The results of this study are relevant because it was conducted during a real competition where skiers had to carry their food in their backpacks, and food supplies were therefore limited. It should also be noted that the measurement of the intake of all nutrients is given per kg body weight of the skier instead of as the total amount ingested, thus providing a more accurate picture of their macro- but particularly micronutrient intake. Exercise-induced muscle damage is a common occurrence following either unaccustomed exercise or an activity of great intensity or duration, and mainly occurs during activities involving eccentric muscle actions. It is hypothesised to be either mechanical or metabolic in nature (Tee et al., 2007). The extent of muscle cell damage can be estimated by measuring a variety of enzymes released by the disrupted cell into blood (Gleeson, 2002). This was a highly demanding competition where skiers, apart from facing hard environmental conditions, had to ski up and down the mountains. Thus, blood levels of some enzymes increased after the race (CK, LDH and AST), demonstrating that muscle damage had occurred in the skiers. CRP (an inflammation marker) and cortisol (indicative of stress and fatigue) levels and glutathione peroxidase (indicative of oxidative stress) activity also increased in blood serum after the competition, suggesting that stress had occurred. It is particularly interesting the fact that the food intake of the competition day had an effect on muscle damage and oxidative stress. Thus, a relevant finding in the study was that muscle cell damage was more marked in skiers with the lowest total energy, protein, and fat intake. Although the mechanism is unknown, some authors have found that addition of protein to a carbohydrate drink attenuates the elevation of CK activity in serum and increases performance (Cockburn et al., 2008; Rowlands et al., 2008). To the researchers’ knowledge, there have been no studies on the influence of dietary fat on muscle damage related to exercise. In the present study it was found that skiers with the lowest fat intake had greater cell damage. An increased fat intake by exercising skiers may perhaps protect them against rupture of the cell membrane, sparing structural lipids of the cell membrane. Besides, no significant relationship was found between the activity of CK and other enzymes derived from cell rupture in serum and the amount of carbohydrate ingested. Although a high carbohydrate diet is required to increase muscle glycogen and therefore maintain performance, no evidence has been found that it attenuates muscle damage. In fact, previous studies found no differences in muscle soreness and CK activity with high/low-carbohydrate isocaloric diets (Close et al., 2005) or glycogen-depleted/repleted states (Nelson et al., 2004). In relation to the impact of micronutrient intake on cell damage, it was observed that the higher the intake of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, and niacin the lower the activity of LDH and alkaline phosphatase. CK activity was also negatively correlated to the intake of sodium, iron, and particularly zinc. Zinc has a significant role in antioxidant cellular defence. For instance, it is a structural element of the superoxide dismutase enzyme, and therefore acts as a cell membrane stabilizer (Micheletti et al., 2001). It should be noted that Zn intake of skiers did not meet the requirements of the general population, and it may be assumed that zinc requirements may be higher during strenuous exercise. Blood cortisol levels were higher in skiers with lower intakes of total energy, carbohydrates, protein, vitamin C, B vitamins, and minerals. Cortisol levels increase after exercise, and carbohydrate intake during strenuous exercise is known to decrease cortisol and catecholamine levels by maintaining glycaemia (Pedersen and Hoffman-Goetz, 2000). It is also known that vitamin C supplementation attenuates this exercise-induced increase in cortisol levels, possibly because of its effect on the adrenal gland or the hypothalamic-pituitary axis (Davison et al., 2007). On the other hand, a link has been hypothesised between increased oxidative stress and plasma levels of stress hormones. McAnulty et al., in 2007 stated that elevated cortisol levels might deplete cellular glutathione, which is an important substrate in antioxidant defence. In this group of skiers, antioxidant status, as measured by the GPx enzyme, demonstrated a higher activity related to higher intakes of energy, carbohydrates, protein, folic acid, and particularly minerals. Bloomer et al. (2008) found significant correlations between oxidative stress biomarkers (measured by serum malondialdehyde) and protein, carbohydrate, and vitamin C intake in trained subjects after an exercise protocol. Ji et al., 1993 also found that glutathione peroxidase activity in blood was significantly increased with carbohydrate intake but not in the control trial during a cycling test. These authors concluded that CHO supplementation may prevent GSH increase in blood possibly because of its inhibitory effects on hepatic hormone releases, which stimulate GSH output. Thus, it appears that good nutrition practice may help mitigate the oxidative stress caused by an endurance competition. Skiers had a mean energy intake of approximately 3000 kcal·day-1 (41.5 kcal·kg-1), which is adequate for an active male to cover daily activities, but not sufficient for this high demanding sport activity. The authors estimated that 4400 ± 392 kcal·day-1 were needed for this competition. Energy expenditure is also increased at a high altitude, which should also be taken into account (Wetertep, 2001). Moreover, as it has been recently stated, carrying an additional weight of 1 kg translates in a growth of 2-3% of the energy requirements in ski mountaineering (Tosi et al., 2009). Providing that skiers had to carry food and also clothing for the two-day race, their backpacks alone had a range of 6-8kg whose energetic cost should be added. Taking all this into account, it could be stated that energy needs were not adequately met in this group of skiers. These unmet needs may lead to fatigue and impaired performance, and contribute to an increased number of injuries. In addition, fatigue and tiredness may cause skiing accidents. Carbohydrate content of the diet was 4.69 ± 1.40 g·kg-1, much lower than the recommendations for endurance, high-intensity sports (7-10 g·kg-1) (Joint Position Statement, 2000). A diet with low carbohydrate content impairs performance (Joint Position Statement, 2000). Its availability is also inversely related to the rate of exercise protein catabolism (Lemon, 2000). A large proportion of the skiing cycle in ski mountaineering is of an eccentric mode of contraction, and muscle glycogen resynthesis has been shown to be impaired following high-intensity eccentric exercise (Howatson and Van Sorensen, 2008). Restoring depleted glycogen stores is particularly important for an adequate performance during training sessions or competitions on consecutive days (Burke et al., 2006), such as the one discussed here. Therefore, it would be of great importance that skiers increased their carbohydrate intake in order to avoid protein catabolism, replenish muscle glycogen stores, and maintain exercise performance. In fact, there was a negative correlation between the ingestion of carbohydrates and the race time, that is to say, the fastest skiers had the highest intake of carbohydrates. However, these latter results should be considered carefully for two reasons. Firstly, both skiers from each team had to finish the race together; this makes the individual performance of each skier difficult to assess. Besides, this could also be the reason for not observing correlations between performance and other biochemical parameters, muscle cell rupture and oxidative stress. Secondly, there was an accident on the second race-day; the time of this day was therefore neutralized, meaning that only the time of the first day was available. Despite this, the skiers of the present study finished both stages, and blood for analysis was taken at the end of the second day. |