To our knowledge, this is the first study to compare the fatigability of the forearm muscles during repeated submaximal handgrip contractions between women and men. Based on previous gender-based comparisons involving intermittent isometric contractions performed by other skeletal muscles (Fulco et al., 1999; Gonzales and Scheuermann, 2006; Hunter et al., 2004), we hypothesized that women would exhibit a slower rate of forearm muscle fatigue and result in a longer time to task failure than men (i.e. a greater fatigue resistance). In contrast to our hypotheses, the present study found time to task failure and rate of forearm muscle fatigue to be similar between genders, in both unmatched and matched for strength comparisons. These results suggest that a similar fatigue process occurs for women and men during repeated isometric contractions performed by the forearm muscles. The forearm muscles are a highly recruited muscle group utilized in physical activities such as tennis (Chow et al., 1999) and sport climbing (Watts and Drobish, 1998). Moreover, the forearm muscles are used frequently in daily functional activities such that handgrip strength is used as an indicator of overall muscle strength and has been reported to highly predict disability with ageing (Rantanen et al., 1999). The frequent use of the forearm muscles may result in a different neuromuscular activation pattern than those used by other skeletal muscles. In addition, the activation pattern within a muscle group has been shown to vary between muscles that comprise the functional group. Hunter et al., 2003 has demonstrated that activation among the elbow flexor muscles differ across time during a fatiguing contraction and also within the same muscle during different tasks. Chow et al., 1999 has also demonstrated greater activation of the extensor carpi radialis than the flexor carpi radialis in the handgrip contraction used during tennis volleys. It is therefore reasonable to suspect that the forearm muscles would demonstrate various activation patterns within single muscles or at the synergistic level of the muscle group that may result in a different fatigue process than other muscle groups. Although speculative, the similar rate of fatigue found between women and men in the present study suggests that neuromuscular activation pattern may have been similar between genders during intermittent forearm exercise. Differences in muscle morphology and hence substrate utilization is a mechanism that partly explains the inconsistent findings between the present study and those found by others examining the adductor pollicis (Fulco et al., 1999) and inspiratory muscles (Gonzales and Scheuermann, 2006). The adductor pollicis and inspiratory muscles are both highly oxidative muscles comprised of a large proportion of fatigue resistant Type I fibers. On the other hand, the forearm muscles (flexor digitorium muscles) have a generally equal proportion of Type I and II fibers (Johnson et al., 1973). Since women have been shown to have a greater potential for oxidative phosphorylation relative to glycolysis than men (Simoneau et al., 1985), it reasons that women would experience a slower rate of fatigue than men during exercise performed by an oxidative muscle. In contrast, the even distribution of fiber types in the forearm muscles would suggest that one metabolic pathway would not be relied heavily upon for ATP production throughout exercise. This is supported by calculations from 31P magnetic spectroscopy measurements taken from the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle that showed equal relative total contributions of PCr hydrolysis, glycolysis, and oxidative phosphorylation to ATP production between women and men during 3 min of intermittent finger flexion exercise (Mattei et al., 1999). In the present study relative forearm muscle force fell by a similar magnitude between women and men during the first 2 min of intermittent handgrip exercise. Mattei et al., 1999 has provided evidence from 31P magnetic spectroscopy measurements to indicate that forearm muscle activity has a preference for anaerobic pathways during the first minute of intermittent forearm muscle contractions in both women and men. In addition, Pitcher and Miles (Pitcher and Miles, 1997) have shown similar decreases in forearm muscle force during the first 2 min of intermittent handgrip exercise between ischemic and free-flow circulation conditions suggesting the primary use of anaerobic metabolic energy pathways. Taken together, these findings indicate that the similar decrease in forearm muscle force between women and men after 2 min of intermittent exercise was due to similar metabolic pathways utilized by each gender, which were likely anaerobic in nature. Interruption of muscle blood flow by means of significant intramuscular pressure has been extensively studied during sustained isometric muscle contractions, many of which have been performed using handgrip exercise (Barnes, 1980; Kagaya and Homma, 1997). Limited muscle blood flow contributes to muscle fatigue by decreased delivery of oxygen and glucose and also the removal of metabolic byproducts (H+, Pi, H2PO4) associated with muscle fatigue (Fitts, 1994). This fatigue mechanism has been attributed to be a cause of the reduced time to task failure seen in men during sustained handgrip exercise when blood flow is thought to be limited (Petrofsky et al. , 1975; West et al., 1995). In the present study, men generated greater absolute forearm muscle force than women, and thereby, likely generated more metabolic by-products than women (Ettinger et al., 1996). However, women and men showed a similar relative rate of forearm muscle fatigue during intermittent forearm muscle contractions, with no gender difference observed in the absolute change in rate of fatigue when matched for absolute force. This suggests that forearm muscle blood flow was sufficient to prevent the local accumulation of metabolic byproducts during intermittent isometric handgrip exercise. The hyperemic response shown to occur between intermittent handgrip contractions likely minimizes the effect of mechanical compression on forearm muscle blood flow (Kagaya and Ogita, 1992), which may prevent a significant reduction in forearm blood flow. Although forearm muscle mass was not measured in the present study, men were on average taller and heavier (i.e. 10% larger body surface area) than women. Although this does not completely explain the 25% greater forearm muscle strength in men as compared to women, a significant correlation between body surface area and resting MVC force was observed (pooled: r = 0.75, p < 0.01). Thus, it is likely that men also had a larger forearm muscle mass than women in order to generate the greater forearm muscle force. In spite of this, women and men had a similar relative rate of decline in forearm muscle strength and resulted in a similar time to task failure during repeated handgrip exercise. This is consistent with the report by West et al., 1995 that found low correlations between resting MVC force and endurance time during sustained isometric handgrip exercise in women and men of different forearm strength. The present study extends this finding to intermittent handgrip exercise in that time to task failure was not correlated with forearm muscle strength (pooled data, r = 0.08). These results are consistent with the view that absolute force is not a primary factor influencing forearm muscle fatigability during handgrip exercise. Following task failure, both women and men returned to resting MVC force within 10 min. When strength measurements were analyzed relative to resting MVC force, no difference in recovery was found between women and men. However, analysis within each gender showed women and men to return to resting MVC force within 25 min and 15 min following task failure, respectively. Although this could be interpreted as a greater forearm muscle fatigue for women as compared to men, the fact that each gender resulted in a similar relative rate of forearm muscle fatigue and time to task failure suggests that muscle fatigue was equal between women and men. The prolonged recovery exhibited by women could be due to a number of factors. For instance, women in the present study had a 15% lower VO2peak (i.e. aerobic capacity) than men which may have translated to a reduced ability to restore MVC force (Hakkinen and Myllyla, 1990). Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that women and men matched for resting MVC force showed a similar recovery of forearm muscle strength following task failure, confirming that there was no gender difference in the magnitude of forearm muscle fatigue during intermittent handgrip exercise. We cannot, however, speak to the initial recovery (1-3 min) of MVC force which may have been different between women and men as been reported in other skeletal muscles during intermittent contractions (Fulco et al., 1999; Kent-Braun et al., 2002). |