The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between GM isometric torque and frontal plane pelvic drop in a sample of healthy, recreational runners who were instructed to run at a self-selected, comfortable pace for 30 minutes. The results indicate that GM isometric torque does not correlate well with pelvic drop in this sample. Thus, the hypothesis that pelvic drop would demonstrate an indirect relationship with isometric GM torque was not supported. Although previous studies have not investigated frontal plane pelvic motion over extended periods of running, Schache et al., 2001 did study pelvic motion over 5-second increments during treadmill running. The 10 subjects’ (9 males, 1 female) average pelvic drop was consistent with the pelvic drop values in the current study. Prospective (Leetun et al., 2004), case-control (Fredericson et al., 2000; Ireland et al., 2003; Niemuth et al., 2005) and case-series (Cichanowski et al., 2007) studies have established an association between hip abduction isometric strength deficits and lower extremity injuries. Additionally, Ferber et al., 2002 demonstrated an association between increased vGRF and lower extremity stress fractures in female runners. Although both decreased hip abduction isometric strength and increased vGRF are linked to lower extremity injuries, the relationship between decreased hip abduction static strength, increased vGRF, and/or frontal plane pelvic drop has not been established. Based on the current study, there was no relationship between static GM torque and frontal plane pelvic drop. However, limitations of the study could have impacted these findings. A potential limitation of this study was the use of a mixed gender sample, as it was a sample of convenience. Possible differences in anthropometrics as well as strength could have affected the relationship between the variables. There was, however, no statistically significant difference between genders with regard to pelvic drop; although, GM torque did differ significantly between genders. Insignificant correlations between the variables remained even after correlations were run separately for each gender. Additionally, the sample consisted of healthy, recreational runners. Thus caution should be taken when attempting to apply these findings to either an injured or elite running population. Subjects were instructed to run at a comfortable, constant pace for 30 minutes. The decision to have subjects self-select their speed was based on previous studies, to include Franz et al., 2009 and Schache et al., 2001. However, it is possible that subjects consciously or unconsciously selected an inadequate pace or modified their running gait during the run, thus impacting or altering the pelvic drop measure. Unfortunately, it is not plausible to tease out to which subjects this applied. While the use of hand-held dynamometry and a make test have limitations, to include tester strength and subject participation, effort was made to minimize these effects. The use of a strap to secure the dynamometer eliminated the effect of tester strength, which has previously been shown to be limitation of hand-held dynamometry (Bohannon, 1999). A practice trial and recovery time between trials avoided error due to subject effort, and consistent directions during testing limited the influence of tester feedback. Only one tester performed the measurement and demonstrated good intratester, intrasession reliability. Additionally, the conversion of force measurements to torque allowed comparison across subjects by normalizing for body weight and thigh length. Two questions should therefore be posed: 1. Is a static measure of GM strength appropriate to relate to dynamic measures?, and 2. Is there a more robust measure or group of variables that would correlate with pelvic drop. Based on the research findings, one should question whether a dynamic rather than static measure of GM strength would be more appropriate. Clinically, qualitative observations during running gait analysis are typically linked to quantitative static strength assessments secondary to a lack of costly evaluative equipment or time. These findings suggest that this strategy is not appropriate for hip abduction. It is also plausible that factors other than GM strength, such as GM activation patterns or GM endurance affect frontal plane pelvic drop. Future research is therefore needed to both investigate the relationship between GM torque, activation patterns, and muscle fatigue while running and pelvic drop, and to identify clinical dynamic strength measures that best predict biomechanical components of running gait. Clinicians may then better understand which aspects of the GM impact frontal plane pelvic drop in runners. |