During arthrometry, it is important that the patella is well stabilized against the femur, so that the relative movement of the tibiofemoral joint is measured as the relative motion between the patellar and tibial sensor pads of the arthrometer. This is achieved in the available arthrometer systems through proper adjustment of the device and pushing on the patellar pad in posterior direction to ensure that the patella is maintained firmly in the femoral groove throughout the examination. If the knee flexion angle is less than 20° or the femoral sulcus angle is abnormally wide, the restraints will not be sufficient and the patellar mobility might produce test errors (Kupper et al., 2006). However, at higher knee flexions, with the patella well-seated in the femoral groove, the larger joint force due to the closure of the angle between the patellar and quadriceps tendons, and the increasing passive tension of the muscles (Farahmand et al., 1998; 2004), the patella is firmly maintained within the groove and its mobility is minimized. Moreover, as is illustrated in Fig 1a-c, the risk of the tibiofemoral relative movement is reduced at higher knee flexion angles due to the fact that the anterior drawer force applied to the tibia becomes less oblique in relation to the direction of the femoral shaft. Therefore, in general, there is no problem in using arthromteres at mid and deep knee flexion angles except that with the patella seated deeply in the femoral groove, a smaller patellar posterior surface is available for contacting with the patellar pad. Thus, in spite of pushing against, the pad might slide over the patella during the test producing some test errors. This was avoided in our tests using a slightly concave patellar pad which provided higher conformity and larger contact area with the patellar posterior surface. The standard knee configuration for arthrometric diagnosis of knee instability, however, is the flexion range of 20° to 35° (Branch et al., 1988; Bach et al., 1995; Heydari et al., 2008). This is due to the fact that the knee instability is most prominent and can best manifest itself in this flexion range (Bach et al., 1995; Markolf and Amstutz, 1976; Markolf et al., 1978). As a result, previous in-vivo arthrometric investigations concerning the efficacy of functional bracing on the knee stability have also been conducted in this flexion range (Branch et al., 1988; Colville et al., 1986; Mishra et al., 1989; Rink et al., 1989). Mishra et al., 1989 evaluated four designs of knee braces at 30 ± 5° of knee flexion and reported that the anterior tibial displacement decreased in braced conditions. Rink et al., 1989 assessed the stabilizing efficacy of three functional braces on 14 ACL deficient subjects at 20 to 30 degrees flexion angle and reported that all braces provided statistically significant improvement of knee stability. Colville et al., 1986 examined the effectiveness of a functional knee brace for treatment of knee instability at 20 degree of flexion and reported that at 100 N anterior force, the tibial displacement decreased by 29% following bracing. Finally, Branch et al., 1988 compared the restraining effect of two kinds of knee braces at 25 and 90 degree of knee flexion and found significant improvement of knee instability at 89 N anterior force. However, their results indicated that under active anterior drawer test with higher loading forces, neither of braces was effective in controlling anterior tibial translation. The results of the previous studies generally support the hypothesis that functional bracing improves the knee stability significantly. However, considering the fact that the stability examination has been often limited to up to 30 degrees knee flexion in previous studies, it remains a question that whether this improvement is limited to knee extension and early flexion angles, or it is maintained during mid and deep flexion. The results of our study suggest that functional bracing has a significant effect across the range of knee flexion angles examined; however, the rate of this effectiveness is not consistent. At 30 degrees knee flexion (Figure 2a); the knee stability increased significantly by about 50% following bracing, regardless of the amount of anterior force. Similar results of 29-40 percent increase of knee stability have been reported by Mishra et al., 1989 and Wojtys et al., 1996. At 60 and 90 degrees knee flexion, however, the stabilizing effect of knee bracing was less considerable (11 percent at 60 degrees and 4 percent at 90 degrees) and appeared to be statistically significant only at higher force levels (Figure 2b, c). Another interesting finding of the present study was the pattern of variation of the knee stability with flexion angle following bracing. For non-braced condition, the knee stability was least at 30 degrees flexion and improved with increasing flexion angle, similar to what reported by previous investigations (Markolf and Amstutz, 1976; Markolf et al., 1978). However, following bracing, the least stability was appeared to be related to 60 and then 90 degrees knee flexion. In order to justify these findings, one has to consider the functional bracing characteristics and the arthrometry test conditions in more detail. First of all, a uniaxial hinge brace, as used in this study, cannot adapt itself with the changing instantaneous axis of rotation of the knee to support the joint firmly in throughout the range of flexion. Furthermore, knee braces are often molded to fit the subjects’ legs at 15 to 20 degrees of knee flexion. So, at higher flexion angles they might stand more freely on the limb due to the change of the soft tissue volume. This loose attachment at high flexion angles is thought to make the anterior force to be completely transferred to the limb at low force levels. However, at higher forces the tibial displacement exceeds the gap and the force is partly transferred to the brace, hence the stabilizing effect of brace appears. The above considerations suggest that attention to correct hinge placement relative to the femoral condyles is necessary to improve the overall brace performance and efficacy. Also, accurate sizing and fitting can limit brace migration and improve its effectiveness. Some design modifications might be also suggested to improve the efficacy of knee bracing at mid and deep knee flexion, e.g., using adaptive limb fittings through more flexible pads, and/or polycentric joints. |