Our first hypothesis was indeed confirmed; at low-intensity contractions, the ratio between the EMG of the upper and lower portions during the curl up exercise was significantly larger than during the leg raise exercise. The difference in the ratio between RMS values of the EMG data of the upper and lower portions during the curl up and leg raise exercises suggests that the different portions were selectively recruited during these two tasks. However, the peak values of the cross-correlation function indicate that the EMG signals from the upper and lower portions were correlated during the curl up and leg raise exercises. This correlation between EMG signals of the upper and lower portions indicates the existence of a common neural command for both portions, in addition to individual neural commands for each area (with about 50% common command and 50% individual command). This interpretation can be described with a simple model (Kohn, 2006). Let y(n) = αx(n) + w(n) indicate the relation between the EMG signals x and y, where x(n) and y(n) indicate that the two EMG signals are in discrete-time and w(n) is an independent random process. This random process embodies the individual commands for the two muscle portions, meaning that if w(n) is zero, the EMG of a muscle portion is α times the EMG of the other portion (we are assuming no time delays, for simplicity). The cross-correlation peak value indicates what fraction of y(n) is directly related to x(n), meaning that when the cross-correlation peak is equal to 1, the two muscle parts are being driven by a common source. On the other hand, if the cross-correlation peak value is lower than 1, the proportion of individual drive is increased with respect to the common source. Finally, when the cross-correlation peak is zero, no common source exists, and each muscle portion is driven independently of each other. These results suggest that a dual control system may be operating simultaneously on the different portions of the rectus abdominis muscle: one that activates two or more portions in a parallel way (a common drive) (De Luca and Erim, 2002) and another that provides independent control of the portions. That is, each portion of the rectus abdominis muscle can be partially controlled by the nervous system in an independent way while different portions simultaneously contribute to the same task, acting like a functional unit. This mathematical evidence for a common drive as well as independent control of the rectus abdominis portions is consistent with neuroanatomical descriptions of rectus abdominis muscle innervations based on corpse dissection and electrical nerve stimulation (Duchateau et al., 1988; Hammond et al., 1995; Pradhan and Taly, 1989; Sakamoto et al., 1996). These studies have shown that different portions can be innervated by different nerves as well as by a common nerve branch, supporting the common drive and independent control of the rectus abdominis portions. Our second hypothesis was that portions of the rectus abdominis muscle present different patterns of fatigue according to the muscle portions that are more activated in each specific motor task. This hypothesis was also confirmed; the fatigue condition captured by the rate of change in the frequencies of the EMG signals revealed differences between exercises and various rectus abdominis areas. The observation of a higher index of fatigue for the frequency variable (indicating a larger frequency decline) for the upper portion compared with the lower portion during the curl up exercise and the higher index of fatigue for the upper portion during the curl up than during the leg raise exercise corroborates the idea of task-dependent selective fatigue in the rectus abdominis muscle. However, such differences were observed only for the median frequency of the EMG data. The index of fatigue based on the moving RMS of EMG amplitude was much more variable than the index of fatigue based on the median frequency, as shown by the standard deviations in Figure 4. Such variability in fatigue conditions confirms earlier results from Dimitrova and Dimitrov, 2003, who reported that EMG amplitude is not a reliable measurement to detect neuromuscular fatigue. A unique finding of this study is that by investigating very controlled tasks (low-intensity and fatiguing isometric abdominal exercises without changing body posture) and employing specific signal processing tools through cross-correlation function and time-frequency analysis, we observed that both common drive and independent control of the rectus abdominis muscle are present during rectus abdominis activation. This dual presence may explain why different studies have found selective activation of the rectus abdominis muscle (Escamilla et al., 2006; Moreside et al., 2008; Vera-Garcia et al., 2000; Walters and Partridge, 1957; Warden et al., 1999) while others have not (for example, Clark et al., 2003; Hubley-Kozey and Vezina, 2002; Lehman and McGill, 2001). We speculate that variations in the intensity of abdominal exercises, subject differences in the rectus abdominis neuroanatomical innervation, or subject variation on recruiting different rectus abdominis motor units might cause either the common drive or the independent control to dominate the other. Further research is needed to elucidate these issues. |