All isokinetic torque and work output were measured on a Biodex System 2 dynamometer (Biodex Corp., Shirley, NY), which has been shown to be a reliable isokinetic measurement device (Brown et al., 1993; 2005). The participants included 9 men (age 25.4 ± 5.3 years, height 1.77 ± 0.06 meters and mass 85. 9 ± 15.1 kg) and 9 women (age 22.8 ± 55 years, height 1.69 ± 0.09 meters, and mass 65.4 ± 10.0 kg). All participants were without history of musculoskeletal or joint pathology about the knee. All subjects had at least 6 months of resistance training experience and each was currently involved in such a program. All gave written informed consent consistent with the policies of the Committee on the Protection of Human Subjects at California State University, Fresno. Familiarization with the Biodex dynamometer and the recording of anthropometric measures occurred in a first meeting. A subsequent meeting was used to collect the maximal isokinetic data included in the statistical analyses. The subjects (shoeless) were seated and stabilized with manufacturer-supplied straps while the axis of the dynamometer was aligned with the femoral epicondyles. The length of the lever arm was adjusted to the nearest half-inch mark such that the distal shin pad and strap were secured just proximal to the medial malleolus, but proximal enough to allow for the required maintenance of a neutral ankle position. Measurements of the physical properties of the Biodex lever arm detached from the powerhead involved a trip balance (W.M. Welch Manufacturing, Chicago, IL) to measure its mass. A photogate timer (Pasco Scientific Model ME-9215A, Roseville, CA) was used to measure its period of oscillation. The Biodex also served as the instrument for measuring the moment of the lever arm. In order to estimate the segmental moments of inertia, length and circumference measurements were made of the shank and foot (Yeadon and Morlock, 1989; Plagenhoef et al., 1983). The test speeds included concentric angular velocities of 90, 150, 210, and 270 deg/s and eccentric velocities of -150, -90, -30 deg/s. It was evident from pilot study that some participants could exceed the eccentric torque limit. Therefore, the eccentric speeds for which participants in the present study were able to achieve this torque limit were not included in the data analysis because of the departure from isokinetic conditions. Acceleration buffering at the end ranges of motion was set to “hard ”(zero) to maximize the portion of the movement which remains isokinetic (Iossifidou and Baltzopoulos, 1996). The starting position for concentric tests was selected at the point where the limb and lever came to rest while the participant relaxed the thigh and leg musculature forming a point at which there was no net torque on the system. The joint angle was not controlled and therefore was not measured although it approximated 90 degrees. The concentric end range of motion for each participant was defined as a point which approached full knee extension. The mean angular displacement of the lever arm recorded by the Biodex during concentric tests was 70.7 (± 4.2) degrees. To facilitate the return of the limb to the starting position, the opposite (flexion) direction velocity was set at 180 deg/s for concentric bouts. The angular displacement of the lever arm for eccentric tests was standardized at 60 degrees for all participants. This ROM was chosen in conjunction with a starting position deliberately short of full extension (zero degrees flexion) because the Biodex requires voluntary effort (activation torque) to initiate motion in the eccentric mode. In preparation for each velocity during concentric and eccentric tests, two sub maximal efforts were performed where the participant was instructed to provide approximately 80% and 90% maximal voluntary efforts. Thirty seconds rest was given between the end of the two preparatory efforts and the start of the three sequential maximum effort trials. For each testing velocity, the best work repetition recorded among these three maximal attempts was used for data analysis. In order to minimize possible effects of carry-over fatigue, the order of test velocities was randomized and one-minute rest periods were given between the conclusion of a test velocity and the start of the next velocity (Colliander and Tesch, 1989; Griffin et al., 1993). Because maximal eccentric efforts may affect subsequent maximal concentric efforts, concentric testing preceded eccentric testing (Koutedakis et al., 1995; Mohtadi et al., 1990; Poulin et al., 1992; Rizzardo et al., 1988). Limb moments were estimated from parameters given by Plagenhoef et al., 1983. The mass of the lever arm (2.69 kg) was determined using the trip balance. The centers of mass for the lever arm were determined by balancing it on a wedge at each distinct length used in data collection sessions. The position of the balance point relative to the axis of rotation was recorded for each length. For each participant, the work with respect to gravity of the limb-lever system was calculated as follows: The total system radius of rotation (rT) was determined by constructing a geometrical model according to the weighted position of each component (shank, foot, and lever arm) in the plane of motion. The centers of mass for the lever arm were considered to lie along the same line within the plane of motion since the axes of each are nearly parallel when the leg is secured in the distal pad and strap. The determination of the kinetic energy associated with the limb-lever system depends on the total moment of inertia for the limb-lever system (the sum of that for the shank, foot, and lever arm) and the square of the preset isokinetic velocity: KE = 1/2Iω2. The values of I for the limb segments were estimated; whereas, those for the lever arm were determined experimentally. As the moment of inertia of a rotating body depends on the distribution of mass and its distance from the axis of rotation, the determination of the moment of inertia (I) for complex objects involves the summation of the product of unequal portions of the total mass in relation to their square distance from the axis of rotation (Sternheim and Kane, 1991). As each increment of mass (m) is a certain distance (r) from the axis, then I was found by the integral: An alternate method was used for determining the moment of inertia for a rigid body by measuring its moment and period of oscillation with the relationship: I = T2M / 4π2 (Tipler, 1991) where T is the period of oscillation and M is the moment. For each unique lever arm length used in this study, the period of oscillation was determined with the photogate timer and the moment was determined on the Biodex dynamometer in “Isometric ”mode with the lever arm in a horizontal position. By substituting the variables for kinetic energy and potential energy into the expression for Wtotal, the total work for each experimental condition was calculated from the following: Because isokinetic parameters are often reported in relation to a correction factor for the influence of gravity, standard work (Wstd) is defined as the sum of the Wgrav and that recorded by the dynamometer (Wdyn). Wtotal was used in the definition of two other parameters employed in this study: kinetic error (Kerr) and work measurement type (WMT). Kinetic error was defined as the ratio Wkin/Wtotal and represented the proportion of total work either over- or underestimated when Wkin is not considered. Wtotal in combination with Wstd comprised the WMT group and were compared for the purpose of identifying differences between these two measurement methods. |