The goal of this study was to examine the relationship between the dV, the hand's and feet's velocity, as well as, to identify the variables that most predict dV, in Butterfly stroke. The main results were that several segmental velocities from upper and lower limbs were related to dV for slow, fast and overall velocity. Therefore, the hypothesis that: i) high segmental velocity of the arms during the final part of the underwater path will decrease the dV and; ii) high segmental velocity of the legs during the downbeats will decrease the dV were partially confirmed. In comparison to literature, this research presents new highlights about the Butterfly stroke kinematics. It seems that our study presents some innovations: i) Butterfly stroke is one of the less studied strokes, especially when compared with Front Crawl or Breaststroke; ii) most kinematical studies about swimming strokes are 2D approaches and we developed a 3D analysis; iii) the swimmers are all butterfliers and not specialists in other techniques evaluated at Butterfly stroke. Moreover, some of them are international level butterfliers and; iv) the dV's behavior was evaluated inputting the feet kinematics in the regression model and not only the arms, as done in previous papers. There are a small number of investigations analyzing the 3D components of hand's velocity. Comparing the results from present study with data available in the literature, the hand's mean velocities were similar for slow swimming velocity and slightly higher for high swimming velocity. Martins-Silva and Alves, 2000 analyzed the 3D components of hand's velocity, in 200 m sets, in Butterfly stroke. Alves et al., 1999 compared the horizontal and vertical components of hand's velocity, using different breathing models, in Butterfly stroke during 50 m swims. For slow velocity, the distances adopted in the Martins-Silva and Alves, 2000 research was similar to the present one. But for higher speeds, Alves et al., 1999 selected 50 m sets, instead of 25 m. This difference in the distance adopted between studies, might lead to higher hand's velocity in our research. Moreover, Alves et al., 1999 conducted a 2D analysis. The implementation of different methodologies for the kinematical analysis can also be a reason for the differences between both investigations. The hand's mean horizontal velocity increased along the underwater path, in all swimming velocities. The highest mean values were obtained at the end of the underwater path, as previously described by Schleihauf, 1979 and Schleihauf et al., 1988 for the propulsive forces produced. The slowest hand's mean horizontal velocity occurred during the entry. In fact, this result was already published in the literature by the same authors (Schleihauf, 1979; Schleihauf et al., 1988) describing the entry as one of the stroke cycles phase with lower propulsive force produced. Downbeat actions are clearly connected to propulsion through lower limbs actions, in Butterfly stroke (Barthels and Adrian, 1971; Jensen and McIlwain, 1979). In order to keep an even pace, swimmers have to do a strong first downbeat to reduce body deceleration due to hand's entry. The second downbeat has to be as strong as possible to keep the hip near to surface, but not to powerful, avoiding that this anatomical landmark emerges from water. At high swimming velocity, the Vy-2dwn presented a higher mean value than Vy-1dwn. This is in accordance to general feedbacks given from coaches to butterfliers. It is usual that coaches stress the importance of a strong second downbeat during Butterfly stroke. This is especially evident in butterfliers with a strong first downbeat and a weak or no-existent second downbeat. At slow swimming velocity, Vy-1dwn and Vy-2dwn mean values were close one to the other. This can be explain by the little importance that butterfliers give to lower limbs propulsion, specially to the second downbeat, when swimming at slow velocities. It was possible to verify large variations in hand's and feet's velocities, within every swimming velocity. For a given swimming velocity, the range of variations and the standard deviation values from several parameters were very high (e.g., at high swimming velocity: Vz-ups, Vy-out, Vx-ins; at slow swimming velocity: Vy-ent, Vz-ent, Vy-ups, Vy-1dwn). In other studies, heterogeneous spatial motor patterns for arms and legs had been described (e.g., Alves et al., 1999; Martins-Silva and Alves, 2000). The large range of variations can result from different interpretations of the swimming model by butterfliers. It is possible to find out in the technical literature, suggestions of several spatial underwater paths, for Butterfly stroke (e.g., Crist, 1979; Bachman, 1983; Maglischo, 2003) as well as, different temporal organizations (Seifert et al., 2008). Some swimmers probably privilege a more anterior-posterior trajectory, and therefore the propulsive drag force generation (Schleihauf et al., 1988). Others a more lateral-medial trajectory, and there by the propulsion with origin in the lift force (Schleihauf et al., 1988). For slow swimming velocity, high standard deviations can also be explained by the experimental set used. It was chosen an intermittent and incremental protocol, which can promote different hand's velocities profiles at different swimming paces. Some investigations reported that swimming parameters presented different behaviors between males and female swimmers (e.g., Boulesteix et al., 2003; Chengalur and Brown, 1992; Kennedy et al., 1990). However, a previous study (Barbosa et al., 2005b; 2006b) with the same subjects used in the present investigation, did not verified significant differences in the swimming parameters along the incremental protocol between the males and the female butterfliers. Moreover, Chollet et al., 1996 compared the four swimming strokes between 100 and 200 m events, as well as, between males and females. The authors stated that no differences occurred according to gender for stroke rate in each style and distance event. Therefore, it seems that in this particular case, it could be presented together the results from the males and the female butterfliers. At high swimming velocity, several variables presented significant correlations coefficients with dV. For example, Vx-ent and Vy-ent presented significant coefficients, where increases in both variables were associated to increases of dV. This can be explained because hand's entry should be a smooth action. Other wise, it will increase the wave drag and probably the dV. The highest correlation coefficients were observed between dV and Vy-1dwn and between dV and Vz-ups. The increase of vertical velocity during the first downbeat has the role to decrease the deceleration and negative body impulse due to hand's entry (Barbosa et al., 2002). Increases of lateral hand's velocity during upsweep were significantly associated to decreases of dV. The need to achieve high swimming velocities, might lead to increases in the hand's velocity at the end of the most propulsive phases of the stroke cycle. In fact, all variables analyzed during the insweep and upsweep presented significant associations with dV, as previously reported by Martins-Silva and Alves, 2000. At slow swimming velocity, Vx-ups and Vz-ins were the variables with dV's higher association. As for high swimming velocity, increases in the hand's velocity during the most propulsive phases of the underwater path were significantly associated to decreases of dV. This was especially true for the horizontal and lateral components. From a 400 m pace to a 50 m pace, Chollet et al., 2006 verified an increase in the relative time spend in propulsive phases. Probably butterfliers swimming at slow pace, try to adopt a more lateral-medial trajectory, in order to promote higher propulsion from lift force. In fact, some authors relate this propulsive force to a more efficient swimming action, since the transfer of kinetic energy to water is five to six times lower then using anterior-posterior trajectories (de Groot and van Ingen Schenau, 1988). For overall velocity, correlation coefficients between all components of hand's velocity during insweep and upsweep and dV were significant. Moreover, Vy-1dwn and Vy-2dwn were also significantly associated to the behavior of dV. The higher correlation coefficients were observed between dV and Vx-ups, Vx-ins and Vy-2dwn. These results confirm the hypothesis of strong association, in Butterfly stroke, between the last phases of the underwater path and the most propulsive phases of the feet's actions with dV. In fact, Chollet et al., 2006 suggested that the synchronization of key points that determine the start and the end of arm and leg phases of upper limbs with those of the down limbs is determinant. It was interesting to detect significant associations between dV and segmental actions that usually are not considered as determinants for propulsion, such as the cases of the horizontal and vertical velocities during the upbeat. The results suggested that increases in those variables were associated to decreases in dV. It is possible that this relationship results from the need of butterfliers increase slightly the velocity of the upbeat in order to not affect the global segmental coordination and therefore the propulsion (Barthels and Adrian, 1971). Several segmental velocities were identified as predicting or as being the independent variables with most influence in the dV's behavior. For high swimming velocity, the variables that entered in the final model for prediction of dV were Vy-1dwn, Vx-ins and Vy-ins. These variables explained 93 % of dV's behavior. For slow swimming velocity, the variables included in the final forward step-by-step regression model were Vx-ups, Vy-ins and Vx-ins, explaining 69 % of the dependent variable behavior. For overall velocity, the variables included in the final regression model were Vx-ups, Vy-2dwn, Vz-ent and Sw-vel explaining 94 % of dV's behavior. Probably we can speculate that: i) at high swimming velocity, a strong first downbeat and the arm's insweep are determinants for decreasing the dV; ii) at slow swimming velocity, arm's insweep and the full extension of the arms with high velocity during the upsweep are important to decrease dV and; iii) at overall velocity, the full extension of the arms with high velocity during the upsweep, a strong second downbeat and a reduced velocity during the hand's entry will promote a decrease of dV. The hand's velocity in the most propulsive phases of the stroke cycle seems to be a determinant variable for the behavior of dV, at different swimming velocities. The horizontal and vertical components of hand's velocity during the insweep were determinant for dV behavior, at slow and high swimming velocity. Those variables had been already included in the final model computed by Martins-Silva and Alves, 2000. Increases in the hand's velocity in the most propulsive phases of the underwater path can increase the instant and mean body horizontal velocity (Mason et al., 1992; Maglischo, 2003). Some studies reported significant relationships between increases in mean swimming velocity and decreases of dV (Barbosa et al., 2006a; Takagi et al., 2004; Togashi and Nomura, 1992). In the same way, increases of the vertical velocity of the first downbeat have importance to reduce the swimmers deceleration at the beginning of the stroke cycle, maintaining a low dV. At slow swimming velocity, only hand's variables entered in the final regression model. This can be interpreted as a consequence of butterfliers only promotes high vertical velocity from the feet to achieve high swimming velocities. To swim at slow paces, butterfliers give more importance to upper limbs actions than to lower limbs. At this paces, probably butterfliers imposes leg actions mostly to maintain a convenient body alignment in the most propulsive phases of the stroke cycle. Butterfliers should develop strategies to minimize segmental actions that impose increases of dV, such as the case of increases of Vz-ent, included in the final model for overall velocity. High lateral movements during entry might increase the wave drag, decelerating the swimmer's body. Simultaneously, they should chose the most propulsive phases of the stroke cycle to increase the velocity of propulsive segments, to maintain high mean swimming velocity and therefore, decrease dV. |