The increased loading rate and peak vertical impact force for the males in the flats and spikes was expected, given similar results from previous studies comparing barefoot and shod running (Dickinson et al., 1985; DeWit et al., 1996; 2000). This can be explained by the smaller heel in flats and spikes, which would increase the acceleration of the foot at impact. Additionally, the rela-tively little cushioning in the competitive footwear would provide less shock absorption resulting in a greater verti-cal impact force. The present data support an increase in the initial load and rate of loading at foot strike while running in conditions with less cushioning. While there was a difference in loading rate between shoe conditions, the variability between subjects was quite high. This may be explained by differences in foot strike, particularly when the foot first contacts the ground. Therefore, more needs to be considered besides footwear alone. Addition-ally, in the attempt to analyze data with such high vari-ability, future research involving group analyses may benefit from doing a multiple single-subject analysis to supplement the group data (Dixon and Kerwin, 2002). Vertical stiffness increased significantly between running shoes and spikes, but not between running shoes and flats. As with loading rate, variability between subjects was substantial. Differences in anthropometrics, movement patterns, and foot strike (e.g., degree and velocity of pronation; joint angles; limb length; movement within the joints of the foot) upon initial ground contact may help to explain this result. How limb stiffness adjusts in response to contact surface has been debated among researchers. However, since various methods of calculating stiffness are used across studies, caution is needed when comparing results. De Wit et al. (2000) noted greater leg stiffness in barefoot running compared to shod. Likewise, another study found that softer landing surfaces were linked to significant reductions of initial leg stiffness and amount of impact on the lesser leg (Lafortune et al., 1996). In contrast, Bishop et al., 2006 demonstrated decreased leg stiffness in a harder sole compared with a more cushioned one, maintaining that increased leg stiffness is required in response to softer landing surfaces. In the present study, the increased vertical stiffness among females may be explained by the decreased cushioning in the spikes causing a greater negative vertical acceleration at ground contact. High variability existed among females with regard to vertical stiffness, which limited our ability to detect any differences. These results support other studies that have shown increased stiffness in response to harder landing surfaces. Peak braking forces were significantly greater in spikes and flats compared to running shoes, whereas peak propulsive forces were not. The increased braking force may be correlated to the greater vertical impact force and loading rate observed with the competitive footwear. Because of the variability between subjects, however, we cannot make definite conclusions about this result. Other studies have also reported braking and propulsive forces to be variable between runners (Cavanagh et al., 1980; Munro et al., 1987). Further research dealing with group data on peak braking and propulsive forces could benefit by running a multiple single-subject analysis on the group data (Dixon and Kerwin, 2002). The results of this study agree with previous reports that peak braking and propulsive forces comprise a relatively small amount of the overall GRF during running (Cavanagh and Lafortune, 1980; Munro et al., 1987; Nilsson and Thorstensson, 1989). Due to the ambiguity of the female’s data, the remainder of this discussion will be focused primarily on the male’s results. Peak vertical impact force, loading rate, and stiffness are all related. Although a certain amount of stiffness is required for optimal performance (Arampatzis et al., 1999; McMahon and Cheng, 1990), a greater stiffness may result in increased risk of injury (Butler et al., 2003). Butler et al., 2003 explained that greater leg stiffness is usually correlated to increased maximum forces coupled with smaller lower extremity excursions, which leads to increased loading rates. Previous studies have correlated greater loading rates, peak forces, and the associated lower extremity shock with potential increase in bony injuries (Ferber et al., 2002; Grimston et al., 1991; Radin et al., 1978; Williams et al., 2004). Williams et al., 2004 noticed significantly greater leg and knee stiffness and loading rates in high-arched runners compared to low-arched runners, and found a positive correlation between these variables and the incidence of bony injury (Williams et al., 2004). In the present study, the greater peak vertical impact forces, loading rates, and vertical stiffness found among males while running in spikes and flats suggest a potential increased risk of overuse impact related injuries. Whether or not greater GRF increase the incidence of injury has been a topic of debate in research. In this study, the amplified loading rate, stiffness, and peak vertical impact force demonstrate that running in spikes and flats produces a greater external load on the body. The initial impact between the foot and the ground is directly transmitted to the leg and can potentially be an influential factor in injury risk (Hewett et al., 1999). In support of this, one prospective study noted the significance of landing forces in jumping and injury at the knee (Hewett et al., 1996). Other studies have reported greater GRF from force plate data in runners with a history of stress fractures (Grimston et al., 1991; Ferber et al., 2002). By contrast, some studies have not found any statistically significant correlations between GRF and injury occurrence, suggesting other factors to be more vital in the etiology of running injuries (Crossley et al., 1999; Bennell et al., 2004). This lack of consensus has called into question the importance of GRF from an injury perspective. Some researchers have found that muscle activity is tuned in response to GRF in order to minimize soft tissue vibrations (Wakeling et al., 2001). These data support the idea that GRF serves as a signal for the nerv-ous system to tune muscle activity in proportion to the frequency of the impact force. In light of these findings, some researchers consider GRF to be unimportant from an injury perspective (Nigg and Wakeling, 2001). The body has to deal with increased external forces in one way or another. Many of the studies discussed suggest that greater GRF most likely has some role in injury development, regardless of the question about specific mechanisms. In studies that found no correlation between GRF and injury, there may have been other influential factors that were not accounted for such as bone mineral density, strength of other tissues, training volume and intensity, and movement patterns. In the present study, the increased external loads shown when running in spikes and flats compared to running shoes suggest a potential increase in risk of injury. In addition to the increased GRF, the need for specificity of training is also an important consideration in deciding upon footwear. Since competitive runners race in flats and spikes, it may be important to do at least some training in these shoes. This is so the body can adapt to the mechanical and physical changes between the shoe types in order to perform optimally. Because the body adapts gradually to increased stresses, the data presented here would support a gradual transition when beginning to wear spikes and flats during training sessions. Future studies will include body position, joint moment, and joint stiffness data. We were limited in this study by the amount of time we had access to athletes and how many trials we would be able to complete. However, enough trials were completed and subjects used to find significance in many variables. The high variability would likely be decreased in future studies if more subjects were able to be tested on multiple days. The dampening of forces due to the track surface is a small limitation. There is no way around this dampening in the current study since spiked shoes were being worn. However, since all shoe conditions used the same surface, this issue would have similar effects. We expect that some peak forces would be smaller without the track surface covering the plate, but all conclusions would be the same. |