The critical frequency test was shown to be a good method to aerobic endurance evaluation in a table tennis sport-specific test, and of lactate concentration was found to stabilize at 100% of critf intensity and significantly correlate with critf and AnTBI. The critical power model made some adaptations to the original model described by Monod and Scherrer, 1965, for application to swimming (Wakayoshi et al., 1993), cycle ergometer (Bishop et al., 1998; Jenkins and Quigley, 1990; 1992; Pringle and Jones, 2002), running (Bosquet et al., 2006; Smith and Jones, 2001), and kayaking (Clingeleffer et al., 1994), with valid and reliable results. The critical power model has been validated and correlated with the aerobic endurance determined by ventilatory threshold (Moritani et al., 1981), fatigue threshold (Devries et al., 1982), individual anaerobic threshold (McLellan and Cheung, 1992), onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA) (Papoti et al., 2005; Wakayoshi et al., 1993) and maximal oxygen uptake (Jenkins and Quigley, 1992), showing it to be a good tool for assessing the aerobic parameter. Wakayoshi et al. (1993) adapted the critP concept for swimming and called it critical swimming. Wakayoshi et al. (1993) found high correlation between critical swimming and anaerobic threshold and showed that in exercise 100% intensity of critical swimming a dynamic equilibrium occurred between the production and the disposal of blood lactate. However, this dynamic equilibrium did not occur when the intensity of exercise was increased by only 2%. Similar result was found by Jenkins and Quigley, 1990 on the cycle ergometer. In the present study we adapted the critical power model for table tennis using a mechanical ball thrower (robot) to control the exercise intensity (frequency). This adaptation for table tennis was initially reported by Zagatto and Gobatto (2002; 2007), but these researchers did not validate this test. The values of critf (39.87 ± 3.31 shots min-1) found here were similar to the ones previously obtained by Zagatto and Gobatto, 2002 (39.9 ± 1.3 shots min-1), but in this investigation higher values of AWC (99.46 ± 29.11 balls and 50.9 ± 6.9 balls, respectively) and linear coefficient (R2 = 0.88 ± 0.11, and R2 = 0.77 ± 0.06, respectively) were obtained. Table tennis requires a larger contribution of the ATP-CP system in effort periods (Faccini et al., 1989; Zagatto et al., 2008) and the difference found in AWC in these studies could be due a better ability of the athletes in this study. Many investigations use approximately four trials in the critical power test, but other authors have used only two trials (Housh et al., 1990; Wakayoshi et al., 1993). Housh et al., 1990 investigated the number of workloads necessary to accurately determine the critical power. These authors found that critical power could be measured using only two trials. However, it should be noted that a possible mistake in Tlim in one or two of the workloads applied could have negative effects in the determination of the critical power and AWC results. In the present investigation, three or four trials were used for critical frequency determination. Nevertheless, the number of workloads used did not influence the results. The duration of the time trial could also influence the results of the critical power model (Bishop et al., 1998; Poole, 1986). Poole, 1986 reported that the ideal duration of trials that result in Tlim between 2 and 10 minutes. Workloads that generate a Tlim higher than 10 minutes can overestimate the AWC, and effort that generate short Tlim can overestimate the critP. The Tlim used in the present study respected the relation described by Poole, 1986 with Tlim variation between 3 and 9 minutes (188.33 ± 60.47 s to 578.57 ± 203.95 s). The blood lactate concentration analyzed during the lactate steady state test showed a dynamic equilibrium in production and disappearance of blood lactate at frequencies of 90 and 100 % of critf. Nevertheless, with an increase of only 6% in the frequency (106% of critf), this dynamic equilibrium was not verified. Similar results were also found by Wakayoshi et al. (1993) in swimming and Jenkins and Quigley, 1990 on cycle ergometer. The frequency of 106% of critf applied in the lactate steady state test was chose, because of the difficulty in adjusting lower values of the equipment. The MLSS is usually applied in 30 minutes exercises, analyzing the lactate steady state in the last 20 minutes. But, the table tennis match and training consist in intermittent exercise, and the application of 30 minutes exercise would be very difficult for table tennis players perform. Moreover, even with the lactate steady state test lasting 20 minutes, it was very hard for the athletes to continuously perform the exercise for a long duration. Moritani et al. (1981) found a high correlation between anaerobic threshold, determined for ventilatory threshold, and critical power on the cycle ergometer (r = 0.92), also McLellan and Cheung, 1992 found a correlation between the critP and the individual anaerobic threshold (IAT) (r = 0.98) on the same ergometer. In the present investigation the critf also significantly correlated with the AnTBI (r = 0.78), but not with OBLA3.5. The OBLA3.5 was determined using a fixed [Lac] corresponding to 3.5 mmol.L-1, as proposed by Heck et al. (1985) who used this concentration when the exercise stage lasted three minutes. However, this protocol determined the anaerobic threshold for fixed [Lac] though mean values and not through individual values, and this could cause more variability in results. Heck el at. (1985) found a range of 2.40 to 4.35 mmol.L-1 for [Lac] for this duration of exercise. The lack of correlation between critf and OBLA3.5 can be explained by a possible mistake in the utilization of a fixed lactate concentration protocol. The mean lactate concentration in AnTBI was 3.09 ± 1.65 mmol·L-1 which is lower than 3.5 mmol·L-1 used in OBLA3.5. This difference in lactate shows that the use of a fixed lactate concentration protocol may result in a mistake in the results of aerobic endurance for table tennis. On the other hand, the use of other methods for anaerobic threshold determination could show better results than OBLA3.5, as the lactate threshold, individual anaerobic threshold or lactate minimum tests. Morel and Zagatto, 2008 investigated also the critf test for table tennis and found similar results, obtaining significant correlation between critf and the lactate minimum (r = 0.69), but not verified significant correlation between critf and OBLA3.5. (r = 0.06). The table tennis is a sport that has few scientific studies and a lack of valid protocols to specifically measure aerobic endurance. Evaluation protocols showed physiological parameters and performance variables that respect the specificity of sports, because the use of non-specific protocols does not represent the same motor pattern performed in a match. The correlation found between critf and AnTBI (r = 0.78) and the dynamic equilibrium of blood lactate at 100% of critf frequency enables the utilization of the critf model for the evaluation of aerobic endurance in table tennis with a specific protocol by a non-invasive technique. The AnTBI and OBLA3.5 were 20.7 % and 23.8 % higher than critf, respectively, but not significantly different. Thus, these results should be taken into consideration. The low number of participants due to the difficulty in recruiting high level athletes may be a limitation of the study. The analyses of only forehand strokes may also be a limitation. Forehand, backhand and defensive strokes are performed in a mach may influence the physiological parameters of a match. However, in this study only the forehand strokes were analyzed. The analyses of the physiological characteristics of table tennis should be further investigated using other parameters, such as maximal oxygen uptake in specific situations. |