With the aim to investigate the capacity of the 50-m DS and a 200-m DS to modify the timing of the arm stroke, 18 highly trained athletes were analyzed at maximal and sub-maximal velocity. At the highest velocity, the 50-m DS showed a significant higher duration of the propulsive stroke phase, in both the push and pull phases. On the contrary, the 200-m DS did not show any difference in the duration of the phases. Athletes specialized in sprint distance are able to modify the ratio between propulsive and non propulsive phase at different velocities. The kinematics of backstroke swimmers were observed and quantified by means of underwater camera allowing the quantification of several variables such as ST, SR, SL, mean pulling depth and length, and the duration of the stroke phases. Analyzing two groups of athletes with different event specialization, 50m and 200m, at two velocities, maximal and sub-maximal, permitted to distinguish different ability in modifying the duration of the phases and specifically the propulsive one. In agreement with previous studies (Craig and Pendergast, 1979; Klentrou and Montpetit, 1992; Pai et al., 1984), a direct relationship between the velocity and SR was found independently from distance specialization (Table 1). In front crawl, similarly, the possibility to reach a high SR (over 50 cycles/min) resulted a key factor for velocity (Seifert et al., 2007). The results of the present work highlighted a better capacity of the 50-m DS compared to the 200-m DS to reach a higher SR. This finding may be explained by a higher mechanical power and muscle strength of the athletes specialized in shorter distance. For all athletes, comparing Vmax to V70, the mean pulling depth showed a displacement opposite with respect to the direction of swimming (Table 1). The arm stroke timing may influence the capability to reach high velocities and changes, as a function of velocity, in a different way between the 50-m DS and 200-m DS. Spending more time on the pull phase enhances the propulsion time and consequently also the propelling efficiency (Chatard et al., 1990). Thus, 50-m DS improved the arm stroke propulsion phase time and decreased the non propulsive one (Table 2). This determined a more efficient relationship between the propulsive and non propulsive phases. Specifically, both the push and pull phases showed a different behaviour between the 50-m DS and 200-m DS. As pointed out in previous works analysing the front crawl (Chollet et al., 2000; Keskinen and Komi, 1993), an increase of the duration of the push and the pull phases is associated to an increase in velocity. The ability to express an optimal timing during the different phases of the arm stroke seems to be a fundamental factor for the performance. In our analysis, 50-m DS were more able than 200-m DS in changing the timing of the underwater phases, giving more importance to the propulsive phase. Chollet et al., 2008 also made a similar finding in the backstroke: a higher duration of the push and pull propulsive phases and a lower entry and catch non propulsive phases was found in swimmers able to reach higher velocities. These results can be explained by a different motor control of the 50-m DS with respect to the 200-m DS due to the fact that sprint swimmers were more trained at maximum velocities, while long distance swimmers were trained in aerobic exercise, as observed by (Seifert et al., 2010). Regarding the IdC (Table 2), the analyzed swimmers tended to modify their arm coordination as a function of the arm stroke velocity and SR enhancement towards a reduction of the lag time between the propulsive phase of an arm and the other as observed previously (Chollet et al., 2000). The continuity of the arms propulsive action may not be a key factor for the backstroke performance. All the participants of the present study showed a lag time between the propulsion of one arm and the other, at both considered velocities. This result substantiates a previous finding where the catch-up model was considered as the only possible coordination model for backstroke (Lerda and Cardelli, 2003). Probably, this finding is related to a more limited physiological motion on the backstroke with respect to the other three strokes due to anatomical constraints. As a mechanical consequence of this style, the backstrokers have to use the catch-up coordination. In this model, when one hand is at the beginning of the exit phase, the other one is at the half of the entry phase, adding some time between the two propulsive phases and removing the continuity of the propulsive action of the arms. All the swimmers showed a trend to decrease this lag time with the increase of velocity, in agreement to what shown by Seifert et al., 2007. No differences were observed in the distance covered by the hand between the two groups (Table 3). The distance covered by the hand decreased at Vmax in the entry and clearing phases, independently from the distance specialization. This result becomes especially significant when associated with the reduction of the percentage duration of the non propulsive phase, found only in the 50-m DS. Different stroke organization may be enhanced at higher velocities due to the relevant higher aquatic resistance (Seifert et al., 2010). Thus, the kinematical changes observed between 50-m DS and 200-m DS may be associated to a combined effect of different motor control and muscle strength of the sprinter with respect to the long distance swimmers. In the present work, the study was limited to the bidimensional analysis of the kinematics, thus the motions on the frontal and coronal plane was not taken into account. Furthermore, a more complete kinematic analysis using a biomechanical model of the upper limb not limited to the hand and acromion trajectories could highlighted further differences between the two groups analysed. The main biomechanical patterns of arm stroke in backstroke have been analysed comparing 50-m DS with 200-m DS. The most important finding was the difference between the 200-m DS and 50-m DS in the ability to modify the duration of arm stroke phases. A longer duration of the propulsive phase was advantageous for swimming velocity. The findings suggest that it would be advantageous for coaches to optimize the timing of the propulsive/non-propulsive phases of the arm stroke in backstroke. In this respect, training sessions with different coordination models and/or timing may help the athletes to explore a wide range of motor control possibilities and use the more appropriate one at different velocities. Future perspectives involve three-dimensional analysis of the arm stroke, focusing on the individual technical adaptations to different velocities and their relationships with the swimming performance. |