Research article - (2012)11, 468 - 474 |
The Effect of Instability Training on Knee Joint Proprioception and Core Strength |
Mutlu Cuğ1, Emre Ak2, Recep Ali Özdemir3, Feza Korkusuz2, David G Behm4, |
Key words: Instability resistance training, stability, back, abdominals |
Key Points |
Subjects |
Volunteers were university students who took elective courses from the Physical Education and Sports Department. In total, 60 participants participated in the study. Specifically, 43 participants (27 males, 16 females) from the General Physical Conditioning Course (Swiss ball group) and 17 participants (9 males, 8 females) from theoretical courses participated in the study ( |
Dependent variables |
Dependent variables included a Passive Reproduction of Passive Positioning Protocol (PRPP), which was conducted using a Biodex isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex Medical Systems, Inc. Shirley, NY). The patients were instructed to sit with the knee joint aligned to the axis of rotation. The thigh was fixed with a strap to isolate the movement of the knee joint. Participants were asked to wear shorts to minimize the sensory input of clothes to the skin during testing. Participants were blindfolded. The participant’s leg was placed with an initial angle of 90° of knee flexion for each trial. The participant’s leg was then passively moved to the test angle of 45° of knee flexion by the experimenter with an angular velocity of 4°/sec. This position (45° of knee flexion) was held for 3 seconds. The participants’ leg was then returned passively to the starting position. This familiarization procedure was performed twice. Following a five second rest period the dynamometer passively moved the participant’s leg at 45° of knee flexion at an angular velocity of 2°/s. The participants were instructed to push a stop button when they thought the prescribed angle had been reached. The amount of error, in the participant’s ability to match the reference angle, was noted. The average of two values was used for statistical analysis. The PRPP was tested pre-, post-training and was subsequently followed up 9 months later. The subsequent follow-up testing was only conducted with the experimental group. Trunk extensor\flexor strength was assessed on Biodex System III Isokinetic Dynamometer (Biodex Medical Systems, Inc. Shirley, NY) concentrically at an angular velocity of 90° s-1 (10 repetitions)(KarataÞ et al., |
Training program |
Swiss ball training was conducted 3 days (Mon-Wed-Fri) per week for 10 weeks. Each participant was given a ball that was sized in accordance to their height. The size of the ball was conducive to achieving >90° angle at both the hip and knee. The stability balls were either 55 or 65 cm in height. The volume of exercise was kept consistent for each individual. The exercise program progressed in difficulty by increasing the sets and repetitions (week 1: 2 sets of 6 repetitions to week 10: 3 sets of 14 repetitions) or duration (week 1: 2 sets of 30s to week 10: 2 sets of 60s). The exercise program progressed in difficulty by increasing the repetitions. Before each workout, participants warmed up with a 6-8 minute run at approximately 8 km/hr. Active dynamic stretching of the neck, shoulders, trunk, hips, quadriceps, hamstrings, abductor, and adductor muscles followed the run. Dynamic stretching has been reported to either facilitate or have no adverse effects upon subsequent performance (Behm and Chaouachi, Statistical Analysis Multivariate ANOVA (MANOVA) was used for pre-tests scores to test baseline equivalence between exercise and control groups. The effects of 10 weeks of Swiss ball exercises on trunk extension strength were examined by performing 2 x 2 (Group: exercise/control X time: pre/post-test) mixed design repeated measures of MANOVA. Univariate ANOVA’s were conducted in order to interpret main effect(s) and/or interaction effects. ? level was set as 0.05. Paired sample t-tests were performed to examine independent changes for both the exercise and the control group from pre- to post-measurements. Proprioception data was analyzed using the knee angle degree difference from the reference angle. A 3 way univariate ANOVA (2x2x2) with repeated measures on the time component was utilized. The 3 factors included groups (experimental and control), time (pre- and post-training) and side (right versus left knee). Significant interactions were identified using a Tukey post-hoc test. All statistics were performed with the SPSS Version 19 software. |
Trunk extension strength scores are shown in The trunk extension results indicated significant multivariate effects for time (Wilks’ Lambda=0.76, F (3, 56) =5.77, p < 0.02. η2 = 0.24) and group x time interaction (Wilks’ Lambda=0.54, F (3, 56) =15.97, p < 0.01. η2 = 0.46). However, no significant multivariate effect for group (Wilks’ Lambda = 0.92, F (3, 56) = 1.69, p > 0.05. η2 = 0.08) were found. Univariate ANOVAs for trunk extension measures were then conducted in order to interpret the significant multivariate time and group x time interaction effects. Follow-up ANOVA results revealed significant time effects for peak torque/body weight (F (1, 58) = 13.64, p < 0.05, η2 = 0.19) and total work scores (F (1, 58) = 6.80, p < 0.05, η2 = 0.11), whereas no significant time effect was found for agonist-antagonist ratio scores (F (1, 58) = 0.65, p > 0.05, η2 = 0.01). Overall (both groups combined), peak torque/body weight and total work increased 8.2% and 6.4% from pre- to post-training respectively. Similarly, group x time interaction indicated significant results for peak torque/body weight (F (1, 58) = 46.91, p < 0.05, η2 = 0.45) and total work scores (F (1, 58) = 29.44, p < 0.05, η2 = 0.34) but not for agonist antagonist peak torque ratio scores (F (1, 58) = 3.01, p > 0.05, η2 = 0.05). The trained group increased trunk extension peak torque/body weight by 23.6% whereas the control group decreased by 6.8%. The trained group also increased their total work output from pre- to post-training by 20.1% while the control group decreased 6.7%. Univariate ANOVAs for the multivariate ’group effect', on the other hand, showed non-significant differences between exercise and control group for peak torque/body weight (F(1,58) = 2.23, p > 0.05, η2 = 0.04), total work (F(1,58) = 0.68, p > 0.05, η2 = 0.01). Descriptive characteristics of the trunk flexion strength scores are provided in The MANOVA trunk flexion results did show significant multivariate effects of time (Wilks’ Lambda = 0.81, F (2, 57) = 6.36, p < 0.05. η2 = 0.18) and group x time interaction (Wilks’ Lambda = 0.84, F (2, 57) = 5.43, p < 0.05. η2 = 0.16). However, no significant multivariate effect for group (Wilks’ Lambda = 0.97, F (2, 57) = 0.80, p > 0.05. η2 = 0.03) were found. Follow up ANOVA results revealed significant time effects for peak torque/body weight (F (1, 58) = 9.30, p < 0.05, η2 = 0.14) and total work scores (F (1, 58) = 9.80, p < 0.05, η2 = 0.14). Overall, peak torque/body weight ratios and total work increased 8.7% and 7.6% respectively. Similarly, group x time interaction indicated significant results only for peak torque/body weight (F (1, 58) = 10.26, p < 0.05, η2 = 0.15) and but not for total work scores (F (1, 58) = 0.54, p > 0.05, η2 = 0.09). The exercise group increased their peak torque/body weight ratios with training by 18.1% while the control group decreased by 0.4% after 10 weeks. For proprioception (knee position sense) there were significant group (F (1, 58) = 5.22, p = 0.02), time (F (1, 58) = 13.03, p = 0.0006) and group x time (F (1, 58) = 9.30, p = 0.0006) effects. Main effect for groups showed that the experimental group (4.6° ± 2.9) achieved a 26.3% smaller deviation from the reference angle than the control group (5.8° ± 4.7). A main effect for time demonstrated a 22.5% improvement from pre- (5.8° ± 4.3) to post-training (4.50 ± 3.3). The group x time interaction illustrated a 44.7% improvement in repositioning of the knee with the experimental group pre-scores (5.9° ± 3.4) improving following training (3.3° ± 2.5) which persisted (21.5%) into the follow-up testing (4.6° ± 3.3). In addition there was a side interaction with the position sense of the right knee at follow-up showing 32.1% significantly (p = 0.03) less deviation from the reference angle than the right knee during pre-training testing ( |
The most important findings of this study were that a 10-week general instability RT program using body weight as a resistance significantly improved knee proprioception and trunk flexion and extension strength in a previously sedentary population. Furthermore, the improved knee joint proprioception persisted for 9 months following training. The concept of training specificity would suggest that improvements in knee proprioception would be most effectively achieved with a training program that involved the same posture, velocity, and movement (Behm and Sale, Swiss balls provide unstable conditions that may stimulate proprioceptors to provide feedback for the maintenance of balance and detection of body position (Cooke, Co-contractile activity may increase when training on unstable support surfaces (Behm et al., The positive knee position sense training adaptations were still evident 9 months post-training. Although statistically there was an overall improvement in knee proprioception, it was the right knee that demonstrated significantly less deviation from the reference angle, whereas the left knee while numerically better than pre-test was not significant. As the right leg was the dominant limb with most participants, there may be a more persistent training effect with the dominant side. During training and post-training, there may have been an increased reliance on the dominant limb permitting a greater training perseverance. The present training study was also effective for providing a positive strength training adaptation for trunk strength. Both trunk flexion and extension strength measures significantly improved with training. Greater trunk activation with unstable versus similar stable exercises is well documented (Behm et al., While performing exercises on an unstable surface, the motor control system initiates the co-activation of both global and local muscles to stabilize the spine to maintain balance (Carter et al., The strengthening of trunk stabilizing muscles is an important consideration for activities of daily living such as bending, twisting or lifting (Behm et al., |
A general 10-week IT program utilizing Swiss balls and body mass as a resistance proved effective for improving knee proprioception as well as trunk flexion and extension strength in previously inactive individuals. The present study demonstrates that the use of body weight as a resistance under unstable conditions can provide significant improvements in knee proprioception (for as long as 9 months after training) and trunk strength for the untrained population that should contribute to general health and functionality. |