Research article - (2012)11, 459 - 467 |
The Effect of an Acute Bout of Rubber Tube Running Constraint on Kinematics and Muscle Activity |
Anita Haudum![]() |
Key words: Treadmill running variance ratio, 3-D analysis, EMG. |
Key Points |
Subjects |
Thirteen male recreational runners (mean ± SD: age = 26.3 ± 8.4 yrs; height = 1.78 ± 0.09 m; body mass = 74.4 ± 2. 5 kg) volunteered to participate in this study. The study was approved by the local ethics committee and signed written informed consent was obtained from all subjects prior to testing. |
Experimental procedure |
The test runs consisted of 2 x 30 min running trials on a motorized treadmill (HP Cosmos Quasar 170/65, Traunstein, Germany) at 3.0 m·s-1 and 0% grade. One 30 min run consisted of RT and one without rubber tubes (NT) running. The order of running was counterbalanced across runners. Tests were separated by a 60 min recovery period. Subjects warmed-up for 5 min at 2.3 m·s-1 without rubber tube harness before the start of the test. Subjects wore their own running shoes during all test runs and warm ups. Warm-up time was not included in the 30 min test. Kinematic and EMG data were recorded in six 2 min blocks (0-2, 3-5, 13-15, 16-18, 25-27 and 28-30). |
Training device |
A specially designed harness type belt (Tendybelt, Salzburg, Austria; |
Data collection |
Whole-body 3D kinematic data were collected using a Vicon motion capture system (Peak, Oxford, UK) sampling at 250 Hz. Retro-reflective markers were attached according to the Vicon Plug-In-Gait marker set. The synchronization between EMG data logger and the Vicon system was achieved via flashlight signal. EMG recordings (2000 Hz sampling frequency) were measured from the tibialis anterior (TA), gastrocnemius lateralis (GL), and rectus femoris (RF) using bipolar Ag/AgCl surface electrodes (Skintact, Leonhard Lang GmbH, Innsbruck, Austria). Skin preparation and electrode placement was conducted accordingly (Hermens et al., |
Data processing and analysis |
The first 90 strides of each 2 min block during the 30 min test were used for the analysis. Only the right leg was used for the analysis. In the first 2 min block (min 0-2), the first 10 strides were removed and the subsequent strides (11-100) were used for analysis. This ensured that runners who had just finished the warm-up started at zero speed and finished accelerating to the prescribed speed of 3.0 m·s-1; the difference in data collection due to adjustment to speed differences was excluded from the analyses. After manual labelling, Vicon motion raw data were filtered using a Woltring filter routine with an Mean square error value of 10 (Woltring, To detect variability in angles, the variance ratio (VR) was used to quantify the variability of the trajectories and to assess intra-individual stride-to-stride, stance-to-stance, and swing-to-swing variability within each data block according to Hershler and Milner ( The EMG was processed using IKE-master software. The signal was bandpass-filtered (10-300 Hz) using a second-order Butterworth filter and then full-wave rectified (Haudum et al., |
Blood lactate concentration |
Blood lactate concentration (LA) was determined from a 20 µ l sample collected from the earlobe before and immediately at the end of each test to determine the running effort during NT and RT. For statistical analysis only the post-run samples were used. Blood samples were stored in 1 ml glucose/lactate hemolyzing solution (EKF Diagonstic GmbH, Barleben, Germany), and subsequently analysed. Blood LA was analysed using a BiosenTM 5040 analyzer (EKF Diagonstic GmbH, Barleben, Germany). |
Statistical analysis |
Statistical calculations were performed using SPSS ver. 18.1 (SPSS Inc. , Chicago, IL, USA) software. Data were verified for normality (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) and sphericity (Mauchly test). If sphericity was not present, the Greenhouse-Geisser correction test was used. To determine significant differences in kinematic and EMG data for stride, stance phase, and swing between NT and RT running, a 6 (data block) x 2 (running condition) repeated measures ANOVA was applied. Dependent variables were VR, minimum angle, maximum angle, ROM, COM trajectory, stride, stance phase and swing duration, and RMS. A paired t-test was used to determine differences in LA. Significance for all analyses was set at p < 0.05. In addition, the effect calculations based on partial eta squared (η2p) were performed. |
Comparing NT and RT, joint angle analyses (see Despite similar stride durations, the stance-swing-ratio changed from 39.5% and 60.5% for NT running, to 36.3% and 63.7% with RT running (F(1,10) = 19.20; p < 0.01; η2p > 0.62). Mean ankle VRs ranged from 0.02 to 0.10 for NT vs. 0.02 to 0.09 for RT, mean knee VRs from 0.01 to 0.06 for NT vs. 0.01 to 0.08 for RT, and mean hip VRs from 0.09 to 0.28 for NT vs. 0.09 to 0.20 for RT. No significant differences in variability were found for angles in any of the 3 planes ( RMS data were significantly greater for RF during RT compared to NT running (F(1,10)=13.31; p < 0.01; η2p = 0.60), but were marginally not significant for TA (F(1,10)= 3.84; p = 0.07; η2p = 0.26). During swing, all muscles were more active during RT running (F(1,10)>5.96; p < 0.05; η2p > 0.46), while during stance phase, significant differences were found for RF only (F(1,10)=6. 05; p < 0.05; η2p = 0.40). Almost all RMS results yielded decreases in RMS over time (F(1,10)>4.31; p < 0.05; η2p > 0.28), except TA for stride and RF for swing. EMG data showed higher variability than kinematic data ( The post run LA was significantly higher for RT (2.5 ± 1.4 mmol·l-1) compared to NT running (2.2 ± 1.4 mmol·l-1) (p < 0.05; η2p = 0.20). |
In the present study, the effect of RT running on variability in kinematics and EMG was investigated, as well as joint angles, EMG activity and blood LA. The main findings in the kinematics revealed that particularly extension/flexion angles were influenced by the RT. When examining the COM trajectory, a higher vertical displacement was observed in swing during RT running. Contrasting kinematics and EMG yielded stronger effects of RT on EMG than kinematics. An additional difference observed was the shift towards a longer swing phase as RT running was accompanied by increased knee flexion without altering the stride duration. |
Variability |
The EMG variability ( Comparing our findings on EMG variability and RT with other RT studies in the literature, our results on variability during RT running are in agreement with Haudum et al. ( Contrasting stance phase and swing VRs, greater variability for the swing was observed as the legs are free to move (no ground contact) and the RT may induce greater influence on the leg movement. The upper body may also act as a kind of stabilizer against the RT perturbations, which would further support the minor influences during stance and the more obvious swing perturbations. The increased EMG variability may be due to complexity of the muscle coordination pattern to create appropriate interplay (Bernstein, These changes in variability reflect the traditional motor learning curves or paradigms, in which variability decreases throughout learning (Stergiou and Decker, Despite the increase in EMG variability, kinematic VRs remained stable in response to dynamic external perturbations contributed to by the RT (η2p < 0.27). This difference between EMG and kinematics VRs supported our attempt to increase within-movement variability. The marginal difference between NT and RT VRs underlined the complex connection between movements and nervous system, and the outstanding property that despite the increased EMG variability or even better because of the increased EMG variability kinematic VRs remained almost unchanged. The increased variability on muscular level offered the possibility to maintain a rather similar pattern on kinematic level (i.e. the redundant degrees of freedom in the leg offer locomotor control to be achieved via a wide range of recruitment strategies (Granata et al., With respect to stride duration, we found higher variability during NT than during the early minutes of RT (η2p = 0.29). According to Bernstein, |
Joint angles and muscle activity |
Joint angles were most often influenced in sagittal plane movement and less in transverse or coronal plane. That sagittal plane motion is greater than motion in transverse and coronal plane is in line with the literature (Novacheck, The higher hip extension and the reduced flexion (η2p > 0.63) during RT may be the reason for the increased RF activity, as it had to work against the tube. The knee in the NT situation flexed 91° vs. 96° in the RT situation, which hints towards a utilization of the tubes as 96° approaches flexion angles typical for sprinting (Novacheck, Since stride time remained unchanged during RT running, the longer swing time (η2p = 0.63), a result of the greater vertical motion of the COM and knee flexion, indicated that despite the unfamiliar constraint, runners could utilize the RTs. However, the other constraints (i.e. treadmill running and stride time) may have been too difficult to allow a severe change in the running pattern. The increased muscle activity (η2p > 0.26) in the three measured muscles was in line with previous research (Birklbauer et al., According to the graphical illustrations, the most obvious difference between NT and RT was present in the RF prior and during mid-swing phase that may indicate better response to the demands of RT running (Novacheck, In TA and GL, our data suggested that during the second half of the swing and late swing phase, the co-activation of TA and GL may indicate a stabilization attempt in preparation for ground contact (Novacheck, The RT affected the reactive forces both positively and negatively, since they may be hindering or supporting the movement. Therefore, they may require either more or less muscle activity. This uncertainty of how the RT influenced the running pattern was also evident in the higher muscle activity, which may reflect higher alertness in order to accordingly respond, and metabolically in the LA values. Another explanation for the higher muscle activity may be that the rebound of elastic energy, in particular, during the late stance phase, which resulted in a shorter stance phase and longer swing time. However, due to this utilization of elastic energy, especially prior to foot contact, more eccentric muscle work and therefore energy was required for braking in order to adjust the individual RT running behaviour. After some more RT practice time, this eccentric work due to adaptation may no longer be necessary. The observation of the decrease in muscle activity (η2p > 0.28) supported this theory. There are some limitations of this study. Besides the low number of runners, additional muscles may have provided more information on the actual effect of the tubes. In order to estimate the effect of the RT in the long term, future studies are warranted to examine the effect of an intervention with such a constraint or to analyse less automated skills and the effect of RT on relearning or unlearning a technique. |
The results of this study suggest that an acute bout of RT running produced greater changes in EMG variability compared to kinematics, which remained rather stable throughout the RT test and led to a modest increase in blood LA at the end of the RT test. The RT appears to be a useful device to increase within-movement variability and break up the constant movement pattern, yet still leaves some freedom to explore new, different running patterns. For training, the RT provides the opportunity to practice under variable conditions that are difficult to anticipate, and therefore, may help athletes to create better adaptation mechanisms. |