The results from this study indicated a strong relationship between poor lower limb comfort and injury when defined as a time loss event. The use of a comfort index (LLCI) was a novel method of prospectively monitoring lower limb comfort in a cohort of elite footballers from three different football codes. The comfort index was sensitive in assessing comfort by cataloguing fluctuating comfort scores for 182 professional footballers and the creation of high and low comfort tiers around a median comfort score to examine the relationship between comfort and injury. The concept of lower limb comfort has important relevance for future use in research and in clinical practice. High comfort scores can be interpreted as high comfort aligned to a protective mechanism for lower limb injury. The authors are unaware of comfort as a concept previously being used prospectively in a comfort rating scale applied to the lower limb for elite or amateur sport. However, psychophysiological comfort ratings have been used in professions such as nursing (Chiu and Wang, 2007) and military (Mundermann et al., 2003) to assess footwear comfort. An advantage of the LLCI is the prospective recording of comfort. When an injury occurs, a discomfort event can be compared to a catalogue of comfort experiences (baseline comfort), providing a measure of the severity of the injury. Such information and recall is not possible with reactive pain scales if there is no injurious experience on which to draw upon. For example, where an injury occurs to a region of the body never before injured or damaged outside a discernable recall period, the player has no available measure to gauge the level of discomfort, if benchmark comfort has not been established. A perceived advantage of measuring multiple anatomical sites rather than an overall lower limb comfort value is the capacity to monitor multiple anatomical sites at the same time. This approach offers a monitoring tool for adjacent regions when injury occurs. The case studies show how compensatory musculoskeletal function will occur when discomfort and injury affects the body. In the present study, lower limb comfort variability was attributed to six segmental comfort regions providing an overall sum comfort score. The results provide the first insight into how the demands of elite football effects lower limb comfort. High comfort was registered by players only 18% of all comfort recordings, while poor comfort was recorded 23% of occasions. Poor comfort was strongly correlated to injury (R2 = 0.77) and high (blue zone) comfort had a weak correlation (R2 =0.15). The use of a tiered comfort system, poor (red), usual (black), and high (blue) zones further quantifies comfort data. When a player falls into a comfort zone lower than the median range, the index acts as a warning system for both the player and the management team. The use of a median score for each player instead of an average score to determine zones provided a middle range score and was more accurate when data were non-normally distributed. A post-hoc analysis of all players indicated the median and range for zones was consistent with mean and standard deviation for majority of participants. Usual (black zone) comfort as determined by median ±1 comfort points enabled a 3 comfort points spread. This allowed for some variation within the zone of usual comfort as comfort variations occur due to pain stimuli via the neural networks of the body. A spread of four (4) comfort points between poor (red zone) comfort and high (blue zone) comfort enabled the capture of extreme comfort values for each player. The interpretation of the study data, suggests comfort does play a part in the injury. Figure 1, highlights the spread of comfort and may represent the physiological adaptation of the lower limb to the demands of professional football. Usual (black zone) comfort which was calculated as a 3 comfort points spread around the median may be representative of a theoretical comfort threshold required for individuals to avoid injury associated with lower limb discomfort. This is an area of future research which is outside the scope of this study. Of the 5033 collected events for 182 players usual (black zone) comfort accounted for 58.6% of all comfort events. Comfort scores greater than the median ±1 comfort points resulted in no time loss events except for five outliers, however lower limb scores less than the median range resulted in a significant number of time loss events (R2 =0.77). This may indicate high comfort scores act as a protective mechanism against lower limb injury, but poor (red zone) comfort does not. It is acknowledged this premise can only relate to non-contact injuries. The incidence of injury, 59.9 injuries/1000 hrs reported in this study was greater than some reported injuries in the rugby league, 44.9/1000 hrs (Gibbs, 1993), and a ten year average in Australian Rules, 41.7/1000hrs (Orchard and Seward 2008), but less than others (160.6 /1000 hrs, rugby league) (Gabbett, 2000) and 83.9/1000hrs, rugby union (Fuller et al., 2008) However, different injury definitions and study designs will affect outcomes. The use of time loss events to describe non participation in full training (Drawer and Fuller, 2002; Hagglund et al., 2009) may have inflated injury rates. The use of time loss to define injury is increasingly used in football studies because it takes account of injuries most likely to affect a player's health and performance (Chomiak and Junge, 2000). For this study, time loss event was defined as not being able to take part in a regular training session or match because non-participation was considered to affect performance outcomes. The premise for the effect of non training participation and performance is to be investigated by the authors as an extension of this study. The recording of time loss events to the knee and below were based on two criteria: the LLCI was not tested during development to include other anatomical locations such as the groin or hip and the inclusion of more areas would have created an index which was overly complicated, from a time to complete perspective. Moreover, the majority of injuries sustained in most running sports involve the anatomical segments used in this study (Chomiak et al., 2000). A perceived limitation of the LLCI was not including hamstring, groin, pelvic and back injury as a consequence of lower limb comfort. An assessment of 17 hamstring injuries sustained over a 30 week period indicated that the LLCI was predictive of time loss hamstring events on 8 (47%) occasions. This snapshot of injury outside the parameters of the LLCI may provide some insight to pain inhibition responses. It is possible that hamstring injury was due to compensatory function for lower limb discomfort. While supportive evidence exists for neurophysiologic compensatory theory, the effect of musculoskeletal discomfort at one anatomical segment being associated with injury at a different anatomical segment requires further investigation. The capacity to use comfort in two ways, as a method to predict injury (Predicted TLE) or to categorize the extent of a known injury (Known TLE) by observing the comfort scores provides a mechanism to more capably manage an athlete in either a proactive sense (Predicted TLE = LLCI data pre injury), or manage poor lower limb discomfort when it is known (Known TLE = LLCI data post injury). A time loss event initially labeled a Predicted TLE will become a Known TLE in subsequent weeks where a player does not return to regular training (Figure 7). Therefore, as time loss events in the study were a combination of Known TLE and Predicted TLE, the capacity of poor (red zone) comfort to predict injury was not statistically significant (R2 =0.18). However, conclusions about the LLCI lacking face validity for injury prediction should not only be interpreted by statistical validity but also by clinical application. Figure 7 indicated for two new injury events in weeks 6 and 10; poor (red zone) comfort was predictive of injury (Predicted TLE = LLCI data pre injury). For the entire study, on 47% of occasions, time loss events were predicted. Because the football organisations involved in this study had good intervention programs, many of the time loss events were Known TLE. A study by the authors which is an extension of developmental and efficacy research on the use of a lower limb comfort which involved 59 rugby league players indicated where there was no organized or tailored lower limb intervention program; poor (red zone) comfort was a good predictor of injury where of 71 non contact injuries, 69% were predicted (95% CI = 58.2, 79. 8%). Many time loss events in this study were classified as Known TLE. The case study (Figure 6) was considered representative of Known TLE which occurred in the study. In the example provided poor (red zone) comfort was used to not only assess the site of injury (shin), but also comfort levels of adjacent anatomical sites (foot, ankle, calf- achilles, knee and footwear) due to the injury. Calf comfort reduced following shin injury most likely due to compensatory movement patterns and protective responses to unload the injured region. The use of a multi-segment lower limb comfort measure provided a barometer to assess comfort for return to full training participation which did not occur until week 11. Further, the site of injury did not return to pre-injury comfort level for some weeks following the incident, which highlights the benefit of how prospective measures of comfort provides medical and conditioning staff with quantitative data to implement more targeted intervention programs. In the study all time loss events were highly correlated with poor (red zone) comfort (R2 = 0.77; p <0. 0001). However, there were occasions where poor comfort had a weak correlation time loss events (R2 = 0.16; p <0.0001) where poor comfort was not associated with a time loss event; the player is capable of full physical activity. This creates a dilemma for medical staff about how to manage the athlete. While player base line comfort can be compared to comfort at the time of injury to enable quantification of the injured zone and adjacent anatomical segments not directly affected by injury, the study shows that where poor comfort is registered, there is a high correlation with injury (R2 = 0.77), and 47% of Predicted TLE are associated with poor comfort. Thus, the challenge for the clinician is to process all available information, to enable an informed decision about the potential for injury with continued participation where poor lower limb comfort is registered. The use of lower limb comfort scores may offer one additional method of assisting with decision making. |