Research article - (2012)11, 387 - 392 |
Effects of a Combined Aerobic and Strength Training Program in Youth Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia |
Maria Beatriz Perondi1,, Bruno Gualano1,2, Guilherme Gianini Artioli2, Vítor de Salles Painelli1, Vicente Odone Filho1, Gabrieli Netto1, Mavi Muratt1, Hamilton Roschel1,2, Ana Lúcia de Sá Pinto1 |
Key words: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, child, strength training, pediatrics, quality of life |
Key Points |
Patients |
Eleven patients recruited from the Children’s Institute took part in this study. The inclusion criteria for this study were: 1) children and adolescents (5-18 yr) during the maintenance therapy against low-risk or high-risk ALL; 2) time elapsed since the start of the treatment > 6 months; 3) preserved cardiac structure and function, as assessed by an echocardiogram, and 4) the absence of musculoskeletal disturbances that could limit participation in the exercise training program. One patient, prior to initiating the training protocol, presented non-exercise-related haematemesis due to a gastric ulcer and had to be excluded. Another four patients withdrew from the study prior to the training protocol due to personal reasons. Thus, six patients initiated and completed the protocol and were included in the analyses. The patients’ characteristics are shown in The study was approved by the General Hospital’s Ethics and Committee Review Board. Before initiating the study, all of the subjects’ parents provided a written informed consent after being provided with a complete verbal and written explanation about the study’s objectives, as well as the risks and benefits that were involved. |
Experimental design |
A small prospective study with a quasi-experimental design was conducted. At the beginning of the trial, the patients were submitted to an echocardiographic and VO2max assessment. Then, they underwent a 12-week supervised training program, which combined high-intensity strength exercises with a moderate aerobic exercise. Although the trial focused on the effects of intensive resistance training, aerobic training was also included because it had previously been shown to benefit ALL patients (San Juan et al., At baseline and after 12 weeks, the subjects weresubmitted to a sub-maximal dynamic strength assessment through the use of the ten repetition-maximum test (10-RM). Hematological parameters, serum muscle enzymes, inflammatory markers and QOL were also determined at the same time frame. |
VOpeak assessment |
Heart rate was recorded at rest, during the effort, and during the recovery phase by means of simultaneous monitoring of 12 derivations (D1, D2, D3, AVr, AVl, AVf, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, and V6). Arterial blood pressure was measured indirectly using an aneroid sphygmomanometer by the auscultatory method. The gas exchange and ventilatory variables were analyzed by using a breath-by-breath calorimetry system (Cortex - model Metalyzer III B, Leipzig, Germany). The patients were submitted to an incremental treadmill test (Heck et al., |
10-RM test |
Dynamic strength was assessed through a sub-maximal strength test instead of the conventional one-repetition-maximum test (1-RM). According to San Juan et al., The patients underwent 4-8 familiarization sessions before the 10-RM tests took place. Patients were considered familiarized when the variation between two consecutive tests was lower than 5%. The average period necessary to complete familiarization was 3 ± 1 weeks. Familiarization sessions consisted of a light warm-up, followed by the 10-RM test protocol. The 10-RM is defined as the maximum strength capacity to perform ten repetitions until muscular fatigue. Prior to the test, a warm-up (i.e., 3 sets of 5 repetitions at 40-60% of the perceived 10-RM with a 1-min rest period) was performed. Thereafter, 3 to 5 separate single attempts were performed until the 10-RM was attained. The interval between each unsuccessful attempt was 4 min. patients were instructed to perform each exercise to acute muscular exhaustion. Any repetitions that were not performed with a full range of motion were discarded. The 10-RM tests were conducted for 4 exercises: bench press, lat pull down, leg press and leg extension. |
Exercise training |
The exercise program consisted of 12 weeks of supervised training. The exercise sessions occurred twice a week and lasted approximately 1 h per session. Training sessions consisted of a 10-min treadmill warm-up followed by 30 min of resistance training, 20 min of treadmill aerobic training and 5 min of stretching exercises. All sessions were monitored by one fitness professional and one physician. The exercise program was performed in a gymnasium located at the Rheumatology Division of the School of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo. An exercise session would be cancelled whenever the patient presented fever (temperature > 38°C/100.4°F), low blood platelet levels (< 50.000 per μl), a neutrophil count lower than 500 cells per μl, marked anemia (hemoglobin < 8 g/dl) or severe cachexia (i.e., weight mass loss > 35%). The resistance training included five exercises for the main muscle groups: bench press, leg press, lat pull down, leg extension and seated row. Patients were required to perform 4 sets of 6-10-RM, except during the first week, when they performed only 2 sets of approximately 15- RM for each exercise as an adaptation to the high-intensity resistance training. Progression to greater resistance levels was implemented when the subject was able to perform 10 repetitions in the last training set for 2 consecutive workouts. Aerobic running intensity was set at the corresponding heart rate of approximately 70% of VO2peak. |
Quality of life |
The QOL was assessed by the validated Brazilian PedsQL inventory (Klatchoian et al., |
Safety analyses |
In order to determine the safety of the exercise training, the number of occurrences of bleeding, infections, erythrocyte and/or platelet transfusions and hospital admittances were assessed throughout the exercise training program. In addition, blood markers of inflammation (i.e., C-reactive protein levels and erythrocyte sedimentation rate), muscle damage (i.e., creatine phosphokinase and aldolase levels) and hepatic enzymes (i.e., alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase) were measured. |
Statistical analyses |
The power of the analysis was calculated post hoc with the use of the G-Power software (version 3.1.2 - Universitat Kiel, Germany). The analysis was conducted by inputting the α error (0.05), sample size (6 subjects) and the effect sizes of the exercise training on muscle strength and quality of life in ALL patients obtained from the study. Calculation was based on a T-test for dependent means and the power obtained (1 - β error) range from 0.95 to 0.70. Effect size (ES) for all dependent variables were estimated to determine the practical significance of the findings. All data were expressed as mean ± SD. Shapiro-Wilk test revealed that all data were normally distributed. Paired t-tests were used to analyze all the dependent variables. Pre-post pooled data of weight lifted in the four exercises (bench press + leg press + leg extension + lat pull down) were also examined in order to provide a broader view of strength changes. The alpha level was previously set at p < 0.1. The analyses were conducted using SPSS 14.0 software (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Illinois). |
A significant improvement was observed in the 10-RM bench press, lat-pull-down, leg-press and leg-extension as a result of the resistance training ( Throughout the training period, there were no reports of pain, muscle injury, cramps, muscle soreness, ecmoses, excessive exhaustion or any apparent exercise-related adverse episode. Furthermore, there was no occurrence of muscle bleeding, infections or hospital admittance during the training period. No suppressions in hematological or alterations in biochemical blood parameters were observed as a consequence of the exercise training (data not shown). Regular physical examinations have also revealed no abnormalities. The parents’ evaluations of their children revealed an improvement in the QOL in the generic domain as well as in the fatigue scale. On the other hand, parents’ evaluation of QOL regarding the cancer module remained unaltered. Children’s self-reported QOL was unchanged ( |
This study indicated that a 12-week exercise program involving high-intensity resistance exercises combined with aerobic training promotes marked strength improvements without any apparent adverse effect in children and adolescents during the maintenance phase of the ALL treatment. Importantly, we have reported an increase in the QOL of these patients as a consequence of an exercise training program, which was probably a consequence of the strength gain. Exercise training has been shown to be an emergent, non-pharmacological intervention that may be able to counteract the short and long-term effects of the ALL treatment (i.e. muscle atrophy and muscle deconditioning) (San Juan et al., As expected, we observed a marked increase in sub-maximal dynamic strength in the patients as a result of the high intensity resistance training program. It is worth noting that the strength gains observed in the current study were largely greater than those seen by San Juan et al., Even though exercise has been shown to be effective, safety is still an issue regarding ALL patients. In adults, there is a consistent body of evidence showing that chronic exercise training improves the immune system function (Nieman, Finally, we verified improvements only in the parents’ evaluation of QOL for the generic domain and for the fatigue scale. As previously argued by others (Marchese et al., The present study has some limitations. First, considering the putative risks inherent to a high-intensity exercise program in children and adolescents undergoing treatment against ALL, we prudently chose to conduct a small sample study before initiating a larger trial. For this reason, caution should be exercised in extrapolating the current findings to clinical practice. Despite the reduced number of participants, the large magnitude of our outcomes enables us to find statistically significant differences as a result of the intervention. Second, we were unable to design a control group. The lack of non-trained subjects can be attributed to the same reasons raised by San Juan et al., |
We demonstrated that a 12-week exercise program including high-intensity resistance training is safe and able to substantially improve strength and quality of life, as reported by their parents, in youth patients receiving treatment against ALL. Further, randomized controlled trials should investigate the long-term safety and efficacy of this mode of intervention in a larger ALL sample. |
The authors would like to thank all the children and their parents who kindly took part in this study. The authors are also thankful to Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq; grant #130601/2011-0). |
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