebauer et al., 2003a). So, coordination is determined by the relationships between the strength of attraction of the locomotor rhythm and the strength of the breathing rhythm in maintaining its intrinsic rate. Based on the control of breathing during exercise involving interactions between neuro-mechanical and chemical respiratory drives, it is possible that the hypoxic stimulus would decrease the degree of coordination between upper-body movement and breathing rhythms during rowing at a moderate metabolic load. But, our results suggest that the degree of coordination was not influenced by the increase in metabolic stimuli induced by the hypoxic-induced stress although we observed, as expected, a significant increase in both Bf and VE in hypoxia for a same moderate metabolic load. Such an increase in Bf has been proposed by Paterson et al., 1987 as the main responsible factor of the hypoxic-induced decrease in degree of coordination. But, in the present study and contrary to Paterson’s study (Paterson et al., 1987), the frequency of the second rhythm involved in the occurrence of coordination was also significantly affected by hypoxia, so that the mean integer ratio of both frequencies remained unchanged and close to a 1:1 coordination pattern whatever the condition (Table 2). However the impact of movement rate on the coordination is still a matter of debate. During rowing and contrary to running (Paterson et al., 1987), the respiratory and locomotor rhythms seem to be strongly locked in order to maintain homeostasis even when hypoxia induces an increase in chemical respiratory drive. This linkage between these two rhythms may have permitted to avoid a decrease of the degree of coordination. Nevertheless, our result is in agreement with a recent study (Seebauer et al., 2003b) involving different cycling exercise intensities where the authors proposed that the effect of hypoxia on the degree of coordination is in part dependent on the exercise intensity. In fact, Paterson et al., 1987 chose an exercise intensity at about 40 % of maximal VO2 whereas the lowest intensity used in Seebauer’s study (Seebauer et al., 2003b) was of 56.1 6.7 % of maximal VO2 and of 56.6 1.4 % of peak VO2 in the present study. According to Seebauer et al., 2003b, lower intensities would permit higher degree of freedom in the breathing regulation and therefore, the breathing rhythm would be more vulnerable to other stimuli. In our study, the absolute VO2 was deliberately the same in normoxia and hypoxia conditions. In the two previous studies concerning the influence of hypoxia on the degree of coordination (Paterson et al., 1987; Seebauer et al., 2003b), the subjects ran or cycled with the same relative VO2. So, the absolute VO2 in hypoxia was reduced (e.g. ~15 % in Seebauer et al., 2003b). The principle in the experimental design of these previous studies was to increase chemical stimuli with hypoxic condition in order to perturb the accepted concept of entrainment of the breathing rhythm by the movement rhythm. However, by reducing absolute VO2 in hypoxia, the metabolic demand and therefore the chemical stimuli are equally reduced. So, chemical stimuli are not necessarily increased by hypoxic conditions when the absolute VO2 is considerably reduced compared to normoxic condition. This is the reason why we chose to adjust the rowing ergometer workload in order to obtain the same absolute VO2 in hypoxia than in normoxia while keeping submaximal moderate intensities. More than the metabolic load, it is likely that the neuro-mechanical-linked respiratory stimuli induced by the cramped position in rowing can exert more influence on breathing compared to the peripheral chemoreceptors-linked respiratory stimuli; this was likely less in cycling (Seebauer et al., 2003b) and running (Paterson et al., 1987) tasks. In rowing, Cunningham et al., 1975 speculated that, at catch, the body is in a cramped position with both knees and hips flexed. Increased intra-abdominal pressure in this position may impair downward excursion of the diaphragm and therefore inspiration. Conversely, during the drive phase of the rowing stroke, the knees and hips extend and inspiration may be assisted (Siegmund et al., 1999). Moreover, the respiratory muscles are used to perform a valsalva-like manoeuvre at the onset of each stroke in order to increase back strength. Very tight coordination between limb and breathing rhythms due to mechanical constraints in the thoracic region may account for our findings in rowing. Another explicative hypothesis could be that the hypoxic stimulus induced by altitude (i.e., 2877 m) was not important enough to alter the degree of coordination. We are fully conscious that we should have measured the arterial O2 saturation and / or the arterial O2 pressure in order to verify the direct effect of the hypoxic stimulus. But, in Paterson’s study (Paterson et al., 1987), an effect of hypoxic stimulus on the degree of coordination was already observed as soon as subjects reached the altitude of 2135 m. However, we need to emphasize that these results could be distorted by an important inter-individual difference in ventilatory response to hypoxia (VRH) (Weil et al., 1970; Reeves et al., 1993). But, in a previous study no correlation was found between individual VRH and the degree of coordination (Seebauer et al., 2003b). Finally, the degree of coordination is known to show large interindividual differences. Combined with the low number of subjects in our study (n = 9) this might have masked real effects (i.e., type II error) and so have induced failure to detect significant differences (i.e., too low experimental power). |