The results of our study are in agreement with other studies in team-handball (Van den Tillaar and Ettema, 2004; 2007; Wagner and Müller, 2008) regarding the maximal angular velocities of the throwing arm. Maximal angular velocities of shoulder internal rotation, elbow extension and wrist flexion of our elite as well as low level players (Table 3) were higher than those found by Van den Tillaar and Ettema, 2007 (shoulder: 3426 ± 838°/s; elbow: 1430 ± 246°/s; wrist: 568 ± 193°/s) for the standing throw in team- handball and lower than those found by Wagner and Müller, 2008. A world class team-handball player reaches a maximal angular velocity of shoulder internal rotation of 8130 ± 1200°/s and a ball release speed of 25.1 ± 0.8 m/s during a standing throw. Because of the difference in the shoulder internal rotation angular velocity between a world class team- handball players (Wagner and Müller, 2008) and Austrian (Wagner and Müller, 2008) as well as Norwegian top and first class players (Van den Tillaar and Ettema, 2007) it was surprising that we were not able to determine significant differences in the maximal shoulder internal rotation angular velocity between elite and low level players in the present study. Elite as well as low level players were able to reach a shoulder internal rotation angular velocity of approximately 5000°/s. We suggested that the ability to reach a shoulder internal rotation angular velocity of more than 7000°/s is limited to just a few players worldwide, which are able to throw the ball faster than 25 m/s in the jump throw in team-handball. However, Van den Tillaar and Ettema, 2007 found a significant correlation between ball release speed and angular velocity of the shoulder internal rotation at ball release (r = 0.67, p = 0.024) for the standing team-handball throw. In our study, we hypothesized to find significant differences in the shoulder internal rotation angular velocity at ball release between elite vs. low level players, which could be confirmed in our results shown in Table 3. Elite vs. low level players differ significantly in the shoulder internal rotation angular velocity at ball release. Based on the results of Van den Tillaar and Ettema, 2007 and our study of team-handball players, we cannot emphasize enough the importance of the angular velocity of shoulder internal rotation at ball release. As shown in Figure 4, we found that participants who reached a lower ball release speed may have the ability to produce a high maximal angular velocity of shoulder internal rotation but not at ball release (Figure 4, participant # 26). Van den Tillaar and Ettema, 2006b stated that the angular velocity of shoulder internal rotation in the team-handball standing throw with a skilled vs. an unskilled arm produced significantly different values at ball release (skilled: 2555 ± 991°/s, unskilled: 1220 ± 728°/s). Therefore, we postulate that the ability to reach the maximal angular velocity of shoulder internal rotation at the right time (near ball release) may be achieved by effective coaching. In our study, we found no significant differences between elite vs. low level players in the team-handball jump throw for the shoulder flexion, elbow extension and wrist flexion. It was surprising to find an increase in the maximal forearm pronation angular velocity of the low level players compared to the elite players because we hypothesized to find higher maximal angular velocities in the elite vs. low level players. Because the ball release speed of the low level players compared to the elite players was lower, the ability to reach a higher maximal forearm pronation angular velocity may not be a performance determining parameter in team-handball jump throw or may be counterproductive when attempting to reach a higher ball release speed. Further studies analyzing the forearm and finger movements during team-handball throwing are warranted to measure the influence of the forearm pronation on the energy flow from the forearm to the fingers and the ball. The importance of the fast trunk flexion to execute the team-handball jump throw was indicated by the significant differences of the maximal trunk flexion angular velocity and trunk flexion angular velocity at ball release between elite vs. low level players (Table 3). In our participants, we found that it was necessary for them to execute the trunk movement either with the proximal-to- distal sequence from the trunk to the throwing arm (Table 4 and Figure 2) or aquired as the result of experience and game competition. During competition, the throwing player during offense anticipates the strong defensive play from a defensive player and attempts to move the trunk forward as quickly as possible before the offensive player is attacked (immediately before ball release, which resulted in a higher trunk flexion angular velocity at ball release of the elite vs. low level players as shown in Table 3. The elite players with ample competition and training experience may have already habitually adopted this trunk movement and have exhibited the movement during testing. However, significant differences between elite vs. low level players were also found in the maximal trunk internal rotation angular velocity. Elite players reached higher trunk internal rotation angular velocities than those with less experience in training and competition. We suggest that a dynamic trunk flexion and rotation is important to improve the performance in team-handball jump throws that resulted in an increase of ball release speed. This is new information enhancing recent studies (Fradet et al., 2004; Gorostigia et al., 2005; Jöris et al., 1985; Müller, 1982; Pori et al., 2005; Sibila et al., 2003; Van den Tillaar and Ettema, 2004; 2007; Wagner and Müller, 2008) analyzing the throwing movement in team-handball and may be helpful for coaches in the training process. Trunk movements are normally well observable for experienced coaches, easy correctable and therefore practical to improve the performance in team-handball jump throw of low level players during training without using complex measurement devices. |