Research article - (2009)08, 203 - 210 |
Variability of Coordination Parameters at 400-M Front Crawl Swimming Pace |
Christophe Schnitzler1,2,, Ludovic Seifert1, Didier Chollet1 |
Key words: Testing, motor control, biomechanics, variability, fatigue, competitive swimming. |
Key Points |
Subjects |
Twelve expert swimmers (6 men, 6 women) competing at the French national level volunteered for this study. Their mean ± SD age, percentage of short-course world record velocity on 400-m, experiment time on 400-m (s), percentage of personal record achieved during the experiment, body mass (kg), height (m), arm span (cm) were: 18.2 ± 2.2 years, 82.2 ± 2.9%, 288 ± 11.1 s, 88.2 ± 3.9%, 66.2 ± 9.9 kg, 1. 77 ± 1.1 m, 184.3 ± 16.8 cm for the men and 18.7 ± 3.8 years, 82.1 ± 2.9%, 308 ± 12 s, 88.1 ± 3.9%, 54.5 ± 8.8 kg, 1.67 ± 0.04 m and 164.8 ± 8.2 cm for the women. The percentage of the world record (competition) was taken as an indicator of expertise. For this study, it was calculated on the basis of each subject’s best competitive time in the 400-m event of the current season, compared with the time of the current world record in the short-course event (2007), and expressed as a percentage (%WR). The experiment took place during a training session. The protocol was fully explained to the swimmers and they provided written consent to participate in the study, which was approved by the university ethics committee. |
Swim trials |
For all trials, the swimmers had a standardised warm-up under the supervision of their coach. There was no further training planned before or after this experiment. In a 25-m pool, the swimmers performed a 400-m freestyle swim at maximal speed. The next day, they performed 100-m and 200-m trials with a 20-minute of active recovery between trials. The subjects were instructed to perform light leg and front crawl exercises, which were monitored by the coach. To ensure the subjects had enough rest, we measured the lactate before the 200-m trial. The subjects were authorised to swim if they were within the range of rest values, i.e. between 1 and 2.1 mmol.l-1. This appeared to be likely in each case. On the following day, they swam 300-m at the same speed. For all trials, departure was made in the water (no diving). To calculate the speed at which the 100-, 200- and 300-m trials had to be swum, the mean speed from the 400-m was calculated. For the 100-, 200- and 300-m trials, a researcher gave the swimmers a sound signal every 50-m to ensure that their speed conformed to the mean speed of the previous 400-m. The researcher did this by referring to a timetable drawn up for each swimmer, indicating the time pace for each 50-m. The swimmers then had to coordinate their turns with the signal. We decided to stop the swimmers if more than 2 seconds elapsed between the signal and the turn. This occurred on two occasions, and the swimmers then had to return the next day to complete the trial again. |
Video analysis |
The swim trials were videotaped by three mini-dv video cameras (50 Hz, Sony DCRTRV6E, Tokyo, Japan). Two cameras were placed underwater in a specially designed box (Sony SPK-DVF3, Tokyo, Japan). The first camera, which videotaped in the sagittal plane, was fixed in the middle of the pool. An operator placed behind this underwater camera followed the swimmer, tracking the entire trial. The other underwater camera was in a fixed transverse plan, 20 cm below the surface of the water. A third fixed camera videotaped the trials of each swimmer with a profile view from above the water. Three swim stroke cycles were analysed every 50-m. As the camera placed underwater in side view did not move parallel to the swimmer, we took into consideration the swim stroke cycle during which the swimmer was perpendicular to the camera, the swim stroke cycle before it and the swim stroke cycle after it to correct the parallax effect. This methodology has been shown to be reliable by Chollet et al., The three cameras were synchronised with Dartfish software (Dartfish© ProSuite 4.0, 2005, Switzerland), the keypoint for synchronization being the entry of the hand into the water. |
Physiological values |
During and after all trials, heart rate (HR) was measured with a Polar S810 (Polar, Kempele, Finland), and the sensor was fixed to the chest with a special tape used in medicine (Elastoplaste HB, 2.5m×6cm). The HR sample data was set as 5-s. The capillary lactate concentration [La-] was measured at the fingertip 1, 3 and 5 minutes after every trial with a LactatePro meter (Accusport, Arkray, Tokyo). For these two parameters, peak values were taken into account. |
Subjective workload assessment |
Immediately upon leaving the pool after a trial, the swimmers sat in a chair to complete the NASA-TLX, a subjective assessment of workload questionnaire (Hart and Staveland, |
Stroking parameters |
Video analysis allowed the calculation of mean speed every 50-m (V50). The time taken to cover this distance was measured from the first image when the feet left the wall. The end of the swim trial was taken to be the moment when the swimmer’s hand touched the wall. All measurements were made with a precision of 0.02 seconds. The stroke rate (SR) was calculated from three complete cycles taken in the middle of the pool for every 50-m segment and expressed in Hz. The stroke length (SL) was calculated from the V50 and SR values (SL = V x SR). |
Arm stroke phases and coordination |
The arm stroke was divided into four distinct stroke phases, similar to those presented in the front crawl study by Chollet et al., The absolute duration of these stroke phases was measured for each arm over three complete stroke cycles. The duration of each phase was measured every 50-m of all trials with a precision of 0.02 s and was expressed as a percentage of the duration of a complete arm stroke cycle. The summation of the pull and push phase durations was considered to be correspondent to the arm propulsive time (Ppr). The mean duration of a complete stroke cycle was the sum of the propulsive and non-propulsive phases. The Index of Coordination (IdC) calculated the time gap between the propulsion of the two arms as a percentage of the duration of the complete arm stroke cycle (Chollet et al., Every 50-m, a mean IdC was calculated on three complete stroke cycles. So the IdC was available 8, 6, 4, and 2 times for the 400-m, 300-m, 200-m, and 100-m swim trials, respectively. The IdC was expressed as a percentage of the mean stroke cycle duration. When there was a lag time between the propulsive phases of the two arms, the stroke cycle coordination was called “catch-up ”(IdC<0). When the propulsive phase of one arm started at the time the other arm finished its propulsive phase, the coordination was called “opposition ”(IdC=0). When the propulsive phases of the two arms overlapped, the coordination was called “superposition ”(IdC>0). |
Statistical analysis |
A test-retest correlation matrix was set between all distance trials for the stroke cycle and coordination parameters. A one-way ANOVA was used to compare these coefficients of correlation across stroke cycle and coordination parameters. |
Inter-trial variability of physiological, perceptual, stroke cycle and coordination parameters at the 400-m pace |
The heart rate (HR), lactate [La-] and total workload (TWL) increased significantly with distance for both genders (p < 0.05). Tukey post-hoc tests showed that for both genders: (i) HR increased significantly from 100 to 400-m, although between 200 and 300-m the values were not statistically different; (ii) lactate values, except between 200-m and 300-m, increased significantly from 100 to 400-m; and (iii) TWL differed significantly between 100- and 300-m and 100 and 400-m. Men presented significantly higher V, SL, IdC, B and Ppr phases, whereas the duration of phase A (catch) was significantly higher in women (p < 0.05). No significant differences were found for any other stroke cycle parameter (V, SR, SL) or coordination parameter (IdC, A, B, C, D, Ppr) between trials. The CVs for the swim trials are presented in The results for the retest coefficients of correlation are presented in |
Inter-lap variability of the all-out 400-m swim bout |
The changes in stroking and coordination parameters for the maximal 400-m swim trial are presented in ANOVAs showed distance effects on V and SL for the stroke cycle parameters, and A and D for the coordination parameters (p < 0.05). As outlined in No gender distance interaction was found for any kinematical or coordination parameter. |
The objective of the study was to examine the inter-trial and inter-lap variability of swim trials at the 400-m pace in experienced swimmers. The main result shows that the coordination parameters remained stable across swim trials despite the increase in fatigue during maximal effort. The swimming speed for the 400-m trial was quite slow compared with competition time, since it represented only 88.7% of competition speed. However, swimmers were tested during a training session. Each subject swam the trial alone, without the pressure of opponents, and started in the water; these factors might have modified performance and race management. Moreover, the swimmers were not in peak shape, since the experiment took place 4 to 6 weeks before the major competition (by which time they all reached their best performance level). Last, circadian rhythm might have played a role in the overall performance. Indeed, the experiment took place in the early morning, at a time (between 6 and 8 am) when athletic performance is hampered by low body temperature and arousal level (Atkinson et al., |
Inter-trial variability |
Costill, Examination of the stroke cycle and coordination parameters showed that the women were characterised by lower mean speed, SL, IdC and propulsive phase duration (Ppr). These results are typical of inter-gender comparisons. More interesting was the absence of gender distance interaction, which indicates that mixed-gender populations can be used to study variability in stroke cycle and coordination parameters. The coefficients of variation for the stroke cycle and coordination parameters did not change significantly over trial distance, and their values (from 2.2% to 10.6%) were slightly lower than those of previous studies (Jeukendrup et al., This conclusion was confirmed by the examination of the correlation coefficients across stroke cycle and coordination parameters. Our results indicated high retest correlation coefficients (0.87 ± 0.07), which did not differ between stroke cycle and coordination parameters. These data thus confirmed that IdC and other stroke cycle phase measurements can be obtained on the basis of submaximal swim trials. This is important, since many experiments using IdC and stroke cycle phases have been based on this assumption (Chollet et al., |
Inter- lap variability of stroking and coordination parameters during the maximal 400-m swim trial |
During the maximal 400-m swim, both V50 and SL decreased, whereas SR remained unchanged. These changes are typical of protocols performed under similar conditions (Laffite et al., This population was thus characterized by stable coordination parameters, despite increases in physiological and perceptual difficulty, and a change in stroke cycle parameters (V50 and SL). This suggests that changes in stroke cycle parameters are not only linked to coordination, but also to kinetic parameters. Toussaint et al., |
The combination of SL and IdC values is an interesting means to discriminate skill level (Chollet et al., |
Inter-lap comparison |
A three-way ANOVA [( For all tests, the level of significance was set at p < 0.05. |
In the process data collection, we received great assistance from Dr Viviane Ernwein and Stéphane Metzger. The authors also thank Cathy Carmeni for the review of the English language. |