Research article - (2012)11, 502 - 509 |
Notational Analysis of European, World, and Olympic BMX Cycling Races |
Manuel Mateo-March1,2,, Cristina Blasco-Lafarga3, Dominic Doran4, Rubén C. Romero-Rodríguez5, Mikel Zabala1,5 |
Key words: Skills, track, competition, performance, notational analysis |
Key Points |
Participants |
The sample consisted of an analysis of the 8 qualifying male athletes in the finals of the European Championship, Romans -France- and Weiterstadt -Germany- (E) (age: 23.2 ± 3.1 years; world ranking position: 14.5 ± 11.0), the World Championship, Victoria, British Columbia -Canada- and Taiyuan, -China- (W) (age: 25.2 ± 2.3 years; world ranking position: 9.1 ± 4.3), and finally, the pre-Olympics and Olympics, Beijing, Laoshan -China- (O) (age: 25.1 ± 3.1 years; world ranking position: 8.1 ± 4.2). The analysis was made in the year prior to and during the year of the Olympics, which are both qualifying years for the Olympic Games (pre-Olympic and Olympic years, 2007 and 2008). A total of 48 series performed by the best world-class BMX cyclists were examined. All participants were filmed and analyzed. The PAL video recordings were first transformed to 50 Hz via a frame-to-field method using two open source video-editing software (Avi Synth 2.5, Virtualdub 1.5). The same software was used for the video descriptive analysis of the technical skills executions and for registering the time corresponding values. A register table was designed for this purpose; the different values were stored using Microsoft Excel 2010. |
Procedures |
For the notational analysis carried out, the categorization of the different techniques was developed on the basis of a previously proposed classification and description of BMX cycling techniques (Mateo and Zabala, Three observers viewed and analyzed the video recordings separately with more than 95% inter-observer reliability. |
Technical elements of BMX |
Analysis of the different technical skills followed the following classification definitions.
Aerial techniques: technical actions that required both bike wheels to lose contact with the ground; Simple jump: Action of passing from one part of an obstacle to the other without making contact with the ground following the natural angle of flight the jump forces the rider to take. This was determined by the angle of the jump. Technical jump: Action of passing from one obstacle to the other modifying the angle of flight by pulling on the handle bars or altering angle of the rear of the bike in order change the flight time. Level jump: Action where both wheels leave the ground drawing and remaining parallel to the ground during the flight phase. Drawing jump: Action where the rider traces the parabola in the shape of the obstacle in order to achieve a minimum loss of speed and gain maximum speed after the drop. Description of non-aerial techniques in the BMX bike discipline. We defined non-aerial techniques as technical actions developed on the obstacles where at least one of the wheels remained in contact with the ground. Pedalling: Cyclical action of pedalling by pushing the pedals using the feet. Pull: Coordinated pushing action of the legs and arms used when descending the obstacles. Curve pass: Action of taking the best curve-line path around the track in order to maximize performance (i.e. fastest time). Gate start technique: Manoeuvres utilized to start the race once the starting gate is released. Manual: Action of maintaining the front wheel balanced from the final part of the jump take off until landing; Manual as a result of the obstacle: Resulting pushing technique (flexion/extension of the knees), which combined with the descending gradient of the obstacle produces the action of lifting the front wheel in order to pass/overshoot the next obstacle. Nose-manual: Action of rounding the obstacle with the front wheel in order to propel the bike during descent. Absorption: Technical manoeuvres which keeps the bicycle on the ground, avoiding unnecessary flights. It corresponds to the action of lifting the front wheel and keeping it balanced from the front of the jump ramp (≤ 1.5 m.). This wheel makes contact at the top of the ramp and/or at the start of the descent. Complete absorption: Action of lifting the front wheel and keeping it balanced from the front part of the jump ramp (≤ 1.5 m.) until the start of landing, achieving an increase of speed during the action. Mixed techniques: Actions that require a combination of aerial and/or non-aerial techniques Aero-terrestrial techniques: Action of executing any aerial technique described and combining it with an action of landing on the back wheel. Aero-manual: Action of executing any aerial technique combining it with a landing action by using a manual technique. Jump + Nose-manual: Combination of a jump action with nose-manual technique at landing. Jump to Manual to jump. Combination of jump action with manual technique at landing, completing the manoeuvres with a jump by using the back wheel as the only support prior to jumping again. Terrestrial-aerial techniques: Action of executing any non-aerial technique described combining it with taking off action. Bunny Jump: Combination of the absorption technique, completing the action with a jump using the back wheel as the only support during the impulse phase. Complete Absorption + Jump: Combination of the complete absorption technique ending with a jump. Manual Jump: Action of keeping the front wheel balanced from the final part of the jump ramp, taking advantage of the start of a new ob-stacle for taking off with a jump technique using the back wheel as the only support during the impulse phase. Top Manual: Action of maintaining the front wheel balanced from the final part of the jump ramp until the decision to start an impulse action, with landing in the descent from the obstacle, maintaining balance by using the back wheel. Top Manual + manual: Action of maintaining the front wheel balanced from the final part of the jump ramp until the decision to start an impulse action with landing in the descent from the obstacle, maintaining balance with the back wheel. Manual + bunnyhop + manual: Action of maintaining the front wheel balanced from the final part of the jump ramp until the decision to start an impulse action with landing in the descent from the obstacle, maintaining balance with the back wheel. However, the fact that all the previous techniques have the two following general considerations in common was considered. Common techniques: Technical actions effected in the development of any technique in view of the outcome of the particular technique used. Traced line: Route or direction that is taken during the completion of a race on the BMX track. Aerial or Non-aerial. Speed: Actions through which a variation in the amount of movement is achieved on the BMX track. |
Statistical analyses |
Descriptive statistics (mean ± SD) are reported for the measured variables. The Shapiro-Wilk Test was applied to test Gaussian distribution of the results, followed by the Levene test to verify the homogeneity of variance. The contrast test for independent samples (Mann-Whitney) was carried out between tracks (E vs. W, E vs. O and W vs. O) for the 2007 and, separately, 2008 seasons. Furthermore, the seasons 2007 and 2008 were compared through a test for related samples (Wilcoxon) because the performance data variables did not pass the normality test. Statistical significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. All data was analyzed using SPSS version 15.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). |
The results obtained from the descriptive statistical analysis and the comparative analysis for the differences of technical executions, temporal registers and pedalling cycles on each of the three types of tracks (E, W and O) during the 2007 and 2008 seasons are presented in |
Non-aerial techniques (NAT) |
There were no statistically significant differences between non-aerial techniques for the 2007 season between thedifferent tracks (p > 0.05). However, there were significant differences for the 2008 season between E vs. W (p = 0.007) and between E vs. O (p < 0.001) -more non-aerial techniques in E type tracks-, and between W vs. O (p < 0.001) -more non-aerial techniques in W tracks-. When we analyzed the different non-aerial techniques individually in both seasons and tracks, although in the 2007 season in general statistical significance was not reached, there were differences for the techniques ABS-C (complete absorption) and MAN (manual) between E vs. W (p ≤ 0.017), for the techniques ABS (absorption), MAN, PULL, ABS-C between E vs. O (p ≤ 0.015), always in favor (more) of the E tracks, but not between W vs. O (p > 0.05). When we observed the results of the statistical contrast between the 2008 season for each of the non-aerial techniques and between the different tracks, we found that between E vs. W the differences were statistically significant for the techniques ABS and ABS-C (p ≤ 0.002), between E vs. O for all techniques (ABS, MAN, PULL, ABS-C, p ≤ 0.012), in favor (more) of the E tracks, and finally between W vs. O for ABS and MAN (p ≤ 0.001) in favor of W tracks. On the other hand, the contrast for related samples showed that significant differences did not exist between the 2007 vs. 2008 seasons in general for NAT for any tracks. However, when we contrasted the different NAT techniques individually between the different tracks finding significant differences between both seasons for ABS and PULL, in favor of 2008, and in MAN technique in favor of 2007 for E track (p ≤ 0.04), in favor of ABS on the W track in 2008 season (p = 0.16), and in favor of 2007 in MAN and ABS-C on O track (p ≤ 0.024). Finally and even more important, when we matched all the tracks together from 2007 vs. 2008 significant differences were shown between all the NAT techniques (p ≤ 0.043) with higher values in the 2007 season (see |
Aerial techniques (AT) |
The results have shown that significant differences did not exist between aerial techniques for any of the seasons (p > 0.05). When we compared the different aerial techniques individually between seasons and between tracks, there were differences for 2007 season in SJ (simple jump) and TJ (technical jump) techniques between E vs. W (p ≤ 0.027), in favor of the W track, and in TJ technique between E vs. O (p ≤ 0.001), in favor of the O track. When we look at the results of 2008 season we find significant differences for TJ when comparing all the tracks (p = 0.001) in favor of W and O vs. E, and in favor of W vs. O. Moreover, the contrast for related samples did not show significant differences between the 2007 vs. 2008 season in general for AT. However, when we analyzed the different AT individually between the different tracks significant differences were found between seasons for SJ techniques on E track in 2007 (p ≤ 0.017), and for TJ on W track in 2008 season (p = 0.016). Finally, when we compared all the tracks together between 2007 and 2008 seasons significant differences (p < 0.001) were found between SJ (in favor of 2007) and TJ (in favor of 2008) (see |
Mixed techniques (MT) and overtaking maneuvers (OM) |
The analytical results for MT and OM show that there were no significant statistical differences for the majority of cases when we make contrast between track types within the same season. Differences emerge for MT only in the pre-Olympic year 2007, between E and O tracks (p = 0.027), in favor of the track type O. Overtaking manoeuvres varied across the three types of track according to the season they are compared (p = 0.012) (see When we compared PC2, we found statistical significance for 2008 season between E vs. O (in favor of E) and W vs. O (in favor of W, p = 0.001). On the other hand, when we analyzed the results for PC3 statistically significant differences were found for the 2007 season between the E vs. W and E vs. O by 11.85 and 24.23% respectively (p ≤ 0.027) in favor of E. When we compared in 2008 season all the PC techniques (PC1, PC2 and PC3) results showed statistical significance between the different tracks (E, W and O) for the three PC (p ≤ 0.05). The contrast for related samples showed that significant differences exist between the 2007 vs. 2008 season for PC1, PC2 and PC3 in all types of track (E, W and O, p ≤ 0.017), except for PC1 on the W track that showed a trend towards significance (p = 0.059). Finally, when matching the results of the three tracks between both seasons (2007 vs. 2008) for the PC (PC1, PC2 and PC3 together) statistical significance was highly significant in all the relationships (p < 0.001) (see The CP variable only showed significant differences for the 2007 season between E and W, and between E and O (p < 0.001), in favor of E track (see |
The central finding of this study indicates that BMX track design significantly impacts upon the technical difficultly and the execution of differing BMX skills. The first important observation is that the newer W and O track designs increase the frequency of aerial technique execution (AT) with a concomitant reduction in the frequency of NAT relative to the traditional European track design. These observations support the view that on E type tracks where qualifying points are contested for the Olympic Games rankings, riders who demonstrate higher levels of physiological conditioning (Mateo et al., These track design modifications have been implemented generally to increase the spectacle of high-level BMX competitions by the UCI. The increase in jump execution and greater aerial time theoretically allows for a more spectacular television and spectator experience. However, this may not be the case. Current data indicate that despite greater track complexity there may actually exist a propensity for reduction in overtaking/positional challenge that would facilitate the spectacle. We speculate that these technically difficult tracks (W and O) ensure that after the initial first few obstacles the positional jockeying that was a feature of type E racing is removed and that only 3-4 of the riders who achieved a positional advantage out of the start gate or into the first obstacle can compete for victory (Herman et al., Qualification processes for Olympic riders thus requires riders to compete on several track types that require them to have/execute widely differing physical and technically differing skill sets. From an athlete’s perspective, the greater complexity and amplitude of the type W and O track design leads to a concomitant need to improve their techno-tactical and conditioning preparation to overcome such issues as detailed above. Initially the technical optimization of BMX athletes could prevent typical injuries (Brøgger-Jensen et al., A systematized process of technical and tactical training evolving from the type E tracks to the W and new O tracks is needed. As such the optimal type of preparation must be focused on working on the predominant techniques requested in each track type, specifically taking into account that the starting gate generally shows greater slope in O tracks. It is possible that the less experienced Junior category riders could be the most adversely affected if they compete at W and O championship tracks, because the opportunity to practice on these tracks in Europe is limited (unless replica tracks are designed as has been the case for British Cycling prior to the 2008 Beijing Games and recently for the 2012 London Games). Special importance should also be given to the strategies for dealing with the increase in anxiety and self-confidence that this type of track can generate in these riders because of the increase of the tactical complexity, technical difficulty, speed and risk of injury that the new designs may impose. |
The current study suggests that the "modern BMX" type tracks (W and O) that the UCI establishes for its most important competitions differ significantly from "classical BMX" type tracks (E). Bicycle motocross cyclists develop a greater percentage and significantly higher values of AT in W and O tracks compared with the E track, and consequently reduced NAT. World and Olympic class tracks are much more technical than E tracks, and show lower physical demands. Also, O tracks seem to be even more technical than W tracks, mainly because of the more difficult and decisive jumps. For these reasons, a revision in the prescription of technical and conditional training is necessary according to the objectives established for each athlete, and also taking into account the type of tracks that are going to be faced during the season. |
Special thanks to Allistair McRobert (Liverpool John Moores University, UK) for reviewing previous versions of the manuscript. The authors declare no conflict of interest. |