Combat Sports Special Issue 3, Research article - (2009)08, 47 - 52 |
The Effects of Height and Distance on the Force Production and Acceleration in Martial Arts Strikes |
Richard P. Bolander1, Osmar Pinto Neto2, Cynthia A. Bir1, |
Key words: Sports, acceleration, Kung Fu, law enforcement, combat |
Key Points |
Thirteen Moy Tung Ving Tsung martial artists, 10 males and 3 females, consented to participate in the experiment. The participants had 2 - 6 years average martial arts training time. The methodology was approved by the Wayne State University Human Investigation Committee, and all subjects provided their informed written consent. Practitioners of the Ving Tsung School were selected because they practice both palm and punch strikes. These martial artists punch with the lower metacarpals (MCP) joints with the knuckles perpendicular to the floor and palm strike with the hypothenar eminence. The subject’s weight and height were recorded. A protocol similar to (Sherman et al., Following the warm up, subjects stood on a variable height platform. The platform was used to allow the subject to strike the target at the head and chest levels respective to his or her height. The head level target was lined up with the eyes of the subject and the chest level lined up the subject’s sternum with the centre of the target. This allowed for the dimension of the pendulum to be held constant and provided for a quick transition during testing. A strike protocol ( The participants were then informed of which strike they would perform upon hearing a sound stimulus that would occur within four to ten seconds after indicating they were ready for the test to begin. The sound stimulus was the “click ”of a relay used to trigger the data acquisition system and cameras. The time that the sound was triggered was randomly assigned. None of the subjects expressed difficulty hearing the stimulus. |
Video analysis |
High speed video was collected at 2,500 Hz using two cameras (HG-100K, Redlake Inc.) placed orthogonal to each other. One camera was placed directly overhead and another placed laterally to the subject. The cameras were used to identify inconsistencies with technique and accuracy. |
Force collection |
A load cell (model 7120 Syscon Inc.) was mounted with its sensing axis parallel to the ground. Custom pieces of aluminium were fabricated to mount the load cell to a steel arm that was attached to a hinge allowing the load cell to move as a pendulum. A foam pad with a thin ABS plastic covering was placed on the striking surface of the load cell to protect the hand. The thin plastic served as a method to prevent the deformation of the foam after repeated strikes. A diagram of this device is included ( Six accelerometers (model 7264D, 500G, Endevco Inc.) were used in this study. Three accelerometers were mounted on a tri-axial block and then secured to the subject’s forearm. Another tri-axial block was attached to the arm of the pendulum near the centre of mass of the load cell. All instrumentation was collected at 10,000 Hz per channel using TDAS (Diversified Technical Systems Inc.), a data acquisition system typically utilized in crash testing. |
Statistical analyses |
The data was entered into Microsoft Excel where the calculated force at the surface of the pad was determined by multiplying the calculated coefficient of 1.6 with the force reported by the load cell. The data was measured in Newtons for force and g’s for acceleration and then normalized for each subject. The normalization procedure for this study was calculated by determining the maximum value of the 12 strike series for each respective measurement, (force, arm, and pendulum accelerations) then dividing all of the values in the series by these maximums. In a 12 strike series for a given measurement, the maximum value the subject generated would have a value of 1 and the other 11 strikes would be some percentage of this. Therefore a total number of 36 values were reported per subject. The data was analyzed with an ANOVA. Differences among groups with two means, such as strike type, were calculated with a t test and the resulting p value was reported. Additionally for two mean comparisons, an effect size was calculated and reported for the comparisons of strike type and strike height (Rosnow and Rosenthal, |
Punch vs palm strike |
The mean normalized force for the palm strikes for all participants was 0.735 ± 0. 156. This was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than the normalized mean force of the punch strikes which was 0.668 ± 0.178. In terms of arm acceleration, the mean normalized value was 0.542 ± 0.28 for the punch strike and 0.594 ± 0.244 for the palm strikes. There was not a significant difference between the mean arm accelerations between the punch and palm strikes. The punch had a mean (p < 0.01) normalized pendulum acceleration of 0.521 ± 0.199 in comparison to the palm strike with 0.629 ± 0.249. |
Head strike vs chest strike |
There was a significant difference in the mean forces that favoured the chest level strikes. There was no significant difference between the arm accelerations for the head and chest level strikes; however, there was a significant difference for pendulum acceleration in favour of the chest level strike. The analyzed data was reported to indicate the normalized values ( |
Effect of distance |
The force (p < 0.001; |
In terms of force, the palm strike proved to have the greatest average magnitude. It is believed that due to the rigidness of the target, force would transfer through the forearm more efficiently than the metacarpals. The high speed video collected showed that for all strikes, regardless of experience of the subjects, there was always at least a small moment occurring on the wrist. Therefore it could be argued that a palm strike would be a better way to transfer force to the target. In boxing the wrists are supported by large amounts of wrapping, taping, other external support, mitigating this effect. In the current study, it was concluded that, although the mean force was higher for the palm, there was not a significant difference in the arm acceleration at impact between the punch and palm strikes. When the pendulum accelerations were compared, the palm had a significantly greater response. Based on these results it seems that the palm strike is more effective at transmitting force to a target. It can be speculated, that the discrepancy in efficiency between a palm strike and a punch would be even larger for novice practitioners, whose wrists are not as rigid and not as well aligned as experienced practitioners. Both of the strikes, up to and during impact, were fairly linear in lateral and overhead views. There was a rotation employed in the sagittal plane when the strike was recoiled, but it was not a concern for the current study because peak impact was the point of interest. The results also show that the amount of force generated at impact decreased in the head level strikes in comparison to the chest strikes. One possible reason for this could be the inability of the body to generate as great of an effective mass in the head level strikes. Although values of effective mass were not calculated, it is worth noting that there was no significant difference in the arm accelerations between the strikes to the head and chest level while there was a significant difference between the pendulum accelerations. The results showed that the chest level strikes developed more post-impact acceleration than the head level. Another explanation for the lower pendulum accelerations in the strikes to the head level could be that the impact vector in the head level strikes might have a greater Y- axis component, thus a larger part of the energy transferred to the pendulum would transfer up the pendulum arm into the ceiling. There were important results found when investigating the distance, and how it affected the overall force seen on the target. In every situation, the long distance strike was significantly greater than the short distance strike in terms of force. This was also evident for the arm and pendulum accelerations as well. Therefore our results agree with (Gulledge and Dapena, It should also be noted that if maximum force is to be applied, there has to be a maximum acceleration as well. Therefore the point of peak acceleration will be some percentage of maximum extension (Neto et al., In future studies, the effect of wrist deflection on production should be explored. It is hypothesized that as deflection increases, the output force will decrease. The study of masters from different schools but the same style should also be explored. By looking at a master’s movement, it would be possible to identify key physical principles that can be employed to train athletes and other martial artists at a much faster rate and would decrease ambiguity that exists among the martial arts. There are several limitations in this study. The first issue is that there were fewer females than males in the study. Although it is possible that this would have an effect on the results, the normalization procedure was able to minimize size and strength differences. Additionally males and females were not directly compared to each other. Another issue is that there was a large variation in the number of years practicing martial arts. This makes the sample less homogenous but allows for greater extrapolation to a larger population. The third issue is the subjects were not put under the type of stress of a real world life or death situation and therefore the motivation will be different when striking. But using these results one can practice the strikes that can be termed as the most effective, so that if a high stress situation occurs, the most effective techniques will be programmed. |
The results of this study have many applications for all populations that are interested in any sort of martial arts or self defence training. For coaches of combative sports, the results indicate the need of the teaching of proper technique along with proper strength and conditioning training. There will always be at least a small moment on the wrist, therefore the forearm musculature must be strong enough to resist this movement and allow the proper technique to be applied. Proper positioning of the body must be taught to the combative sports athlete so that they may generate the maximum acceleration at impact. Additionally for martial arts teachers, it would be important to teach novice practitioners the palm strike early in training so that they may have a better chance to defend themselves in a high stress situation, or if the student is inherently weak the palm strike and be an alternative to the punch to deliver a stronger impact. Because of its greater force production capabilities and momentum transfer, the palm strike to the chest or solar plexus would be ideal for maximizing impact force and therefore moving an opponent off balance, as well as attacking harder surfaces that would not be applicable for other strikes. This research is also applicable to soldiers and law enforcement officers that are exposed to close quarters combat on a regular basis. As indicated before, an officer that trains the most effective attacks for long enough will develop an innate ability to generate these attacks automatically and efficiently when under the highest stresses. |
We would like to thank the Moy Tung Ving Tsung School for volunteering for the study. A special thanks to Sifu Owen Matson and Segon Moy Tung. We would also like to thank the Wayne State University Bioengineering staff for their support. |