The net loss of body water is considered to be the main mechanism through which RBML is achieved within a limited time period (Wilmore, 2000). Considering the methods used by our subjects for body mass manipulation, it is evident that dehydration was induced mainly by restricted fluid intake and stimulated water loss through sweating. Dehydration was reflected in a 6.0% decrease in plasma volume. Previous studies have shown that physical performance capacity in high intensity exercise may be significantly impaired even at low (1.8-2%) levels of dehydration (Burge et al., 1993; Walsh et al., 1994). The nutritional data of our subjects show that in addition to the overall food energy consumption, the carbohydrate intake was also very low during the RBML period. The effect of RBML on the glycogen content in skeletal muscles using the direct method (biopsy sample analysis) has only been assessed in few studies. The results show that RBML by 5-8% may be accompanied by a significant decrease (36-54%) in muscle glycogen concentration (Burge et al., 1993; Houston et al., 1981; Tarnopolsky et al., 1996). Hence, although muscle glycogen was not measured in the present study, the glycogen stores in our subjects were likely reduced as a result of restricted carbohydrate consumption during RBML and this could contribute to a decrease in muscle endurance capacity in intermittent intensity exercise. The main finding of the present study was a significant reduction in Wtot performed during the 3-min muscle endurance test after RBML in comparison with the value in Test 1. At that, Wtot was not only reduced in absolute terms but also when the results were expressed per kilogram of body mass. There was also a significant reduction in peak torque of the knee extensor muscles at lower angular velocities as a result of RBML when expressed in absolute terms. On the other hand, the peak torque in relation to body mass was unchanged at all angular velocities tested. Altogether, these data suggest that the self-selected regimen of RBML has a more pronounced detrimental effect on muscle endurance capacity (absolute as well as relative reduction in Wtot) than on the ability to perform a single maximal effort (absolute but not relative reduction in peak torque). The decrease in Wtot observed in the present study is in accordance with the data published by other researchers (Hickner et al., 1991; Rankin et al., 1996). Both Hickner et al., 1991 and Rankin et al., 1996 employed an intermittent, intense arm ergometer test of 6 and 5 min duration, respectively. The total duration of the muscle endurance test used in the present study was only 3 min. Thus, our finding extends the current knowledge about the effects of RBML demonstrating that it reduces physical performance capacity even during short periods of high intensity exercise. Consequently, the recent changes of the rules in wrestling, including shortening of the duration of a match, have not reduced the likelihood of the occurrence of a negative impact of RBML on wrestlers` physical performance capacity. A tendency towards lower working capacity after 4.3% RBML was evident in karatekas (Ööpik et al., 1998). In two other experiments, the extent of body mass loss was 3.3% (Rankin et al., 1996) and 4.6% (Hickner et al., 1991) and the corresponding reduction in performance was 3.3% (Hickner et al., 1991) and 7.6% (Rankin et al., 1996). The data presented in this paper together with the data from Hickner et al., 1991 and Rankin et al., 1996 strongly suggest that RBML in the range of 3.3 - 5.1% impairs upper body as well as lower body muscle function during intermittent intensity exercise in combat sports athletes. However, it should be taken into account that the mean initial body mass of the subjects studied was 70.0 ± 3.3 kg (n = 6) (Rankin et al., 1996), 87.2 ± 4.8 kg (n = 5) (Hickner et al., 1991) and 74.3 ± 6.6 kg (present study). Thus, any conclusion about the effect of RBML on muscle endurance capacity in lighter and heavier combat sports athletes should be considered with caution. Webster et al., 1990 examined RBML on isokinetic performance of the knee joint in wrestlers and observed no effect of a 5% RBML on knee extension or flexion peak torque at both fast and slow velocities. Our previous study (Ööpik et al., 1998) revealed that in well-trained karatekas, a RBML by 4.3% caused a decrease in knee extension peak torque at angular velocity of 4.71 rad·s-1 whereas no change was observed at velocities of 1.57 and 3.14 rad·s-1. Similarly, Kraemer et al., 2001 observed that in collegiate wrestlers approximately 6% body mass loss during a week caused a significant reduction in peak torque of knee extension at fast angular velocity of 5.24 rad·s-1 but not at slow velocity of 1.05 rad·s-1.In contrast, elbow extension peak torque was reduced at slow but not at fast angular velocity after body mass loss (Kraemer et al., 2001). However, the data of Kraemer et al., 2001 is not fully comparable to our data (Ööpik et al., 1998; Figure 1A and B in the present paper) because Kraemer et al. measured peak torque after about a 12 h recovery period following body mass loss. Thus, the available data show that the acute effect of RBML on peak torque may depend on the muscle group involved as well as on the speed of movement employed during measurement. Our results suggest that the ability of knee extensors to develop peak torque in relation to body mass is maintained, whereas muscle endurance capacity is reduced by the self-selected regimen of RBML in experienced combat sports athletes. Even though peak torque relative to body mass is maintained after RBML, it does not provide any performance advantage because absolute capacity for peak torque development is clearly impaired, especially at lower angular speeds. The correlation analysis revealed a significant relationship between body mass and different indices of muscle performance (see Results). However, there was no relationship between the change in body mass and the changes in the indices of muscle performance during RBML. These facts suggest that the cause of the impairment of muscle endurance capacity in our subjects was rather the self-selected regimen of RBML than the extent of RBML. A considerably smaller increase in the concentration of lactate in blood following body mass reduction compared with normal body mass has been observed in many studies (Horswill et al., 1990a; Burge et al., 1993; Rankin et al., 1996) and this finding has been interpreted as an indirect conformation of decreased glycogen reserves in the organism (Horswill et al., 1990a; Rankin et al., 1996). In contrast, the data published by two groups (Caldwell et al., 1984; Spencer and Katz, 1991) show that the blood lactate response to high intensity exercise is not necessarily related to muscle glycogen concentration. Hence, the unchanged blood lactate response to the performance tests should not be taken as evidence about maintenance of muscle glycogen stores during RBML. There was an explicit trend towards increased ammonia accumulation in blood during Test 2 in comparison with Test 1. The concentration of ammonia in blood during high intensity exercise could be considered a marker of adenine nucleotide degradation (Lowenstein, 1972). Hence, the increase in ammonia accumulation in blood may reflect a tendency towards impaired capacity for adenosine triphosphate resynthesis and an increased rate of adenine nucleotide degradation in intensely contracting skeletal muscle after RBML. The increase in the concentration of urea in plasma accompanied by RBML confirms our earlier findings (Ööpik et al., 1998). The extent of the increase in the plasma urea level (20.4%) in our subjects was similar to that (21. 2%) reported by Horswill et al., 1990b for high school wrestlers who reduced their food intake and lost 3.5% of their body mass during 7 weeks at the beginning of a wrestling season. A significant difference between urea concentrations measured before and after RBML was evident even after adjusting the urea values for the individual changes in plasma volume (4.9 ± 0.8 vs. 5.6 ± 1.3 mmol·l-1; p = 0.027). Dietary protein could not have been involved in the elevated urea production in our subjects because their protein and energy intake was reduced, not increased, throughout the RBML period. Hence, the increase in plasma urea concentration may be caused by changes in renal function and/or by an increased rate of tissue protein degradation. The latter suggestion is supported by the finding of Walberg et al., 1988 that a protein intake of 0.8 g·kg-1·day-1 was not sufficient to maintain nitrogen balance during the RBML period, whereas 1.6 g·kg-1·day-1 was enough. In our subjects, the protein intake ranged from 0.67 ± 0.37 g·kg-1 during the first day to 0.11 ± 0.17 g·kg-1 during the third day of RBML. Moreover, Roemmich and Sinning, 1997 reported that dietary restriction was involved in a 3.8% body mass loss accompanied by adverse effects on protein nutritional status (reduced prealbumin level in blood and slowed accrual of the cross-sectional areas of arm and thigh muscles) and impaired muscular performance in adolescent wrestlers during a wrestling season. These data together with that presented in the present paper suggest that methods applied by combat sports athletes for RBML may change the balance between protein synthesis and degradation in the body and thereby impair muscular performance. However, further research is needed before any firm conclusion in respect of this issue can be formulated. The data of the present study reveal that the acute effect of the self-selected regimen of RBML is impaired muscle performance. Kraemer et al., 2001 have shown that tournament wrestling augments the physiological and performance decrements of RBML and its impact is progressive over two days of competition. We believe that athletes, coaches and team physicians should consider this information not only in preparing for a certain competition, but also in designing strategic plans for athletes' long-term development in combat sports. |