The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of fatigue and gender on frontal plane knee motion, EMG amplitudes, and GRF magnitudes during drop-jump landing. We hypothesized that women would exhibit: 1) greater dynamic frontal plane motion, 2) less EMG amplitudes, and 3) less GRF magnitudes than men. We also hypothesized that fatigue would result in 4) greater dynamic valgus, 5) greater EMG amplitudes, and 6) less GRF magnitudes in both men and women. There was a significant fatigue main effect for the Pkf variable and a fatigue by gender interaction effect for the FPrommax variable, but there were no differences between men and women (gender main effect) for any variable. Therefore, the first hypothesis that women would exhibit greater dynamic frontal plane knee motion was not supported. Our results do not support many reports from the literature that men and women differ in frontal plane knee motion (Boden et al., 2000; Derrick, 2004; Hewett et al., 1996; James et al., 2001; Madigan and Pidcoe, 2003; Marson and Goncalves, 2003; McLean et al., 1999; Nyland et al., 1994; Rozzi et al., 2000). The discrepancy between our results and other reports in the literature may be due to differences in the technology used to obtain frontal plane knee motion measurements, differences in subjects, or differences in the activity. First, we elected to use a direct measure of frontal plane knee motion via an electrogoniometer. The goniometer provides a measurement of the frontal plane angle between the thigh and leg and did not account for lower extremity or knee positioning involving thigh or leg rotation. Second, our subjects were college-age recreational athletes and this group of subjects may not exhibit extreme characteristics often observed in trained athletes. Finally, many of the previous studies have investigated the gender differences with activities other than drop-jump landings (Boden et al., 2000; James et al., 2001; McLean et al., 1999; Nyland et al., 1994) and it could be that our 50 cm bilateral landing activity did not elucidate actual differences. Hewett et al., 1996 however, found that high school female athletes, regardless of their physical training level, exhibited excessive frontal plane motion (into the direction of valgus) at the knee when dropping from a 60 cm platform, which was not exhibited by age-matched males. Ford et al., 2003 reported that high school female athletes displayed significantly higher maximum valgus angles than their male counterparts during drop-jump landings. Hewett et al., 2004 reported that mature (high school age) females lost neuromuscular control that lead to increased valgus motion at the knee when compared to immature (pre-pubescent) female subjects. Thus, subject age may have influenced the differences observed in our present study, where we enlisted college- age subjects versus the younger (primary and secondary aged) subjects used in other studies. McLean et al., 2007 reported that fatigue induced greater valgus moments earlier in women than in men during jump landing a jump landing activity, but we did not evaluate joint moments. The second hypothesis that women would exhibit less EMG amplitudes than men also was not supported. While many women may exhibit less strength than men, the amplitude of neural input to the muscle appears to be similar during drop-jump landing. However, it has been reported that women can generate a greater RMS for quadriceps activation during knee flexion movements (White et al, 2003). Other EMG variables used to assess muscle function include recruitment sequence and timing. These variables have been used to compare genders with conflicting results (Huston and Wojtys, 1996). Therefore, the role of these variables in ACL injury is still unclear and warrants further investigation. The similarities of the EMG amplitudes between men and women in the current study provide further support for the similarities observed in frontal plane knee motion. The men and women in our study may not have differed on these dependent measures, suggesting that individual subject characteristics may have been more important than gender for determining landing performance. The third hypothesis that women would have less GRF magnitudes than men was not supported. Ground reaction forces are influenced by muscle contraction, body motion, body geometry, and other factors (James, et al, 2006). In the current study, as previously indicated, there were no differences between men and women in frontal plane kinematics or EMG amplitude. Additionally, there appeared descriptively to be no difference between genders in knee flexion angle at contact or knee flexion ROM. These results likely explain the similarities between genders in Pkf, further suggesting that any differences between men and women were superseded by the variations in individual subject characteristics. The fourth hypothesis that both men and women would have greater frontal plane knee motion during the fatigued landings was not supported by the group analysis. Single subject analyses indicated that some subjects increased valgus during fatigued landings, while other subjects increased varus. Markolf et al., 1995 indicated that both varus and valgus positions of the knee can load the ACL particularly when accompanied by sagittal and transverse plane motions. Therefore, the single subject results observed in our study are important because they might indicate which subjects are at a greater risk of loading the knee ligament systems in either varus or valgus during fatigued landings. The richness of the single subject descriptions suggests that individuals are variable in their behaviors and that different behaviors reflecting altered neuromuscular control of the knee may occur during fatigued drop-jump landing, possibly exposing the ACL to potentially injurious forces. Based on Markolf et al., 1995, we speculate that subjects who demonstrated excessive varus or valgus positional behaviors during landing may have increased risk of ACL injury. Moreover, the variability among subjects may explain why we did not observe the consistent valgus differences between men and women that other investigators have previously reported. Had we limited our analysis to only the aggregate group data and explored only valgus behaviors, we likely would have missed identifying potentially risky knee kinematic behaviors in some subjects. Similarly, the single subject results revealed several significant increases (varus and valgus) in frontal plane angle at 30 degrees of flexion as a result of fatigue. This may help to explain why the majority of non-contact ACL injuries occur with the knee in less than 30 degrees of flexion (Boden et al., 2000; Colby et al., 2000). In this position the quadriceps muscles are at an optimal angle to provide anterior shear force and the hamstrings are at a mechanical disadvantage to co-contract and protect the ligament systems. Renström et al., 1986 reported that the quadriceps muscles could significantly increase the strain on the ACL at flexion angles less than 45 degrees during simulated isometric and isotonic contractions when compared with passive normal strain. Although there may be an increased strain on the ACL in response to these muscle-generated anterior shear forces, these findings are controversial in terms of their contribution to knee ligament injury. McLean et al., 2004 demonstrated that anterior shear forces cannot reach great enough magnitudes to cause the ACL to fail in subject-specific forward dynamic musculoskeletal models. However, the inability of the hamstrings to co-contract will allow anterior shear force in the sagittal plane, thus limiting the hamstrings’ ability to protect the knee joint from frontal plane motions (Colby et al., 2000; Osternig et al., 1995). This combination of motions may be sufficient for producing a pathomechanical load of the ACL. Single-subject results also revealed that several male and female subjects had significant increases in FProm30 and FPrommax motions during fatigued landings, yet differential responses among subjects precluded definitive group results. Moreover, these increases in ROM were not strictly limited to one direction of movement. The majority of subjects oscillated between varus and valgus throughout knee motion in the sagittal plane. This may help provide insight about neuromuscular control patterns observed during the drop-jump landing activity in our study. The effect of fatigue on frontal plane motion at the knee joint has not been studied by many researchers. Huston and Wojtys, 1996 reported that women rely more on their quadriceps than their hamstrings in response to anterior tibial translation during a fatigued state, which increases strain on the ACL. They also reported that females took significantly longer than males to generate peak hamstring torque during isokinetic testing. However, the Huston and Wojtys, 1996 study did not include functional activities and only focused on a single lower extremity. Wojtys and Huston et al. (1996) showed that isotonic and isokinetic strength training of the lower extremity musculature does not appear to improve reaction time to anterior tibial translation, whereas agility exercises do. This result is similar to what has been reported, which indicates agility and plyometric exercise can increase functional stability of the knee by reducing anterior tibial translation and dynamic valgus (Madigan and Pidcoe, 2003; McLean et al., 1999). Wojtys, Wylie, and Huston (1996) reported the effects of muscle fatigue on neuromuscular function and anterior tibial translation in healthy knees. They reported that fatigue does alter the neuromuscular response to anterior tibial translation. Therefore, fatigue may play a role in the pathomechanics of knee injuries. Osternig et al., 1995 investigated the co-activation patterns of the biceps femoris muscle between healthy knees and ACL injured knees. They reported that during knee extension the hamstrings produced approximately 15 - 40% of the activity in which they produced during knee flexion. This indicates that the hamstrings co-contract during extension trying to help stabilize the knee joint. During fatigue conditions, the ability of the hamstrings to co-contract may be jeopardized thus placing the knee at risk for injury. Rozzi et al., 1999 investigated knee joint laxity and neuromuscular characteristics of male and female soccer and basketball players. They reported that women had significantly greater knee joint laxity in the sagittal plane. They also reported that women reached peak hamstring torque quicker than the men. The authors explained this by speculating that due to the increased sagittal plane laxity the hamstrings had reacted quicker in order to protect the knee. They went on to speculate that during a fatigued condition this neuromuscular adaptation may be compromised and contribute to the increased ACL injury rate seen in women (Rozzi et al., 1999). The fifth hypothesis that fatigue would result in greater EMG amplitudes in both men and women during fatigued landings was not supported by the group analysis. However, several individual subjects (single subject analysis) exhibited significant EMG amplitude changes and the direction of these changes tended to be increases rather than decreases. Additionally, both female and male subjects showed similar amplitude alterations during the fatigued condition. The changes in EMG amplitude likely were not revealed by the group analysis due to the variable response patterns observed among subjects (see Table 2). The medial and lateral hamstring muscles were the most often and consistently affected by the fatiguing exercise. Ten of the twelve significant amplitude changes observed for the medial and lateral hamstring variables during fatigued landings were increases, with six of those occurring in female subjects. Therefore, it seems that an increase in EMG amplitude may indicate fatigue in the hamstring muscles, which could signify an alteration of the neuromuscular protection mechanism of the knee joint (Wojtys, Huston et al., 1996). Chan et al., 2001 reported a significant increase of the electromechanical delay of the quadriceps muscles, at varying degrees of knee extension, following a fatigue protocol. The most significant delays were when the knee was extended 90 degrees and 150 degrees (Chan et al., 2001) This may explain why the majority of non-contact ACL injuries occur when the knee is at 150 degrees of extension (i.e., 30 degrees of flexion). A consequence of altered joint proprioception due to fatigue is a decrease in neuromuscular control (Huston and Wojtys, 1996). Because of the increased latency periods during the fatigued state, muscles are not able to respond quickly enough to protect a joint from injury. Our results do not appear to support a functional difference between men and women during the fatigued landing activity used in the current study. The sixth hypothesis that both women and men would have less GRF magnitudes during the fatigued condition was supported. Both men and women showed a significant reduction in Pkf during fatigued landings which is consistent with many studies (Coventry et al., 2006; Horita et al., 1996; Horita et al., 1999; Madigan and Picoe, 2003). Although sagittal plane knee motion was not an experimental variable in our study, descriptively we observed that when men were fatigued they landed with about 5 degrees more knee flexion ROM, while women landed with about 3 degrees less knee flexion ROM. Additionally, we observed that knee flexion angle at contact in women was almost 3 degrees greater during the fatigued landings, whereas the values for men were essentially unchanged. These descriptive kinematic results are important because sagittal plane knee angle and ROM during landing provide insight about implied lower extremity stiffness, which is an important factor in determining GRF magnitudes (James et al., 2006). However, while both men and women had a significant decrease in Pkf as a result of the fatiguing exercise, it appears that their strategies differed. Men appeared to use greater total knee ROM as a landing strategy, which is similar to observations reported by Orishimo and Kremenic, 2006, whereas women landed with greater initial knee flexion at contact. Women may have relied more on ankle or hip strategies, possibly landing with greater ankle plantar flexion or hip flexion (or a combination of both) in order to reduce Pkf (Decker et al., 2003; Madigan and Pidcoe, 2003), although ankle and knee kinematics were not measured in our study. Future research should continue to explore fatigue effects, gender differences, and the role of individual subject characteristics during landing. It also may be beneficial to examine the influence of different types and sites of fatigue. Additionally, investigating neuromuscular training as well as endurance training of the hamstring muscles may be beneficial for providing insight about the protective benefit of the hamstring muscles during activity. Improving neuromuscular control of all muscles crossing the knee joint may help prevent pathological motions believed to be related to ACL injury risk. Finally, further evaluation of varus motion at the knee, its relationship to injury risk, and its interaction with valgus motion may yield further insight into the pathological kinematics that can occur at the knee during fatigued landings. |