The main findings in this study are: (a) the peak external knee varus/adduction moment reported for the two activities of daily living (gait and stair climbing) (Costigan et al., 2002) are smaller than those on the target side limb during the golf swing; however, comfortable external rotation of the foot at set-up does decrease the magnitude of this peak. (b) The peak external knee valgus/abduction moment during the golf swing on the target side limb is not affected by set-up foot position. Also, the magnitude of this knee valgus/abduction peak during golf is similar to jump- landing loads (Hewett et al., 2005) but not as large as during side step cutting maneuvers (Sigward and Powers, 2007). This study has demonstrated that the magnitude of external knee varus/adduction moment on the target side leg created just after ball contact during the golf swing is larger than those normally experienced by the knee during gait and stair ascent (Table 1). This would suggest that during this phase of the golf swing, additional loads are shifted onto the knee’s medial compartment as this moment has been shown to relate to the ratio of loading between the knees medial and lateral compartment (Hurwitz et al., 1998). This is supported by a study that examined the results of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in patients who were active right handed golfers (Mallon and Callaghan, 1993). These results revealed that those with left (target side leg) total knee arthroplastys (TKAs) had significantly more pain during and after playing golf than did those with right side TKAs. This may be due to this varus/adduction moment on the knee that occurs just after ball contact with every swing (Figure 3). Although the cumulative loading of the knee’s medial compartment caused by the golf swing adduction moment may not be large enough to be implicated in the development of medial compartment disease, as the number of loading cycles on the medial compartment during golf swings would be much less than the number of gait cycles. Also, the knee’s medial compartment has a large surface area and is better able to decrease the stress on the cartilage. However, this adduction moment on the target side knee during the swing may make golf extremely uncomfortable/painful for those already presenting with medial compartment knee pathology. This study also demonstrated that it is possible to decrease this external knee varus/adduction moment by addressing the ball with the foot in an externally rotated position. This foot position most likely allows the golfer to move the ground reaction force vector more laterally and thus keep it closer to the axis of rotation of the knee in the frontal plane and decreasing the varus/adduction moment (Figure 3). Foot external rotation has been examined in several gait analysis studies and it has been suggested that this foot positioning can decrease the knee adduction moment (Lynn et al., 2008) and slow the progression of medial compartment knee OA (Chang et al., 2007); therefore, this may be useful for those with medial compartment knee OA as it would take some of the loads off of the diseased compartment of their knee. Since a large positive varus/adduction moment during gait is known to increase the loading (bone density) in the knee’s medial compartment (Hurwitz et al., 1998), decreasing it during the golf swing may help decrease the loads on the medial compartment and help alleviate some of the pain associated with the golf swing motion. The magnitude of the peak knee valgus/abduction moment on the target side leg just before ball contact also has important clinical implications. During most activities of daily living, such as gait and stair climbing, the ground reaction vector is directed medially to the knee joint axis rotation, creating a varus/adduction moment on the knee throughout the time the foot is in contact with the ground (Costigan et al., 2002). However, the knee is built to handle large varus/adduction loads, as the larger surface area of the knee’s medial compartment can help to decrease the stress on the joint. Although this is the case, even in the presence of an external knee adduction moment, there is still some force being transmitted through the relatively smaller lateral compartment (Hurwitz et al., 1998). It has also been demonstrated that those with a frontal plane moment close to zero (ground reaction force vector passing almost directly through the axis of rotation of the knee in the frontal plane) during gait are actually at increased risk of developing lateral compartment knee OA (Lynn et al., 2007). Therefore, it can be hypothesized that the large abduction moment experienced by the knee just before ball contact would be shifting the loads onto the much smaller lateral compartment cartilage (Figure 4). It can then be hypothesized that those who perform this motion hundreds of times a day over many years could be putting themselves at risk for lateral compartment degenerative disease in their knee. Since the majority of knee OA cases in the general population affect the medial compartment (Felson, 1998), future studies could examine whether professional and avid golfers have increased signs of lateral compartment degenerative changes in their knee as compared to the general public. If this is the case, then interventions aimed at decreasing this load would need to be developed, as the simple set up modification tested in this study (external rotation of the foot) did not decrease the magnitude of this valgus knee load (Table 1). Further examination of our data reveals that with more subjects, we may have seen an increased magnitude of valgus moment with external rotation as the foot would move the ground reaction force laterally - further away from the axis of rotation just before ball contact (Figure 4). There has also been a strong link established between valgus/abduction loading of the knee and ACL stress (Fukuda et al., 2003). Therefore, the current finding of a knee valgus/abduction moment just prior to ball contact in the golf swing may suggest that the target side knee ACL is put under tensile stress with every swing. The magnitudes of these valgus/abduction golf swing loads are similar to those experienced during a drop jump landing for athletes who went on to injure their ACL in a subsequent season (Hewett et al., 2005), but less than those experienced during a side-step cutting maneuver in athletes who were considered to have excessive valgus/abduction moments (Sigward and Powers, 2007). The magnitude of these loads demonstrate how side-step cutting has the potential to cause a non-contact ACL injury; however, how is it possible that non-contact ACL tears occur during drop jump landing but not during golf, when the loads are of similar magnitude? It should be noted that in the drop jump landing study (Hewett et al., 2005), valgus/abduction moments were collected in a controlled laboratory situation where there were no other external factors (other athletes, ball, etc.) for the athlete to consider, as there would be in sports where jump-landing is required. Also, although the peak abduction moments may be similar between these two activities, the rate of loading would no doubt be different between the golf swing and jump-landing. It is most likely the combination of the motor pattern that creates these valgus/abduction moments in the laboratory, the increased loading rate, and these external factors that would cause the acute ACL tears seen in sports requiring jump landing. Golfers, on the other hand would reach this peak moment much more slowly and do not have these external factors to contend with, so the valgus/abduction loads in golf are not likely to cause an acute ACL tear. However, the cumulative exposure of this valgus/abduction moment applied to the knee with every swing could build up over many years and may be able to compromise the integrity of the ligament in those who take thousands of swings a year, such as the professional golfer. Therefore, developing exercises and/or swing modifications that can reduce this valgus/abduction moment on the knee during golf are warranted. One potential methods of decreasing the external abduction moment on the knee during the golf swing may involve training the proximal control of the femur. There is evidence that frontal plane knee loads can be controlled through proper activation of the hip musculature during single limb stance (Chang et al., 2005), as this is thought to control the position of the trunk on top of the stance limb. Since the golf swing involves the rapid transfer of close to 100% of body weight to the target side leg and finishes with the golfer standing almost exclusively on that limb, exercises aimed at strengthening the hip musculature in single limb stance by learning to control the position of the trunk on top of the stance limb may allow golfers to decrease the external knee abduction moment. Further research should examine the effectiveness of these exercise interventions at controlling these moments in the golf swing and hence reducing the loads on the knee. The results of this study also lead to several future research questions in order to further understand the loading of the knee joint during the golf swing. With the experimental set-up used in this investigation, tracking of markers on the club was impossible and therefore no information on swing speed was obtained. Since swing speed would most likely affect the rate and magnitude of knee loading, future research should examine the effects of swinging at different speeds on the loading at the knee. As people age their swing speed would most likely decrease and the effect this has on the loading of the joints should be investigated. Also, there was no way of tracking ball flight to ascertain the effects of front foot address position on golf performance. Another limitation of this current work was the small number of female participants in the subject pool. It has been shown that the loading of the knee joint differs between male and female populations in other movements (Kernozek et al., 2005; Pollard et al., 2007; Sims et al., 2009) and therefore, research investigating sex differences in golf swing knee kinetics is warranted. Also, subjects could not wear their golf shoes during testing as there was not an artificial turf covering on the force plates. Whether or not these different surface/footwear conditions have an effect on the golf knee moments is not known and would be useful information for future labs investigating golf swing kinetics. In addition, subjects were asked to assume these two front foot positions, neither of which were their natural set-up foot positions; therefore, future research should examine the foot rotation position people would naturally use and whether forcing them into these unnatural positions may change their ability to produce a normal golf swing. Finally, the subjects in this current work were all highly skilled golfers and more work would be needed to determine whether these results hold true for golfers of varying skill levels. |