Research article - (2010)09, 36 - 50 |
Stability of Patterns of Behavior in the Butterfly Technique of the Elite Swimmers |
Hugo Louro1,2,![]() |
Key words: Technical analysis, patterns, butterfly, chronology |
Key Points |
Our study was based on observational methodology. In this context the design of this study was classified as punctual, nomotetic, multidimensional (Anguera et al., In the exploratory phase, we defined the behavior to be observed, based on deductive explanation. The units of measurements were defined as units of events, or events. |
Participants |
The sample comprised four international level swimmers, all with a male performance sports with more than 750 points in the table of FINA for 100m butterfly. The athletes involved were representative of the national team of Portugal in absolute Olympics in butterfly. |
Instruments |
Instrument for measurement |
For the record of the image a Sony Mini-DV Camera (50 Hz) was used, and recorded in real time, connected via Firewire to the hard disk of a laptop (Centrino Airis, 1700 Mhz). The camera had been protected by a sealed housing Ikelite. To perform the capture of the image to digital format the MovieMaker software was used and the display of images was carried out using Quintic Software. All procedures were conducted in an indoor 50m swimming pool. |
Instruments of observation |
We used an Ad-hoc reference (Anguera et al., The adaptation of the Observing System Performance in Butterfly Technique (SOCTM) was conducted based on four core criteria: EMA, PAP, SAP and SMRB, as The conduct was in accordance with the temporal characterization delimiting the beginning and end of each stage. In each of these stages a list of key points were defined, being critical to the implementation in the exploratory phase. To each of them an alphanumeric code was assigned. In this context, the analysis of data was conducted based on the following settings on two occasions: (i) for the moment that determines the entry in the time period and, (ii) relating to the movement performed by the first moment that marks the entrance to the following criterion. This means that we have a characterization of temporal sub- events, characterizing the technical achievement of the swimmer for a given time of the swimming cycle. For this study the instrument was set with 83 alphanumeric codes. Each swimmer can get 40 different settings by examining a hand cycle, i.e., eight settings, or events, per cycle, making 40 in all the five cycles. |
Observational Sample |
The sample was represented by many observational records, 259 alphanumeric codes and a total of 160 configurations, or lines of code per event, used to catalog the performance of each swimmer during the five hand cycles. |
Review procedures |
Each subject performed the overall butterfly swimming technique in a distance of 25m. The filming was conducted in a sagital plane with rotation from right to left, following the motion of swimming, to permit the viewing of five complete cycles of swimming. The camcorder had been fixed, protected by a sealed housing and was placed perpendicular to the direction of displacement at a 6m distance from the swimmer and about 30cm deep, protected by a sealed housing. Five cycles were extracted to ensure the behavioral sequence, taken from closer to the midline of the focal center, 8 to 10m after finishing between 18 and 20m. The descriptive analysis was performed by the number of codes, settings and levels of stability (I) and variable (Iv). The stability is given by the ratio between the highest point on the frequency of occurrence and the total on each moment of observation. The closer to 1, the greater the stability is and was used to interpret each of the moments in study, or parts of the movement. This index is important for analysis of a single subject, or several subjects. The variability was given by the ratio of n-frequency settings recorded and the maximum possible settings for time of observation. For all the swimmers analysis, n = 20 was performed. The lower the index, the more similarity between swimmers executions in each moment of observation is observed. To detect the patterns, the software first identifies the relationship between the two types of events and then detects the most complex patterns, using simple combinations. After detecting simple patterns, the user can then add up these patterns and simple patterns become more complex, since it combine with each other. Throughout the process of detection, a selection of models is done by deleting the less complete versions (Magnusson, It is important to note that to interpret behavioral patterns hidden by the hierarchical structures of the graph obtained in the output, in this study it was defined that it would be only subjected to analysis the patterns whose events represent the four phases, regardless the use, or not, of the eight moments of integrated observation of the four criteria. This filtering options selected in the software, also took into account the temporal distances of each event and the context of sequences during the swim. The results of the patterns, that are found for the time period of five cycles and to find a pattern to the events, must occur at least twice during this period. Not all the events that occur are mentioned twice, because the software filters them and exposes only the events that have a higher chance, in the critical time. The representation of this information differs from swimmer to swimmer; a type case study. Natural condition of implementation, the maximum speed, regardless of each swimmer, compels us to explore different types of settings. |
The results that are presented refer to the table of frequency events, and analysis of the behaviour pattern of relationships through the sequential and critical intervals. |
Descriptive analysis |
Noting, for example, the table of frequencies of a swimmer, representing a codification of the system of gestures over five cycles ( In terms of technical description of the conduct, we can observe the conduct stable (I) and the overall implementation from the configurations obtained. Values less than or equal to 0.5 are considered weak, between 0.5 and 0.75 reasonable, less than 0.75 very reasonable, and 1.0 is considered excellent. We can observe that the swimmers had a high stability. All values are above 0. 79, i.e. very close to 1. In The patterns displayed by the software Theme give us an overview of the behavioural interaction between times and between cycles. The output gives us three levels to view the same graph. The lower representation allows the visualization of time in which the default occurs, in the total sample time, and vertically, as characterized the diagram. The top right gives the relationship between time cycles. In the upper left corner we find the tree structures corresponding to the cycle times and the lines of events and their relationships within cyclical. In terms of data description in a swimmers’ study, the pattern was classified as incomplete (five lines of events). In terms of general description of the technical conduct, interpreting The pattern formed by the Sub 2 when EMA occurred and 1st when PAP is the triggering of other behaviour, consisting of a sub standard and a range of events, thus the standard of the swimmer but an incomplete one. In We found that the behavioural patterns of the swimmer were incomplete, and five events were the most complete ones. The behavioural pattern of In There are two cycles’ patterns where there is inspiration and a behaviour pattern not incomplete in inspiratory cycles. This swimmer presents a complete pattern (eight events). He presents a great stability in swimming. The pattern of In terms of technical description of the conduct, we can observe that the first branch presents a configuration relating to 1 when the EMA occurs: 1B2, 1b4, 1c3, 1t2, 1p4 (Ic 1) correspond to the behaviour of the swimmers’ hands on the extension of the shoulders, elbows or before the hands’ entering, guiding the vision down, legs bends heel and below the waterline; in this time an excellent stability was found. This event is crucial for the rest of the action. There is a link of this single event to the following event configurations, which constitute various sub-standards. In the following sub-standard we have two configurations: The first configuration corresponds to two events. The first, 1b8, 1t5, 1t7 (i.e. 0.60), corresponding to the 2nd time of EMA, when the swimmer displays a out and down trajectory of the hand, trunk in dorsi-flexion position and tilted down the hip; a reasonable stability. The second configuration, 2b3, 2b4, 2C2, 2T2, 2t4, 2p4, (i.e. 0.40), refers to the first of PAP, indicated that the hands are outside the extension of the shoulders, elbows close to the water line (below this), head below the water line, trunk tilted and below the hip and heels below the water line; the stability is poor. This subdivision of the event is a crucial link to the next cycle of events. This subdivision consists of a sub-standard with two events for the 2nd time of PAP, 2b6, 2p9 (I 0.80), characterized by a flow of vortices around the hands and knees below the waterline, and a reasonable stability. In the 1st stage of the SAP, 3b1, 3b4, 3c1, 3T3, 3p4 (Ic 0.40), the swimmer presents the elbows close to the chest, the thumbs close, the head above, the gluteus above, the heels below the water line. In this stage the movement presents a low stability. These two settings, plus the subdivisions that have previously mentioned, presented a strong relationship with the end of the observations of the cycle, thus creating a line of the event and a bunch of two configurations. The first corresponded to the 2nd time of SAP. The event 3T5, 3t8 (Ic 0.80) indicates that the trunk has a flat and inclined position above the hip, and a reasonable stability. This event is related to the two configurations corresponding to the observed movements of the SMRB, being the configuration composed by the event. The second configuration, 4B1, 4C1, 4t2, 4t4, 4p4 (Ic 0.40), corresponds to the 1st time of SMRB where the hands leave the water behind the elbows, the head and shoulders are above the water line, the gluteus close to the water line and the heels below. The second configuration corresponds to the moment when the hands leave the water and the arms recovery (4t7, 4t12), indicating that the trunk is flat and below the hip; this event has a low stability. This swimmer presents stability between cycles. It is important to notice that he has two (in five) breathing cycles which are the 3rd and 5th cycles, respectively. Examining the technical conduct in The default behaviour of the swimmer is incomplete; there are 7 recordings of the event observation. The pattern indicated in The technical description of the pipeline indicates that the swimmer has a sub-standard with two events corresponding to the entry of the hand. In the first event 1B2, 1b4, 1c3, 1t2, 1p4, (i.e. 0.80) the swimmer present the hands away from the extension of the shoulders, the elbows enter at the same time or before both hands, guiding the vision downwards and heels below the waterline; this time the stability is quite reasonable. In the second event 1b8, 1t6, 1t7 (i.e. 1) the swimmer presents a down and outsweep path of the hand, with the trunk in flexion, tilted and below the hip; there is an excellent stability. This setting affects all the rest of the pattern because it is from this setting that the other sub-standard is created and gives us the pattern and their temporal relations. This configuration will connect with another configuration consisting of an event linked to two events. The event 2b3, 2b4, 2C2, 2t1, 2t4, 2p4 (i.e. 0.80) is the 1st time of PAP and indicates that the hands are outside the extension of the shoulders, the elbows are close to the water line (below this line), the head is below the water line, the gluteus are above, the trunk is tilted and below the hip and the heels are below the waterline. The stability is quite reasonable. The second event has two settings. The configuration of the two events is the 2nd time of PAP 2b6, 2p9 (i.e. 1), characterized by a flow of vortices around the hands and knees below the waterline; the stability is excellent. In the 1st stage of the SAP 3b1, 3b4, 3c2, 3T3, 3p3, (i.e. 0.60) the swimmer presented the elbows close to the chest, the thumbs close together, near the head, gluteus above, and the heels below the water line. The stability has a reasonable value. This subdivision in three events has a crucial link with the configuration described above. Together they will influence the rest of the swimming cycle behaviour, being connected by two settings: (i) the connection time to the 2nd SAP 3T5, 3t8 (i.e. 0.80) indicates that the trunk has a flat and inclined position above the hip and a reasonable stability and, (ii) the 2nd time of SMRB corresponds to 4t7, 4t12 (i.e. 1) indicating that the trunk is flat and below the hip; excellent stability. In The event 4B1, 4C1, 4t2, 4t4, 4p4, (i.e. 0.40) corresponds to 1 when the SMRB occurs. The hands leave the water behind the elbows, the head and shoulders are above the water line, the gluteus are close to this line and the heels are far from the water line; its stability is poor. After the analysis of Analyzing the pattern behaviour of the swimmer it was found that it is a stable behaviour containing a line of events with frequencies higher than 4. There is less stability in the 1st observation time PAP and SAP, i.e., in moments of propulsive actions. We also note that this swimmer contains another technical indicator of stability, presenting 15 events during the course of five cycles. In This action is crucial to the performance of the swimmer in the cycle, because this action manages the entire behaviour pattern. The event is connected to a configuration consisting of two more configurations separated by a bunch of events. The following sub-standard has two settings, with an event corresponding to the 2nd time of PAP 2b6, 2p9 (i.e. 1), characterized by a flow of vortices around the hands and knees below the waterline; reasonable stability. The second event is the 2nd time of SAP 3T5, 3t8 (i.e. 0.1) indicates that the trunk has a flat and inclined position above the hip, with an excellent stability. These two configurations are connected to other events that characterize the cycle. The second sub-pattern consists of 2 branches, one corresponding to the configuration 4B1, 4C1, 4t2, 4t4, 4p4, (i.e. 1) which belongs to the 1st moment of SMRB, when the hands leave the water in a position behind the elbows, the head and shoulders are above the water line, the gluteus near the water line, and the heels below this line. The other branch corresponds to 4t7, 4t12 (i.e. 1) and corresponds to the 2nd time of SMRB, indicating that the trunk is flat and below the hip. It is important to stress that the 4th cycle is a breathing cycle. This incomplete pattern of the swimmer has a triggering event for all the other events the 2nd time of EMA. From this event, a sub standard event take place composed of the 2nd time of PPA and the 2nd time of SAP, which will connect differently to the events of the 1st time of SMRB and the “Moment SMRB”. We only found one pattern in this swimmer; although we can point out that it happens in 3 of the 5 cycles. When analysing There is great variability in the 1st stage of the SAP and SMRB (0.45), corresponding to the most propulsive phases of the butterfly stroke. There is less variability is the 2nd time for each of these phases, because of the degree of freedom of each criterion and the small number of criteria observed. |
The objective of this study was to introduce a method to examine the data and to analyse the inter-temporal relationship between the structures of events (movements) in the butterfly technique. Thus, the SOCTM instrument respects all the procedures of the observational method (Campaniço et al., Methodologically, observation in sport is particularly suited to the implementation of unobtrusive procedures to appraise the behaviour of an individual. Amongst the observational methodology advantages are its flexibility, its ability to adapt to very different behaviours and situations, its rigor in the application of the various procedural operations and the non-restrictive and unobtrusive nature of its appraisal of real situations. In swimming analysis, observational methodology allows to explain the temporal relations, the relations between the technical components and the structure of a motor pattern (Louro et al., The performance in swimming is dependent on the swimmer’s technique. Thus, the systematic observation and analysis during training and competition, seems to be a determinant procedure to the evaluation of the swimmer’s performance. During several years, the qualitative observation in swimming was carried-out using list point methods, where the focus was based on the technical deviations from the model. However, this evaluation seems to be limited due to the one-dimensional character of the analysis. Throughout the observational method, several behaviour patterns are presented, allowing observing relevant characteristics of the motor behaviour, especially its stability and variability during the actions. Moreover, this method can be applied in natural context, allowing the data collection in a simple and non-invasive way. Therefore, this analysis leads us to attempt to identify patterns of implementation of a direct, but through the analysis of discrete data, it is only possible if we use the Theme software (hidden patterns between discrete data). Furthermore, we can verify the existence of different line of research using the same software and algorithm (Anguera and Jonsson, The current study is based on the movement analysis, especially on the technical evaluation of the swimmer through the definition of specific motor patterns. Although the important data raised by this study, this study has some limitations. This kind of studies requires that the observer has a good knowledge of the swimmer’s movement. The ad-hoc instrument used in this study needs to be adapted to other movements if one wants to apply this methodology into another context. During the imaging recording, we only used one underwater camera, which can limit the observation of the movement in all the space orientations. Therefore, in further analysis, this limitation should be corrected using more than one camera in different plans. In the future, it seems also interesting to analyse the swimmers’ patterns in a larger scale. Within this study, only four swimmers were evaluated. Thus, generalisations from a very limited sample size should always be presented with special careful. Furthermore, the analysis of swimmers of different performance level (Olympic finalist/medallist swimmers and non-expert swimmers) and female swimmers can improve the quality of this kind of evaluations. |
We note that each of the swimmers have their own behavioral pattern, each pattern adjusted for individual characteristics. In each swimmer the criteria are observed from changes in each cycle on the adaptations and adjustments that the swimmer performs, which is shown with different events at the same time of observation, both with the same swimmer among the swimmers observed. Moreover, the behavioral patterns are different at both intra- individual and inter-individual because they are tailored to each specific need of different swimmers. Thus, each swimmer will have patterns with different complexities, because they change the number of events by pattern, depending on the changes and adjustments that the swimmer makes on their action. Although different patterns between cycles and between swimmers were observed, it seems that they have similarities between them, adjusting his style to the technical model. For the stability we observed that this behavior changes with the swimmer and also between phases and moments observed. We found higher values of stability in swimmers who presented the best times in butterfly technique. This fact seems to suggest that the swimmers who present greater stability of the swimming pattern could obtain the best performance results. On the other hand, the variability is found in higher stages of acceleration of the swimming cycle, corresponding to phases of greatest propulsive force production. We conclude that, although the standard model is a reference, each swimmer adapted their swimming pattern in a unique and distinct way. |
The authors would like to thank the swimmers who volunteered for this study. |