The pattern of motor unit recruitment is an important factor in shaping the myoelectric intensity spectrum. Action potentials from faster fibers travel at higher conduction velocities and thus have higher mean frequencies, so an EMG frequency spectra provides information about motor unit recruitment strategies (Solomonow et al., 1990). Recently it was shown by theoretical calculations, that recruitment strategies resulting in a greater proportion of faster muscle units being active had a significantly higher mean frequency (Wakeling, 2009). Although other physiological factors can bias the EMG frequency, careful experimental and statistical design can account for such bias, and so distinct high- and low- frequency components of the EMG have been reported for a range of in vivo activities (Wakeling and Rozitis, 2004; Wakeling et al., 2006, von Tscharner, 2002). It has been suggested, these spectral characteristics are the result of altered recruitment patterns between different motor units. It does not appear that the changes in myoelectric intensity spectra that occurred during the submaximal skiing session can be explained by the length of the muscle fiber or by the decrease in physiological changes (pH level, muscle temperature). The most plausible explanation for the observed changes in myoelectric signal is that the pattern of motor unit recruitment was altered during the 3 hour skiing session. In the classical explanation of fatigue, it would be expected that in order to maintain muscle power output required for skiing at a constant pace, more muscle fibers would have to be recruited or that they are excited at higher frequencies as they become fatigued (Wakeling et al., 2001). Fast twitch fibers are more susceptible to fatigue than the slow muscle fibers (Komi and Tesch, 1979; Moritani et al., 1982) and increased recruitment should occur for these fibers in particular. If such a fatigue effect occurs during a prolonged alpine skiing session one could assume that an increased recruitment in high frequencies should be observable along all time windows of a double turn. Figure 5 does not depict such a uniform alteration at higher frequency band. The general decrease in mean frequency combined with inconsistent changes within the time windows is contrary to the assumption, that additional fast fibers are recruited due to the reduced power output of other fibers. From a physiological point of view those results correspond with findings on glycogen depletion during alpine skiing (Nygaard et al., 1978; Tesch et al., 1978). For most recreational downhill skiers, the major glycogen loss occurs in the slow fibers. This suggests that this fiber type produces the predominant proportion of tension development during a day of alpine skiing (Nygaard et al., 1978). On the other hand highly skilled (racers) and unskilled (beginners) skiers, which were not investigated in our experiment, also showed particular responses on fast fibers (Nygaard et al., 1978). Hence, with respect to our findings and the earlier studies on glycogen depletion we suggest that the fast fibers do not reach a state of fatigue in terms of generally reduced power output as they are not used to a large extend during recreational skiing. This argument is furthermore supported by the results of earlier published isometric peak force data which were not different from PREskiing to POSTskiing (Seifert et al., 2009). In earlier studies it was also suggested, that glycogen depletion toward the end of the day, especially in the slow fibers, could contribute to the injury pattern which peaks toward the end of the ski day (Seifert et al., 2009). A generally reduced power output of the slow fibers should be reflected in the EMG signal in the way that additional fibers are recruited along the double turn. But similar to the fast components, no uniform alteration along the 10 time windows in the slow frequencies can be observed (Figure 5). Altered timing of muscle activity during a prolonged skiing session and implication on functional aspects of the skiing technique. We suggest that the observed shifts in frequencies towards lower values in the present study are not caused by a general substitution of fibers with a concomitant reduction in power output. The most plausible explanation for the reduced frequencies is altered skiing style with modified timing of muscle activity. Depending on the turning side (inside leg vs. outside leg) different alterations occur and the shift to the lower frequencies in the POSTskiing can be explained in several ways. For example RF on TOP showed a clear decrease of the high frequency components during the earlier phases of the inside leg (Figure 5; time window 2|3). Conversely, a clear increase in the low frequency components specifically can be observed during the last part of the turn on the outside leg for RF (Figure 5; time window 9|10). This level of detail has been made possible by the use of wavelet analysis on the myoelectric signal. The mean frequency of the power spectrum, calculated by a Fourier transformation, was previously used to evaluate fatigue during alpine skiing (Ushiyama et al., 2005). The results showed a decreasing trend in mean frequencies which appeared to be more pronounced in the afternoon compared to that in the morning. However, a discussion of this shift in frequencies was not possible in terms of an altered timing of muscles (skiing style) due to the collapse in temporal aspects of the signal. Hence, interpretation of these data is limited. It was shown recently (Kröll et al., 2010) that the functional importance of RF during recreational skiing in the inside leg is very high. From a coordinative point of view, recreational alpine skiers should try to obtain an adequate bilateral loaded skiing technique (Mueller and Schwameder, 2003). To accomplish this, the skier has to shift weight to the inside leg by knee extension, while being careful to avoid too high of loading of the inside leg by hip flexion. The situation dependent repetitive loading (RF as knee extensor) and unloading (RF as hip flexor) activities are crucial and are reflected in the EMG signal by the involvement of more fast twitch fibers throughout the muscle contraction in the inside leg compared to the outside leg (Kröll et al., 2010). After the prolonged skiing session, there was a decrease in high frequency components which could be a result of a reduction in the recruitment of fast components at the TOP and at the END of the run in the inside leg. The corresponding overall EMG intensities decreased on TOP for the inside leg, but increased at the END on the outside leg. Therefore, the situation dependent repetitive loading (RF as knee extensor) and unloading (RF as hip flexor) activities seem to be reduced and skiers ski more unilaterally on the outside leg. Even though the functional capacity would be enough to maintain the original skiing style, recreational skiers could preferentially ski more unilaterally, on the outside leg, in order to reduce the load on the inside leg. One could speculate that this occurs due to the necessity to have a recovery phase during each inside leg phase. Following the biomechanical distinction of the carving technique and the traditional parallel technique (Mueller and Schwameder, 2003) we suggest that the prolonged submaximal skiing session leads to a shift in skiing style towards the traditional parallel technique. This alteration in skiing style is furthermore supported by the overall intensity results of VL which changed in the same way as the RF (Table 1). The observation that activity peaks occur later within the turn for almost all situations (in seven cases out of eight, Figure 5), after the prolonged skiing session, is another indicator of a shift to traditional parallel technique since the duration of the initiation phase for the following turn is thereby reduced (Mueller and Schwameder, 2003). Mueller and Schwameder, 2003 suggested when skiers use carving skis with adequate technique, they maintain better sagittal balance and have improved edge steering ability that help them remain centrally positioned over their skis. The enhanced steering ability when using a co-loading technique was recently described by theoretical calculations (Heinrich et al., 2009). Furthermore, an increase in force does not occur as quickly with co-loading as with traditional parallel turn technique (Mueller and Schwameder, 2003). We speculate that the altered skiing style towards the traditional parallel turn counteracts the functional properties of carving skis. This could increase the potential risk for over edging and consequently for falls as the saggital balance and the edge steering behavior of the equipment is altered. From a skiing safety perspective, the more rapid force increase on the outside leg compared to the bilateral steered (more controlled) technique at the beginning of the skiing session may be important. It seems to be plausible that quicker and more uncontrolled force increases in combination with the self steering abilities of carving skis may increase the risk of potential falls due to sudden, unanticipated edging. We suggest that recreational skiers should be intentionally instructed to maintain a situation dependent repetitive loading (RF as knee extensor) and unloading (RF as hip flexor) activity of the inside leg to reduce the shift towards a traditional parallel technique during a prolonged skiing session. |