Research article - (2012)11, 582 - 591 |
The Influence of External Perturbations on Running Kinematics and Muscle Activity Before and After Accommodation |
Anita Haudum![]() |
Key words: Adaptation, variability, joint coordination, tube constraints. |
Key Points |
Participants |
Thirteen recreational runners volunteered for the study. However, due to injury or illness only ten runners (mean age: 26.1 ± 7.1 yrs, mean height: 1.77 ± 0.7 m, mean weight: 72.0 ± 6.6 kg) could be included in the analyses. All participants were treadmill-experienced, but were novices in the use of the constraints ( |
Training device |
A harness ( |
Procedure |
Pre- and post-tests were completed before and after a 7- week intervention. The tests were run on a treadmill (HP Cosmos Quasar 170/65, Traunstein, Germany). The treadmill speed was set at 10.5 km·h-1 and 0% grade for all tests. Prior to each test a 5-min warm-up (8.5 km·h-1; 0% grade) was conducted without tubes. The warm-up time was not included in the test time. There was a recovery time of 60 min between the two tests. The order of presentation was counterbalanced across participants. Kinematics and EMG were recorded in all runs. |
Training intervention |
Runners completed a total of 18 training sessions of RT running on a treadmill (10.5 km·h-1 and 0% grade). Alternately, 3 and 2 sessions were run each week. The duration was increased from 45 min for the first two sessions to 50 min (sessions 3-6) and then to 55 min (sessions 7-18). This gradual increase was intended to help participants adapt to RT running as it was assumed that the energy cost of RT running would decrease with practice. |
Training contents |
The training intervention was compiled according to the differential learning approach (Schöllhorn et al., |
Data collection |
Kinematic and EMG data were sampled in 2-min blocks starting at minute 0, 3, 13, 16, 25 and 28. The first 90 strides of each 2-min block were selected for analysis. In the first 2-min block of each test run (i.e., min 0-2) the first 10 strides were removed and the subsequent strides (i.e., 11-100) were selected for analysis to ensure the runners had finished accelerating and influences due to speed differences could be excluded. EMG and kinematics were synchronized by a flashlight signal. Kinematic data were collected with an 8-camera Vicon 3D-motion analysis system (Vicon Peak, Oxford, UK). Forty-one markers were attached according to the Plug-In-Gait model and sampling rate was 250 Hz. Due to economic reasons, EMG recordings were only obtained from the right leg (Haudum et al., |
Data processing and analysis Kinematic data |
After manual labeling, marker trajectories were smoothed via a Woltring routine (mean square error value of 10) (Woltring, Coordination variability was assessed between the hip and knee joint and the knee and ankle joint with respect to the sagittal plane motion using the vector coding (VC) technique suggested by Tepavac and Field-Fote ( Unlike the VC technique, the variance ratio (VR) of the joint angle trajectories was calculated as a further measure to provide essential information on variability in each single joint. Moreover, as it was also applied to EMG, it allowed the comparison of kinematics and EMG data. It describes the ratio of the mean variance between corresponding data points in individual strides to the total variance of the entire data and ranges from 0 to 1. However, in contrast to VC, 0 indicates similar waveforms (i.e., no variability), and 1 indicates dissimilar waveforms (i.e., high variability) (Granata et al., The kinematics of interest were selected from stride, stance phase and swing and included minima, maxima, range of motion and the variability parameters VR and VC (i.e., angular deviation, vector length deviation and coefficient of correspondence), as well as the vertical displacement of the COM. In addition, the stance-swing-ratio was calculated. |
EMG data |
Post-processing was performed in IKE-master. Recorded data were bandpass-filtered from 10 to 300 Hz (Butterworth 2nd order), full-wave rectified and low-pass filtered (10 Hz fourth order zero-lag digital Butterworth filter) to create linear envelopes (Haudum et al., |
Statistical analysis |
Data were checked for normality (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) and sphericity (Mauchly test; in the case of necessity, the Greenhouse-Geisser correction was used) using the software package PAWS SPSS 18.1 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL., USA). To estimate differences for kinematic and EMG data, test time point (pre and post) x condition (RT and NT) x data block (2-min blocks) repeated measures analyses of variance (RMANOVA) were performed. Additionally, test time point x data block RMANOVAs were calculated to estimate the change over time within each running condition. The variables of interest were statistically compared at a confidence level of p < 0.05. Effect size partial eta squared (pη2) also was calculated. |
Kinematics |
A summary of the minima, maxima, ranges of motion, as well as VRs for stride, stance phase and swing is given in Hip flexion was significantly higher and extension smaller during both RT runs resulting in a larger range of motion (p < 0.01; pη2 > 0.70) compared to NT. The knee angle showed higher flexion (p < 0.05; pη2 > 0.48) and less extension (p < 0.01; pη2 > 0.83) during both RT test runs. At the post-test, knee range of motion was significantly greater for stride (p = 0.02; pη2 = 0.51), but marginally failed significance for swing (p = 0.06; pη2 = 0.38) during RT running compared to NT running. Tendencies for higher ankle range of motion were observed during pre-test RT running for stride and stance phase (p < 0.06; pη2 > 0.42), but not during the post test. The RT running also resulted in significantly higher vertical displacement of the COM (p < 0.05; pη2 > 0.68). Stride duration was significantly shorter during NT running (p = 0.03; pη2 = 0.47). The stance-swing-ratios unveiled a shorter stance phase and longer swing (p < 0.05; pη2 > 0.48) during RT running for pre- and post-tests. However, an approximation of RT running towards NT running was observed after intervention ( |
Variability of kinematics |
The amount of variability in running kinematics is presented in |
Muscle activity |
Significantly higher RF activity was observed in both RT test runs (p < 0.05; pη2 > 0.50). The TA was also significantly more active at the pre-test during RT running for stride (p = 0.04; pη2 = 0.49) and swing (p = 0.02; pη2 = 0.55), whereas post-test swing data marginally failed significance level (p = 0.06; pη2 = 0.42). A significant interaction for LG pre-test data was found as muscle activity was increased at the beginning of RT running and decreased towards NT running level over time (p = 0.02; pη2 = 0.42). |
EMG variability |
The pre-test data showed higher variability for RT running in all three muscles (p < 0. 05; pη2 > 0.41). After practice, no significant differences were found. The LG data hint at a reversal effect as a trend for higher VR during NT running was found following practice (p = 0.09; pη2 = 0.32). The stance phase analysis unveiled higher variability for LG (p = 0.00; pη2 = 0.72) for RT running and a decrease over time towards NT running level (p = 0.01; pη2 = 0.33) before training. Higher VR for TA for RT running (p = 0.01; pη2 = 0.60) was found after the intervention. No significant differences were found for RF. For swing, a significant interaction effect was found for RF (p = 0.00; pη2 = 0.58), as the initially high VR for RT running decreased below NT running level. Post-test results point at a higher VR for NT running compared to RT running (pη2 = 0.24). No significant differences were found for TA or LG. |
The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of an RT running intervention on 3D-lower extremity kinematics, muscle activity and their variability, as well as joint coordination variability. The results demonstrated that the first exposure to RT running led to significantly increased muscle activity and higher VR of EMGs and kinematics and joint coordination variability compared to NT running, which confirms results of previous studies (Haudum et al., |
Kinematics and joint coordination |
Similar to the results of Haudum et al. ( Even though significant changes in joint angle kinematics were found, their magnitude was quite modest. Combining the influences on kinematics and the resultant altered stride duration or stance-swing ratio, the movement pattern of NT running was reproduced in a marginally modified form after the 7-wk intervention. These findings indicate that the RT running pattern has not to be learned, but rather requires some kind of relearning of the ordinary running pattern. It appears that runners tried to maintain a preferred movement path (Nigg, Despite the different approaches (i.e., single joint analysis or joint coordination), VC and VR revealed quite similar results. Following an initial increase in variability at the first RT exposure, the occurring accommodation led to a more stable, more repetitive pattern, which was even more obvious in the post-RT runs. The increased early joint coupling variability in the pre-test may serve an adaptive role and guarantee controllability, (Heiderscheit et al., Since the NT results were not influenced by the RT intervention, no transfer of the RT intervention on the NT running pattern occurred. With respect to the RT running pattern, the tubes may act as limiting constraints. Despite the primary assumption that the kinematics’ variability as well as joint coordination variability would increase through the tubes and the intervention, a kind of freezing occurred. The RT running pattern unveiled a greater degree of repeatability, reflected in the reduced post-test VC and VR variability. Perhaps the constant tube application implied too much resistance, which in the longer term constrained the RT running pattern in the same way as do injuries (Hamill et al., Concluding for the kinematic results, it appears that runners adapted to the RT application used in the test runs as the variability parameters after the intervention did no more unveil changes throughout the test runs. |
Muscle activity |
During the early acquisition to the unfamiliar constraint, the increase in muscle activity may reflect a process to regain control and to adjust to the tubes (i.e., reorganize the running pattern (Button et al., Another explanation for the higher muscle activity during RT running may be reasoned to maintain the overall leg stiffness (Morin et al., Although on-off times were not calculated, visual inspections of muscle on-off times indicated that some runners activated their muscles earlier during early RT running. The most likely explanation is that the earlier muscle activation may be one of the strategies utilized to functionally resist the tube perturbations to continually find the appropriate motor response and also to control ankle stiffness before heel strike (Button et al., The significantly greater variability during early RT running is another indicator for more responsive stabilizing control and the unfamiliarity of RT running. Comparing the VR data with other values in the literature, pre-test VRs of RT running are similar to less matured movement patterns (Granata et al., Interesting results unveiled the comparison of the changes in muscle activity and EMG VR before and after training. Despite the almost unchanged muscle activity during RT running, a reversal effect occurred for VR as EMGs were more variable during RT running compared to NT running before practice, but were less variable after practice. Combining kinematic and EMG data, our results showed quite similar effect to as have been observed in walking with unstable shoes (i.e., MBT), where also differences due to the level of observation were found and, further, repeated walking with MBT shoes also resulted in reduced variability during MBT walking (Stöggl et al., Nevertheless, there are some limitations of the current study. One is that only three muscles were measured. It is likely that more muscles would allow better demonstration of the actual influences. A further limitation may be that no kinetic data were measured, which should be added in future investigations. There is also a small chance of type I error inflation beyond the p < 0.05 standard given that more statistical tests were performed on the same data. |
In summary, the study indicated that kinematic adjustments to the applied dynamic constraints occurred rather quickly, but it required longer practice to manage the perturbations on muscular level. Furthermore, the joint couplings demonstrated that engaging in such running intervention results in reduced lower extremity coupling variability. Hence, such constraints provide a possibility to induce acute movement-inherent variability and may help to better adapt to unfamiliar situations if variability in the perturbations is guaranteed, which may not be the case in the test situation due to the constant tube position. Future studies may analyze RT running in RT-experienced runners when being forced to permanently run with different RT applications. They may also include further coordination analysis techniques, such as continuous relative phase since it incorporates both angular displacement and velocity, which might provide additional useful information. |
No conflicts of interest. Anita Haudum and Jürgen Birklbauer equally contributed to this article and wish to share the first authorship. |