Greendorfer S., Lewko J., Rosengren K., Smoll F., Smith R. (2002) Children and youth in sport: a biopsychosocial perspective. Family and gender-based influences in sport socialization of children and adolescents. Dubuque, IA. Kendall/Hunt. |
Hanrahan S., Biddle S. (2002) Measurement of achievement orientations: psychometric measures, gender, and sport differences. European Journal of Sport Science 2, 20-32. |
Kavussanu M., Ntoumanis N. (2003) Participation in sport and moral functioning: does ego orientation mediate their relationship?. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 25, 501-518. |
Kavussanu M., Spray C. (2006) Contextual influences on moral functioning of male youth footballers. The Sport Psychologist 20, 1-23. |
Lee M.J., Whitehead J. (1999) The effects of values, achievement goals, and perceived ability on moral attitudes in youth sport. Report provided to the Economic and Social Research Council, Swindon, England , -. |
Lee M.J., Whitehead J., Ntoumanis N. (2007) Development of the Attitudes to Moral Decisions in Youth Sport Questionnaire (AMDYSQ). Phsychology of Sport and Exercise 8, 369-372. |
Lemyre P-N., Roberts G., Ommundsen Y. (2002) Achievement goal orientations, perceived ability, and sportspersonship in youth soccer. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 14, 120-136. |
Magyar T.M., Feltz D. (2003) The influence of dispositional and situational tendencies on adolescent girls’ sport confidence sources. Psychology of Sport & Exercise 4, 175-190. |
Malina R.M., Eisenmann J.C., Cumming S.P., Ribeiro B., Aroso J. (2004) Maturity-associated variation in the growth and func-tional capacities of youth football (soccer) players 13-15 years. Eurpean Journal of Applied Physiology 91, 555-562. |
McArdle S., Duda J. (2004) Exploring social-contextual correlates of perfectionism in adolescents: a multivariate perspective. Cognitive Therapy and Research 28, 765-788. |
Miller B., Roberts G., Ommundsen Y. (2005) Effects of perceived motivational climate on moral functioning, team moral atmosphere perceptions, and the legitimacy of intentionally injurious acts among competitive youth football players. Psychology of Sport & Exercise 6, 461-477. |
Nicholls J.G. (1989) The competitive ethos and democratic education. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press. |
Ntoumanis N., Vazou S. (2005) Peer motivational climate in youth sport: measurement development and validation. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 27, 432-455. |
Ommundsen Y., Roberts G., Lemyre P-N, Miller B. (2005) Peer relationships in adolescent competitive soccer: Associations to perceived motivational climate, achievement goals and perfectionism. Journal of Sport Sciences 223, 977-989. |
Peiró C., Sanchís J.M. (2004) Las Propriedades psicométricas de la versión inicial del cuestionario de orientación a la tarea y al ego (TEOSQ) adaptado a la Educación Física en su traducción al castellano.[The psychometric properties of the initial version of the Task and Ego Orientation Questionnaire (TEOSQ) translated to spanish and adapted to physical education]. Revista de Psicologia del Deporte 13, 26-40. |
Prat M., Soler S. (2003) Attitudes, values and norms in physical education and sport. Actitudes, Valores y Normas en la Educación Física y el Deporte. Barcelona. INDE. |
Rascle O., Coulomb G., Pfister R. (1998) Agression and goal orientations in handball: influence of institutional sport context. Perceptual and Motor Skills 86, 1347-1360. |
Roberts G., Roberts G. (2001) Advances in Motivation in Sport and Exercise. Understanding the dynamics of motivation in physical activity: the influence of achievement goals on motivational process. Champaign Ill. Human Kinetics. |
Sage L., Kavussanu M. (2007) The effects of goal involvement on moral behavior in an experimental manipulated competitive setting. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 29, 190-207. |
Sage L., Kavussanu M., Duda J (2006) Goal orientations and moral identity as predictors of prosocial and antisocial functioning in male association football players. Journal of Sports Sciences 224, 455-466. |
Shields D., Bredemeier B., Power F., Smoll F, Smith R (2002) Children and youth in sport: a biopsychosocial perspective. Character development and children’s sport. Dubuque, IA. Kendall/Hunt. |
Shields D., La Voi N., Bredemeier B., Power F. (2007) Predictors of poor sportpersonship in youth sports: personal attitudes ans social influences. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 29, 747-762. |
Smith A., Balaguer I., Duda J. (2006) Goal orientation profile differences on perceived motivational climate, perceived peer relationships, and motivation-related responses of youth athletes. Journal of Sport Sciences 24, 1315-1327. |
Sousa C., Cruz J., Torregrosa M., Vilches D., Viladrich C. (2006) Evaluación conductual y programa de asesoramiento personalizado a entrenadores (PAPE) de deportistas. Revista de Psicología del Deporte 15, 263-278. |
Smoll F., Smith R., Smoll F, Smith R (2002) Children and youth in sport: a biopsychosocial perspective. Coaching behavior research and intervention in youth sports. Dubuque, IA. Kendall/Hunt. |
Stephens D. (2000) Predictors of likelihood to aggress in youth soccer: an examination of coed and all-girl teams. Journal of Sport Behavior 223, 311-325. |
Tabachnick B.G., Fidell L.S. (2001) Using multivariate statistics. Boston MA. Allyn & Bacon. |
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D’Arripe-Longueville F., Pantaléon N., Smith A.L. (2006) Personal and situational predictors of sportpersonship in young athletes. International Journal of Sport Psychology 37, 38-57. |
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Greendorfer S., Lewko J., Rosengren K., Smoll F., Smith R. (2002) Children and youth in sport: a biopsychosocial perspective. Family and gender-based influences in sport socialization of children and adolescents. Dubuque, IA. Kendall/Hunt. |
Hanrahan S., Biddle S. (2002) Measurement of achievement orientations: psychometric measures, gender, and sport differences. European Journal of Sport Science 2, 20-32. |
Kavussanu M., Ntoumanis N. (2003) Participation in sport and moral functioning: does ego orientation mediate their relationship?. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 25, 501-518. |
Kavussanu M., Spray C. (2006) Contextual influences on moral functioning of male youth footballers. The Sport Psychologist 20, 1-23. |
Lee M.J., Whitehead J. (1999) The effects of values, achievement goals, and perceived ability on moral attitudes in youth sport. Report provided to the Economic and Social Research Council, Swindon, England , -. |
Lee M.J., Whitehead J., Ntoumanis N. (2007) Development of the Attitudes to Moral Decisions in Youth Sport Questionnaire (AMDYSQ). Phsychology of Sport and Exercise 8, 369-372. |
Lemyre P-N., Roberts G., Ommundsen Y. (2002) Achievement goal orientations, perceived ability, and sportspersonship in youth soccer. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 14, 120-136. |
Magyar T.M., Feltz D. (2003) The influence of dispositional and situational tendencies on adolescent girls’ sport confidence sources. Psychology of Sport & Exercise 4, 175-190. |
Malina R.M., Eisenmann J.C., Cumming S.P., Ribeiro B., Aroso J. (2004) Maturity-associated variation in the growth and func-tional capacities of youth football (soccer) players 13-15 years. Eurpean Journal of Applied Physiology 91, 555-562. |
McArdle S., Duda J. (2004) Exploring social-contextual correlates of perfectionism in adolescents: a multivariate perspective. Cognitive Therapy and Research 28, 765-788. |
Miller B., Roberts G., Ommundsen Y. (2005) Effects of perceived motivational climate on moral functioning, team moral atmosphere perceptions, and the legitimacy of intentionally injurious acts among competitive youth football players. Psychology of Sport & Exercise 6, 461-477. |
Nicholls J.G. (1989) The competitive ethos and democratic education. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press. |
Ntoumanis N., Vazou S. (2005) Peer motivational climate in youth sport: measurement development and validation. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 27, 432-455. |
Ommundsen Y., Roberts G., Lemyre P-N, Miller B. (2005) Peer relationships in adolescent competitive soccer: Associations to perceived motivational climate, achievement goals and perfectionism. Journal of Sport Sciences 223, 977-989. |
Peiró C., Sanchís J.M. (2004) Las Propriedades psicométricas de la versión inicial del cuestionario de orientación a la tarea y al ego (TEOSQ) adaptado a la Educación Física en su traducción al castellano.[The psychometric properties of the initial version of the Task and Ego Orientation Questionnaire (TEOSQ) translated to spanish and adapted to physical education]. Revista de Psicologia del Deporte 13, 26-40. |
Prat M., Soler S. (2003) Attitudes, values and norms in physical education and sport. Actitudes, Valores y Normas en la Educación Física y el Deporte. Barcelona. INDE. |
Rascle O., Coulomb G., Pfister R. (1998) Agression and goal orientations in handball: influence of institutional sport context. Perceptual and Motor Skills 86, 1347-1360. |
Roberts G., Roberts G. (2001) Advances in Motivation in Sport and Exercise. Understanding the dynamics of motivation in physical activity: the influence of achievement goals on motivational process. Champaign Ill. Human Kinetics. |
Sage L., Kavussanu M. (2007) The effects of goal involvement on moral behavior in an experimental manipulated competitive setting. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 29, 190-207. |
Sage L., Kavussanu M., Duda J (2006) Goal orientations and moral identity as predictors of prosocial and antisocial functioning in male association football players. Journal of Sports Sciences 224, 455-466. |
Shields D., Bredemeier B., Power F., Smoll F, Smith R (2002) Children and youth in sport: a biopsychosocial perspective. Character development and children’s sport. Dubuque, IA. Kendall/Hunt. |
Shields D., La Voi N., Bredemeier B., Power F. (2007) Predictors of poor sportpersonship in youth sports: personal attitudes ans social influences. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 29, 747-762. |
Smith A., Balaguer I., Duda J. (2006) Goal orientation profile differences on perceived motivational climate, perceived peer relationships, and motivation-related responses of youth athletes. Journal of Sport Sciences 24, 1315-1327. |
Sousa C., Cruz J., Torregrosa M., Vilches D., Viladrich C. (2006) Evaluación conductual y programa de asesoramiento personalizado a entrenadores (PAPE) de deportistas. Revista de Psicología del Deporte 15, 263-278. |
Smoll F., Smith R., Smoll F, Smith R (2002) Children and youth in sport: a biopsychosocial perspective. Coaching behavior research and intervention in youth sports. Dubuque, IA. Kendall/Hunt. |
Stephens D. (2000) Predictors of likelihood to aggress in youth soccer: an examination of coed and all-girl teams. Journal of Sport Behavior 223, 311-325. |
Tabachnick B.G., Fidell L.S. (2001) Using multivariate statistics. Boston MA. Allyn & Bacon. |
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Whitehead J., Gonçalves C.E., Cumming S.P., Coelho e Silva M.J., Malina R.M. (2007) Sport and Education- tribute to Martin Lee. New dimensions in understanding ethical attitudes of young competitors. Coimbra. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. |
Whitehead J., Andrée K., Lee M.J. (2004) Achievement perspectives and perceived ability: how far do interactions generalize in youth sport?. Psychology of Sport & Exercise 5, 291-317. |
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