Research article - (2011)10, 607 - 615 |
The Influence of Musical Cadence into Aquatic Jumping Jacks Kinematics |
Mário J. Costa1,4,, Cristiana Oliveira4, Genoveva Teixeira4, Daniel A Marinho3,4, António J. Silva2,4, Tiago M Barbosa1,4 |
Key words: Aquatic jumping exercises, simultaneously actions, music rhythm, range of motion, segmental velocity |
Key Points |
Subjects |
Five young women, non-pregnant, clinically healthy and physically active, holding a graduation degree in Sports Sciences and with at least one year of experience conducting head-out aquatic programs, volunteered to participate in this study. Subjects reported no previous history of orthopedic or muscle-skeletal injuries in the previous six months. |
Procedures |
Each subject performed a basic head-out aquatic exercise entitled “Jumping jacks”. The “Jumping jacks” consists of a jumping exercise divided in two hops. During the first hop the subject makes an abduction of both arms and legs simultaneously in the frontal plane. During the second hop the subject makes an adduction of the previously referred segments, returning to the original and neutral position. The exercise was initiated with the water surface at the xiphoid process level. Arms were always fully immersed, meaning that arm’s abduction is made up to the xiphoid process horizontal level and then adducted. The protocol consisted of five sets of 16 full repetitions of the “Jumping jacks” exercise, at the “water tempo”, immersed to the xiphoid process (i.e., breast). The bouts intensities were 80%, 90%, 100%, 110% and 120% of the cadence reported by Barbosa et al., |
Data collection |
The protocol was videotaped independently in frontal plane with a pair of cameras providing a dual projection from both underwater (GR-SXM25 SVHS, JVC, Yokoama, Japan) and above (GR-SX1 SVHS, JVC, Yokoama, Japan) the water surface as reported elsewhere (Oliveira et al., |
Statistical analysis |
The normality and homogeneity assumptions werechecked respectively with the Shapiro-Wilk and Levene tests. For qualitative assessment, mean intra-cyclic curves normalized to time for 2D center of mass’ displacement and velocity were computed with MATLAB (version 6 R12, MathWorks Inc., Massachusetts, USA). For descriptive analysis, mean plus one standard deviation were computed as central tendency and dispersion measures, respectively. For each relationship, the mathematical model with the best good-of-fit adjustment and the lowest standard error of the estimation was adopted. All relationships presented a better adjustment when linear regressions were computed. So, linear regression models were used to describe the relationships between musical cadence and kinematical variables (2D displacements and 2D velocities), as well as its coefficients of determination. As rule of thumb, for qualitative and effect size assessments, it was defined that the relationship was: (i) very weak if R2 < 0.04; weak if 0.04 ≤ R2 < 0.16; moderate if 0.16 ≤ R2 < 0.49; high if 0.49 ≤ R2 < 0.81 and; very high of 0.81 ≤ R2 < 1.0. The level of statistical significance was set at P ≤ 0.05. |
Centre of mass qualitative assessment |
Cycle period |
Centre of mass kinematics |
Upper limbs’ kinematics |
Lower limbs’ kinematics |
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationships between the head-out aquatic exercise “Jumping jacks” kinematics’ and the music cadence. Increasing the musical cadence, expert and fit subjects increase the lateral velocity of lower segments (i.e. feet) to maintain the range of motion. For the centre of mass and upper segments (i.e. hands) the vertical displacement is reduced to maintain the musical cadence. It has been argued that musical cadences between 125-150 b·min-1 and 130-150 b·min-1 are the most suitable to maintain the full range of motion when exercising head-out aquatic exercises (Kinder and See, |
Centre of mass qualitative assessment |
From a qualitative point of view, the center of mass vertical displacement and velocity presented a two-peak kinetics profile. Because “Jumping jacks” is a vertical jump exercise, both hoping actions imposed rise and fall movements, representing the upper and lower bounds of the centre of mass’ curves. The center of mass reduced values of lateral displacement and velocity were characterized by a single-peak and multi peak kinetics profile, respectively. Requiring simultaneous actions from both sides of the trunk, the lateral displacement and velocity are much reduced during the vertical jump. So, the jumping and fall points are similar. The lower values presented for both variables were due to the micro imbalances induced by weight and impulsion force during the suspension phase, leading to a slight unstable balance while performing the exercise. Similar trend is verified for the “Side kick” with higher values for both lateral displacement and velocity components (Oliveira et al., |
Cycle period |
It was hypothesized that increasing cadence would impose a decrease in the cycle period. The subjects decreased the cycle period during the incremental protocol. Cycle period is considered as being (Oliveira et al., The duration of each phase can be computed as:
The less time spent to perform the exercise is explained by the kinematical strategies adopted. For the upper segments, subjects decreased di and maintained the vi. On the other hand, for the lower segments, the vi was increased to keep the di when increasing the cadence. Similar trend for increased velocity strategy was observed for expert and fit subjects while performing kicking (Oliveira et al., |
Centre of mass kinematics |
There were no significant relationships between center of mass lateral displacement and velocity. Jumping jacks is a basic exercise that requires a simultaneously action of the four limbs. Because the jumping and fall points are quite similar, it is difficult to obtain significant changes in the lateral components of any kinematical variable selected. So, the slight lateral changes observed during the suspension phase were due to the movement characteristics. In a vertical point of view, there was a significant and negative relationship between vertical displacement and cadence, while the velocity remained stable. The velocity represents a unique combination of displacement and the time spent to cover that specific distance. As the cycle period decreases at higher cadences (Oliveira et al., |
Upper limbs’ kinematics |
For the hands, only the vertical displacement presented a significant and negative relationship with the music cadence. The remaining variables were not related to the musical cadence. For land-based movements, the fluid(air) presents a constant resistance in all anatomical reference planes. In the aquatic environment, a greater effort is necessary to move the body due to the higher density and viscosity of this fluid, generating an increased drag force (Alberton et al., For instance, if with increased cadence the CM and upper limbs vertical displacements were reduced, we can expect an increase in power output with musical cadence. Power output was not measured in this study, although speculations can be made that the relationship with the cadence will be non-linear. At least one study reported neuromuscular evidences during stationary running (Alberton et al., |
Lower limbs’ kinematics |
Most of the variables (i.e., vertical and lateral displacements and vertical velocity) presented no significant relationships with the increasing cadence. Significant data was only observed for the foot lateral velocity. Due to some anatomic characteristics, it is known that the upper limbs range of motion is higher when compared to the lower ones. Using frontal plane as reference, the arms (i.e., abduction/adduction) are able to reach a higher range than the legs. This difference between upper and lower limbs is even more notorious considering the simultaneously action of the four limbs. From a qualitative point of view, it is expected a movement with vertical focus for the upper limbs and a lateral focus for the lower ones. As a consequence, the drag force imposed to the lower segments is lower than for upper ones. For this reason, when increasing the music cadence it was possible to increase the lower limbs segmental velocity to maintain the range of motion. Similar trend was reported as well for some of the head-out basic exercise main groups such as: (i) Walking (e.g., Kato et al., Some limitations should be addressed: (i) the reduced sample size (and therefore the statistical power); (ii) the high fitness level of the sample group (so, data is only representative of the kinematical strategies employed by this kind of subjects) and; (iii) it was analyzed a basic jumping exercise (i.e., performing the same limb action with the four segments simultaneously and in the same anatomical reference plane) that might not be representative of other more challenging jumps from the inter-limb synchronization point of view. |
As a conclusion, performing the “Jumping jacks” exercise, expert and fit subjects increased the lower limb’s velocity to maintain the range of motion. At the same time, the upper limb’s displacement is reduced to coupe the music cadence. It appears that, for exercise drills with simultaneous limb actions, expert and fit subjects have a similar kinematical response that is used for alternated limb actions (e.g., walking, running, kicking or rocking). Head-out aquatic exercise instructors should be aware of the possible kinematical responses throughout increasing cadences, manipulating it according to the movement focus aiming to maximize the power output. Future research should focus on the relationships between increasing cadence and power output in order to determine the critical cadence intervals for power enhancement. |