The sequence of eccentric muscle action immediately followed concentric action is defined as SSC, which is a natural component of muscle function in many daily activities. Maximal voluntary contraction and SSC is involved during CMJ, thus revealing the muscular strength and the unique activation strategies of the neuromuscular system of the lower extremities (Enoka, 1996; Kubo et al., 1999; Liu et al., 2006). Hence, peak GRF and peak net muscle joint moment during vertical jumping are important indices of muscular strength in the lower extremities. This study found that, compared to younger subjects, elderly subjects have maximal voluntary CMJ with lower peak GRF as well as smaller peak net muscle joint moment at the hip and knee joint. Elderly subjects therefore exhibit lower net muscle joint power and lower total work of the lower extremities during concentric phase of the CMJ. This degraded dynamic muscle strength impairs basic functional activity in elderly. In elderly, this muscle weakness can also severely impair ambulation, particularly balance and stability (Connelly, 2000; Lord et al., 1994). Further, lower limb stiffness may be affected neuromuscular system activation. During human locomotion, the neuromuscular system adopts adequate muscle activity in different conditions to achieve success in the interaction between organism and GRF, adjusting the stiffness of the lower limbs while in motion could keep the movement in a state of stability (Cavagna et al., 1977; Cannon and Zahalak, 1982; Farley et al., 1998; Farley and Morgenroth, 1999; Full and Farley, 2000). Farely et al. (1998) suggested that the control of joint angular stiffness and segment angles was very important for the modulation of leg stiffness, and that was why one would achieve the same movement pattern. The major findings of this study are that, compared to young subjects, elderly subjects perform maximal voluntary CMJ with less angular stiffness of the knee during CMJ. Leg stiffness and angular stiffness in the hip and ankle did not statistically differ. However, leg stiffness was determined by vertical GRF and hip displacement, and joint stiffness was determined by net muscle joint moment and angular displacement at the transition from the downward to upward phase during the CMJ. From assessment of the leg stiffness and associated parameters in the elderly during CMJ, the GRF was found to be reduced significantly when the hip joint was at the lowest position, and the displacement of the leg length was also reduced. Hence, although the line a-b of the force-deformation relation curve was shorter in the older group than in the young group, the slopes were similar. The leg stiffness of the elderly was not different from that of the young. The similar phenomenon was in the angular stiffness of the hip, the current study found that both the net muscle joint moment at the hip joint and the angular displacement of the hip were significantly reduced when the hip was minimally flexed. Hence, although the line a-b of the moment-deformation relation curve was shorter in the older group than in the young group, the slopes were similar. The angular stiffness of the hip in the older group was not significantly different from that of the young. This result suggests that the elderly tended to decrease the leg displacement to modulate leg stiffness in successfully performing the dynamic activity. Otherwise, the older group decreased angular displacement of the hip to modulate the angular stiffness of the hip. Restated, in the elderly, the hip joint stiffens during downward motion. A similar phenomenon occurs during the preparing posture in SJ and downward stepping in the elderly (Haguenauer et al., 2005; Hortobagyi and DeVita, 2000). The authors suggest that the elderly tend to stiffen the trunk or legs in compensation for impaired neuromotor functions and decreased muscle strength to increase stability. In elderly, this phenomenon elevates antagonist muscles activity, which increases muscle coactivity (Izquicrdo et al., 1999). Elevated muscle coactivity increases joint stiffness: hence, joint stability is also increased in the lower extremities (Baratta et al., 1988). In this study, analysis of net muscle joint moment and power revealed that the elderly do not exhibit concentric flexor contraction in the hip joint at the beginning of the crouch phase. The elderly therefore perform the downward motion using only eccentric contraction of the extensors. Hence, elderly clearly have a longer eccentric contraction period of extensors at the hip joint than young adults. A likely explanation is that the elderly increase antagonist muscles activity to decrease hip flexion; hence, joint stability is increased during the downward motion of CMJ. However, the elderly showed reduced net muscle joint moment at the knee joint when the knee reached minimum flexion, but the angular displacement of the knee joint was not reduced. This phenomenon caused the slope of line a-b of the moment-deformation relation curve to be flatter in the older group than in the young group. The angular stiffness was reduced significantly. Greater leg stiffness during countermovement motion might be advantageous because it allows greater storage and release of elastic energy to increase the force of motion (Gollhofer et al., 1992; Komi, 1992). Hence, the current study shows that the decrease of knee stiffness was obvious in the older group during the CMJ. This result may be related to the finding of a previous study, that the benefit from SSC during countermovement motion was not obvious in the elderly (Paasuke et al., 2003). Otherwise, joint stiffness is conducive to angular resistance to torque (Williams et al., 2007). Hence, enhanced joint angular stiffness could resist sudden angular displacement, which is beneficial to joint stability (Flanagan and Harrison, 2007). Butler et al., 2003 suggested that reduced joint angular stiffness may increase the damage to cartilage and ligaments. Therefore, an appropriate amount of stiffness is relevant to the prevention of injury (Kuitunen et al., 2007). The results in the current study suggest that, with decreased muscle strength, the elderly decreased the hip angle to maintain its angular stiffness, a strategy that can help protect the hip joint. Therefore, the elderly reduced the angular displacement of the hip during downward motion to adjust the hip stiffness, but the straighter motion of the trunk could increase the demand at the ACL during downward movement (Decker et al., 2003). Conversely, biarticular muscles cross the hip and knee (e.g., m. semitendinosus and m. biceps femoris). Hence, in the initial downward motion, the longer eccentric contraction of hip joint extensors in elderly may increase concentric contraction of flexors at the knee joint, which would not significantly decrease angular displacement of the knee joint. However, the net muscle joint moment at the knee in the elderly was decreased without decreasing the angular displacement of the knee joint, leading to a significantly decreased angular stiffness, which may be harmful to the knee joint. In a comparative study on leg stiffness in males and females during continuous hopping, Granata et al., 2002 showed that the angular stiffness of the knee joint in females was smaller then that in the males during hopping and suggested that this was the reason why females have a higher risk of knee ligament injuries. In the current study, the reduced angular stiffness of the knee joint in the older group during dynamic activity may be used as the reference for the study of the degeneration of the knee joint in the elderly. Furthermore, the net muscle joint moment and angular stiffness at the ankle joint in the older group were not significantly different from those of the young group, suggesting that no obvious degeneration at the ankle joint function was present in the elderly during the dynamic, mulit-joint motion of the CMJ. |