The major finding of the study was that the organization of a concurrent endurance and resistance training affects the metabolic responses of non-trained women. An important starting point was the standardization of the research. In this study the confounding effects of participants’ lifestyle, as well as the paraphysiological changes due to the estroprogestinic cycle could be deemed to be minimized due to the standardization of both caloric intake, and scheduling of the exercise tests with respect to the menstrual cycle of each participant (Fukuba et al., 2000; Matsuo et al., 1999; Oosthuyse and Bosch, 2010). Indeed, it is well known that dietary habits can influence indirect calorimetry (Compher et al., 2006) and physical performance (American Dietetic Association et al., 2009) through both quality and quantity of nutrients consumed. As literature does not report univocal opinion about the role of the menstrual cycle phase on EPOC (Fukuba et al., 2000; Matsuo et al., 1999) and as a significant variation in metabolic rate, during menstrual cycle, has been reported (i.e. increasing during the luteal phase) (Henry et al., 2003; Solomon et al., 1982), we have chosen to standardize protocols executions, with respect to the menstrual cycle phase, to reduce the possible confounding factors of our results. Adding that, exercise protocols, not differing for total volume, duration and intensity, centered the attention on the effects of the organization of endurance and resistance sessions during post-exercise recovery. This study found that AERT, compared with the other protocols, induced a higher metabolic rate by increasing EE, VO2, Ve and RPE during recovery from training, and independently of their pre-test values. Literature explains post-exercise higher values of EE, VO2 and Ve, with respect to their pre-exercise values, as physiological responses, to physical engagement, to support the adenosine triphosphate/creatine phosphate resynthesis, the replenishment of glycogen and oxygen stores, lactate removal, and increased body temperature and circulation (Borsheim and Bahr, 2003). In the same time, also post-exercise sustained Ve is cause of EE and VO2 because of the mechanical action of ventilation must be supported energetically. The proportion of oxygen in the expired air was also been found to be affected by the organization of concurrent training. The concentration of exhaled oxygen reflects the amount of oxygen used in metabolic processes and it is comparable to RER. The greater reduction of FeO2 elicited by AERT and RET, compared with ERT, reflects what is represented by RER because the reduction of FeO2 indirectly represents the increase of carbon dioxide, the dividend of the RER. The reduction of the RER, or the reduction of the FeO2, may represent the increase in fat oxidation. Indeed, Bahr and colleagues (1990) estimated that TG/FA cycling might account for as much as half of the energy cost during the delayed component of EPOC and earlier investigations has also shown RER to fall below baseline measures during recovery from exercise. They concluded that the lower RER values during recovery from high-intensity exercise versus moderate-intensity exercise could be attributable to a higher rate of fat oxidation rather than to replenishment of bicarbonate stores and that one of the other events potentially explain the fall of the RER. In addition, the trend of the measured objective variables has been shown to be coordinated with that of RPE: the lowest increases of EE and VO2 and the lowest decrease of FeO2 were coupled with the lowest increase of the perceived exertion in ERT, while the opposite trends were recorded in AERT. These results suggest that, in a concurrent training, the order of execution of the training sessions affects both objective (e.g. VO2) and subjective (i.e. RPE) variables. The relationship between RPE and objective variables, such as heart rate and oxygen consumption, (Borg, 1998; Warburton et al., 2006) is the basis of the use of RPE as methods to prescribe physical exercise. Taking into account that the absence of the recording of metabolic parameters during training is a limitation of the study, the high degree of standardization of both measurements and execution of the exercises are the strengths of the study. Our results suggest that the AERT protocol has the greater capacity to maintain a constant higher level of VO2 and ventilatory demand to physiologically and energetically sustain the training, compared with ERT and RET. However, more studies are needed to verify whether the organization of concurrent endurance and resistance exercise differently affects the trend of the observed variables during exercise. |