The main finding of the present study was that PFO in overweight and sedentary men and women was observed at a low exercise intensity (~40 % VO2max). Furthermore, although absolute PFO rate (g.min-1) was 50% higher in men compared to women this difference disappeared when PFO rate was expressed relative to FFM (Figure 1). The present study is one of the few that used walking, instead of cycling, at a range of speeds commonly used for exercise in this type of locomotion (Rotstein et al., 2005). An important practical information from the results is the treadmill speed corresponding to PFO (5.0-5.5 km·h-1) was similar to the self-selected speed of walking (Browning and Kram, 2005; Minetti et al., 2003). Thus the present study has shown that this speed is not only convenient for walking for overweight individuals (Browning and Kram, 2005), but also maximizes the contribution of fat metabolism to energy expenditure. It is interesting to note that walking may be preferable compared to cycling because it enables to attain the target energy expenditure at lower heart rate, blood lactate concentration and subjective perception of effort (Lafortuna et al., 2008; Miles et al., 1980). The exercise intensity corresponding to PFO in the present study was considerably lower than the 62% VO2max reported for moderately trained athletes (Achten et al., 2003). Comparison among studies with individuals of different body composition and fitness level indicates that an increased body fat and inactivity are associated with lower exercise intensity corresponding to PFO. For example the average intensity at PFO was 48% VO2max in a large heterogeneous population group with body fat around 20-25% (Venables et al., 2005), while exercise intensity corresponding PFO during cycling was as low as 30.5% in a group of inactive obese individuals (Perez-Martin et al., 2001). The relatively low exercise intensity at which fat oxidation is maximized in overweight individuals raises a practical issue regarding exercise prescription in this population. If the goal is weight loss, an exercise intensity of around 50-60% VO2max, which is higher than that corresponding to PFO, is commonly prescribed to increase the rate of energy expenditure (Jakicic et al., 2001). Although the magnitude of cardiorespiratory adaptations to exercise depends on relative intensity, the rate of weight loss seems to be dependent only on the total energy expenditure (Jakicic et al., 2001).The advantage of using a higher relative intensity is that target energy expenditure can be achieved in less time. For example, a target energy expenditure of 300 kcal per exercise session would be attained in about 30 and 50 min in the men and women of the present study at an intensity of ~60% VO2max (Table 2). If the exercise intensity is set at that corresponding to PFO (40% VO2max), the same energy expenditure would be attained in a longer time (50 and 70 min, respectively). However, the possible superiority of training at an intensity corresponding to PFO is that it causes adaptations that also promote health, such as increased fat oxidation during exercise and improved insulin sensitivity, that do not occur when higher training intensities are used (Van Aggel-Leijssen et al., 2002 Venables and Jeukendrup, 2008). As shown in Figure 2, there was a fair amount of inter-individual variation in both rate and exercise intensity of PFO. However, the variability of PFO in the present study was less than that found in normal weight individuals. Venables et al., 2005 reported a range for PFO rate between 0.18 and 1.01 g·min-1, while the values in the present study ranged from 0.16 to 0.54 g·min-1 in men and from 0.13 to 0.43 g·min-1 in women. Furthermore, the exercise intensity corresponding to PFO in the study of Venables et al., 2005 ranged from 25 to 77% VO2max or 41 to 91% HRmax, while in the present study it ranged from 20-63% VO2max or 48-74% HRmax (Figure 2). It is interesting to note that the middle two quartiles of the relative intensity corresponding to PFO were between 33 and 45% VO2max or 54-63% HRmax. The relatively lower range of values in the present study may be because the population was more homogeneous (i.e. overweight and sedentary individuals), compared with that in Venables et al., 2005 who included participants with VO2max ranging from 20.9 to 82.4 ml.Kg-1.min-1. However, the fact that there is considerable inter-individual variability even among persons with similar characteristics (e.g. overweight and sedentary) as in the present study, suggests that individual testing is required to prescribe exercise at an intensity corresponding to PFO. The results of the regression analysis concerning predictors of PFO in absolute terms are in agreement with similar analyses in normal-weight adults (Venables et al., 2005), with gender, FFM and VO2max explaining almost half of the variance. However, when PFO was scaled per Kg FFM, aerobic fitness (VO2max) was the only significant predictor explaining ~12% of the variance in PFO. Thus, the low VO2max of the participants in the present study may suggest that inactivity reduces not only VO2max but also the ability of muscle to use fat (Horowitz, 2001). On the other hand, obesity is also associated with a reduced reliance on fat oxidation during exercise due to large reductions in palmitate oxidation and muscle mitochondrial enzyme activity (Hulver et al., 2003; Kim et al., 2000). Whether the reduced fat oxidation in obese individuals is a result of decreased physical activity and/or metabolic disturbances due to obesity remains to be elucidated. Unfortunately, the relative contribution of adiposity and inactivity can not be explored with the present research design and this is constitutes a limitation of the present study. This would have been achieved by including a group of normal weight, sedentary adults or, alternatively, by including a group of overweight but active individuals of the same age. However, the lower intensity corresponding to PFO in the present study is possibly a result of an interaction between inactivity and obesity. For example, intramuscular triglycerides that may be increased in obesity are often associated with reduced insulin sensitivity (Moro et al., 2008) and may explain part of the variance of PFO rate (Deriaz et al., 2001). Nevertheless, an increased intramuscular triglyceride concentration must be accompanied by reduced oxidative capacity in order to have these detrimental effects on metabolism (Deriaz et al., 2001). The possible metabolic consequences of increased body fat and inactivity are also evident in the present study, where PFO per kg fat free mass was almost half compared with data from individuals with normal weight (~4.0 vs. 7.8 FFM-1.min-1; Venables et al., 2005). Since FFM was almost identical in a large sample of the general population (Venables et al., 2005) and in our study (Table 1), the absolute PFO rate (g.min-1) was also half in our overweight participants. Based on this observation, the determination of PFO may be used as a complementary diagnostic tool for assessing metabolic fitness in overweight and obese individuals, as also suggested by Nordby et al., 2006. The crossover concept has been proposed to quantify substrate utilisation during exercise (Brooks and Mercier, 1994). The low crossover point found in the present study (41% VO2max, Figure 3), was almost identical with the intensity corresponding to PFO rate. Perez-Martin et al., 2001 reported an even lower crossover point (33% of maximal aerobic work) in more obese individuals, suggesting that this may be a characteristic of the overweight and/or obese state. An early sympathetic system stimulation (Brooks and Mercier, 1994) as well as reduced oxidative capacity, fat mobilization and transport into the mitochondria (Kim et al., 2000) may explain the shift of the crossover point to the left in overweight and obese individuals. An important practical point that should be considered when prescribing exercise intensity based on heart rate in obese individuals, is that the relationship between %HRmax and %VO2max is different from that reported for healthy adults (Byrne and Hills, 2002). In the present study the %HRmax corresponding to PFO (i.e. 40% VO2max) was approximately 60%HRmax, which is 5-6 percentage points higher than that expected from normal-weight individuals (Byrne and Hills, 2002). It is noteworthy that 61%HRmax corresponded to 48%VO2max in a large sample of normal-weight individuals (Venables et al., 2005). These discrepancies should be taken into account to optimize exercise intensity using heart rate in obese individuals. Although PFO in absolute units (g.min-1) was higher in men, this difference disappeared when fat oxidation was scaled for FFM (Figure 1). The fact that PFO per kg FFM was not higher in women compared to men is not a common finding and is contrary to the majority of studies that show a higher contribution of lipids in women during exercise (Tarnopolsky, 2008; Venables et al., 2005). There are several factors affecting fat oxidation sex dimorphism, including levels of hormones such as progesterone, estradiol and catecholamines (Horton et al., 1998; Tarnopolsky, 2008). Horton et al. (1998) examined gender-based differences in fuel metabolism in response to low intensity (40% VO2max) prolonged exercise and found different catecholamine and estradiol responses in healthy normal-weight men and women. Unfortunately, these hormones were not measured in the present study, and thus the possible influence of obesity on the hormonal responses to exercise in men and women can not be ascertained. However, a possible explanation for the similar fat oxidation per kg FFM in men and women in the present study may be provided by comparing the aerobic fitness of the two groups. Previous studies have shown that total fat oxidation during submaximal exercise is the same in males and females, when they are matched for VO2max per kg FFM (Mittendorfer et al., 2002). Thus, the fact that there was no difference in VO2max per kg FFM between males and females (Table 1), may partly explain the similar PFO per kg FFM in the two sexes. |