To our knowledge, this is the first study evaluating the effects of aerobic fitness level on VO2 kinetics of subjects in the high-end aerobic power range (VO2max). The faster MRT along with the increase in aerobic fitness level from low to intermediate is in agreement with several reports describing such adaptation in the low-end range of aerobic fitness level (Fukuoka et al., 2002; Phillips et al., 1995; Yoshida et al., 1992). Our main results showing unchanged MRT of Mod and Max exercise as the fitness level increases from intermediate to high are somehow in line with previous short-term longitudinal data obtained from less fit subjects (Carter et al., 2000; Phillips et al,, 1995). Our current findings add to previous data by describing that exercise adaptation leading individuals to the high-end of aerobic fitness level range (VO2max near of above 65 ml·kg·min-1) is not able to further improve VO2 kinetics during both, Mod and Max intensity exercise. The subjects included in this study were assigned to one of the three groups based on aerobic fitness level (VO2max). Regarding our purpose, the composition of the high fit group is especially critical, since it must represent the high-end of aerobic fitness level. The indexes often used to describe aerobic fitness and exercise performance (VO2max and iVO2max) (Table 2) seem to match the level typical of elite athletes (Caputo and Denadai, 2004; Jeukendrup et al., 2000). From a time course stand-point, improvements in sub-maximal VO2 kinetics of low fit individuals seem to occur very early (within a week) after exercise training program onset, even anticipating changes in other indexes of aerobic fitness such as VO2max and lactate threshold (Phillips et al., 1995). Although this time course response for maximal exercise VO2 kinetics is still unknown, it seems that as the exercise intensity increases (intensity of exercise test), the effects of aerobic training on these parameters are more likely to occur (Carter et al., 2000; Krustrup et al., 2004). Collectively, these studies cited above show a good frame of the initial response of VO2 kinetics, where aerobic fitness level and exercise intensity seem to play a role in determining VO2 kinetics changes in response to exercise training. Within the limitation of our cross-sectional experimental design, the VO2 kinetics of maximal exercise seems to follow the same pattern of that of sub-maximal response across the three levels of aerobic fitness studied. This similar pattern between these two exercise intensities is not obvious, since VO2 kinetics during high-intensity exercise has been described to present early improvements in response to training interventions along with no concomitant changes in moderate exercise VO2 kinetics (Krustrup et al., 2004). Such disparity has been understood as a phenomenon mainly related to the difference in exercise intensity, since a reduced reliance on non-oxidative energy source may improve cell homeostasis and exercise tolerance during, particularly, high-intensity exercise (Jones et al., 2003). Our data suggest that above a certain level of aerobic fitness, this disparity between exercise intensities may no longer exist. Phillips et al., 1995 have demonstrated that low fit adult subjects have their VO2 kinetics improved by exercise training. Along with this result, middle age subjects also present similar improvements in VO2 kinetics early after training program onset (Fukuoka et al., 2002). Interestingly, Carter et al., 2000 studying active college students (VO2max ~55 ml·kg·min-1) did not find any improvement in moderate exercise VO2 kinetics after 6 weeks of exercise training, although other indexes of aerobic fitness were improved (lactate threshold and VO2max). It seems that these findings rise two questions: Does VO2 kinetics only improve initially while aerobic fitness is rather low? And, will longer and severe training regime further improve VO2 kinetics? Addressing the later question, our assessment of elite-level athletes seems to provide evidence that VO2 kinetics stop improving above a given level of aerobic fitness during both, maximal and moderate exercise. This result is in accordance with previous time course study of VO2 kinetics response to exercise training and the similarity of MRT reported here (Table 2) and by other studies involving highly fit subjects (Koppo et al., 2004; Kilding et al., 2007). Hence, this value of MRT may represent the fastest speed that VO2 kinetics can be. Some studies have reported significant relationship between VO2max and VO2 kinetics speed (Powers et al., 1985; Gurd et al., 2005). In spite of significant correlation coefficients between VO2max and MRT at both exercise intensities when all the groups are joined together (Figure 1 and 2">2), their R2 are low and the difference in VO2max along with no associated difference in MRT between the intermediate and high aerobic fitness groups (Table 2), suggest a loose association between these variables. The significant correlations are probable due to the heterogeneity and the inclusion of low fit subjects whose VO2 kinetics seems still sensitive to changes in aerobic fitness level. |