Research article - (2012)11, 709 - 718 |
Magnetic Versus Electrical Stimulation in the Interpolation Twitch Technique of Elbow Flexors |
Sofia I. Lampropoulou, Alexander V. Nowicky, Louise Marston |
Key words: Electrical stimulation, magnetic stimulation, interpolation twitch technique, voluntary activation, elbow flexors. |
Key Points |
Participants |
A group of 8 healthy participants (by chance these were all females) with an average age of 30 ± 7 years (range 23-41 years), with all but one right-handed, took part in this study of a within-subjects design for comparisons between magnetic and electrical stimulation. Participants were students/staff volunteers from the university community who gave written informed consent to participate in this study. Participants underwent this assessment of both peripheral electrical and magnetic stimulation within the same session. An additional group of 6 (3 males, 3 females) healthy participants of mean age 33 ± 9 years (range 24-47 years) took part in a subsequent experiment which tested the effect of the inter-electrode distance of electrical stimulation in the spread of the electrical current. These 2nd group of participants only received peripheral electrical stimulation condition. This study had the ethical approval of the Brunel University Research Ethics Committee. |
Apparatus |
Measurement of Isometric Force and Surface Electromyography (sEMG) |
Force measurements were obtained from right elbow isometric flexion by using a purpose-built static rig containing a force transducer (Model 615, S-Type Load Cell, Tedea-Huntleigh Electronics, UK). The participants were seated in the rig with their shoulder immobilized in a flexed position, supinated forearm, 90° flexion of the elbow and the wrist secured with straps. The analogue force signals were amplified 300 or 1000 times, filtered [(high pass DC-offset, low pass 2 KHz), (Quad 1902, 4 channels, Cambridge Electronic Design (CED), Cambridge, UK)], and simultaneously sampled and digitized (4 KHz, micro 1401, 12 channels, CED, Cambridge, UK). The force transducer signal was recorded simultaneously with all surface EMG (sEMG) signals. Muscle electromyograms (EMG) were recorded from the biceps brachii m. (BB) (as a surrogate of the agonist elbow flexors). The triceps brachii m. (TB) was also chosen as a surrogate of the antagonist elbow extensors, to monitor the degree of spread of stimulation from the chosen stimulation site over BB which is likely to occur at supramaximal intensities. The abductor pollicis brevis m. (APB) was also recorded because as a surrogate of those muscles innervated by underlying nerves in the upper arm (e.g., median nerve) whose trajectory is parallel and superficial to BB muscle, it was essential to monitor the possible effect of stimulation on these nerves). Pairs of silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) disposable self-adhesive electrodes (KENDAL, SOFT-E, H59P, Henleys Medical, Welwyn Garden City, UK) were affixed onto cleaned skin and were placed parallel to the muscle fibres over the muscle belly of each muscle respectively using standard recording sites for arm and hand muscles (Cram et al., |
Electrical muscle stimulation |
Single, constant-current electrical stimuli (1 ms duration) were delivered to the musculocutaneous nerve over the motor point of BB previously identified according to standard position sites (Digitimer, DS7A, UK, range from 1 to 100mA, fixed durations between 0.05 to2 ms). A pair of self-adhesive, circular (2.5 cm), gel electrodes (PALS Platinum, neurostimulation electrodes, model J10R00, Axelgaard manufacturing, Denmark) were positioned with surface cathode over the motor point of BB and the surface anode placed over the bicipital tendon (inter-electrodes distance 6 cm). A supramaximal stimulus intensity (mean supramaximal intensity= 53 ± 11 mA (range = 35 to 66 mA) (n=8) was used which was 20% higher than the intensity used to produce a twitch of maximum amplitude in a relaxed muscle. A stimulus response curve of single twitch force versus stimulus intensity was first used to determine the required maximal intensity ( In a second experiment the inter-electrodes distance of the electrical stimulation was reduced from 6cm to 1cm (both electrodes to the muscle belly) with the cathode specifically positioned over the motor point. The experiment was conducted after the main experiment and mainly to examine whether the significantly larger resting twitches evoked by electrical stimulation compared to magnetic stimulation during the main experiment (see Results Section) was due to spread of electrical current. It has been reported that widely spaced electrodes (more than 5 cm in the case of biceps) increase the degree of current spread to antagonists and may activate both superficial as well as underlying agonists (e.g. brachialis) (Allen et al., |
Magnetic muscle stimulation |
Single pulse magnetic stimulation with supramaximal intensity (20% above the current intensity used to produce a resting twitch of maximum amplitude in a relaxed muscle determined by stimulation-response curve) was performed using a 70mm figure of eight coil powered by a Magstim Rapid (pulse duration 250 µs) biphasic stimulator (Magstim Company Ltd, Spring Gardens, Whitland, Wales, UK). The coil was positioned perpendicularly to the trajectory of the musculocutaneous nerve and firmly against the skin with the crossover positioned on the motor point of BB which was detected before the experiment and was marked with a pen to ensure consistent placement of the coil during the experiment. The perpendicular orientation of the figure of eight coil was determined experimentally as the optimum orientation for inducing maximal current flow in underlying nerve. The optimal stimulation site was also determined by moving the coil over the BB near the cathodal electrical stimulation site, and it was defined as the stimulation site that yielded the largest force twitch elicited from the muscle. Tests with and without stimulating electrodes showed that no interference of the affixed cathodal electrode occurred. The mean supramaximal intensity, determined from an online stimulus response curve (see |
M-waves |
Muscle action potentials (M-waves) evoked by peripheral electrical and magnetic stimulation were also recorded while elbow flexors were at rest and during isometric elbow contractions of various levels of voluntary force (10, 25, 50, 75, 90 and 100% of every individual’s MVC). Due to stimulus artifacts which could not be removed, the M-waves of BB were analyzed only in 6 out of the 8 participants. Additionally, the M-waves of APB and TB were analyzed in all participants. These evoked responses-M waves were collected with all EMG and force recordings and they were amplified (4 channels, Cambridge Electronic Design (CED), Cambridge, UK), filtered, digitized (4 KHz, micro 1401, 12 channels, CED, Cambridge, UK) as already described in the EMG section. A standard interface with 1902 as bioamplifier was used. All digitized data were stored for subsequent analysis (Signal v4 for Windows, CED software). |
Experimental procedure |
All participants underwent a familiarization procedure at the start of session to ensure comfort and accuracy in brief sustained isometric force levels with appropriate arm positioning. The main experimental session started with the electrical stimulation series, and after 10 minutes break was followed by the magnetic stimulation series, without randomizing the pattern of delivery. |
Measurements taken |
Analysis of data |
SEMG amplitude (mV) was quantified by root mean square (rms) method of analysis of 1.5 second period during sustained peak force during voluntary contractions under visual inspection. For each muscle the M-wave area was calculated between pair of cursors set at the onset and offset of the evoked potential. The sEMG signals and the voluntary force were normalized to the corresponding maximal values of each participant. The mean values of three contractions of each level of contraction were used in the statistical analysis. Force, and not torque level is reported here because the moment arm of the muscle and the centre of rotation of the joint remained constant throughout the experiments, and therefore, the net torque could be reasonably and directly related to the net force acting in the joint (De Luca, Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to find the effect of the level of voluntary force contraction and of the type of stimulation (electrical or magnetic) on the twitch force, the M-waves, the EMG, and the voluntary activation. Post-hoc comparisons using Bonferroni corrections and Greenhouse-Geisser correction when sphericity was violated, were used (Field, To estimate the relationship of the evoked twitches with the level of voluntary force Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) analysis were employed, using an exchangeable correlation structure for non-independent data (Hanley et al., |
All participants reported that magnetic stimulation caused much less discomfort than electrical stimulation and that it was well tolerated even at supramaximal intensities. |
Resting twitch force and resting M-waves of three muscles of upper limb |
The mean resting twitch force amplitude evoked by the electrical stimulation (14.73 ± 4.83 N) was significantly larger than that evoked by the magnetic stimulation (11.58 ± 3.11 N), (mean difference 3.16 ± 3.35 N, p < 0.05) ( The mean resting M-wave of BB evoked by electrical stimulation (13.11 ± 4.40 mV·ms-1) was not significantly different from that evoked by magnetic stimulation (13.57 ± 3.88 mV·ms-1), (mean difference = 0.05 ± 2.78 mV·ms-1, p > 0.05), ( |
Position of stimulating electrodes on electrically evoked resting twitch force |
The mean resting twitch force evoked by electrical stimulation with the standard-wide placement of electrodes (25.75 ± 9.40 N) was significantly greater than the twitch force evoked by electrical stimulation with closed spaced electrodes (19.24 ± 9.32 N), (mean difference = 6.51 ± 6.17N, p ≤ 0.05). |
Voluntary force and evoked twitch force at maximal contractions |
The MVC did not change significantly due to repeated voluntary contractions: (mean difference before and after electrical stimulation session = 1.55 ± 5.98 N, p > 0.05) (mean difference before and after magnetic stimulation session = 1.68 ± 2.71 N, p > 0.05). Thus, no pronounced effect of fatigue was observed. The MVC determined prior to the electrical stimulation series (115.57 ± 14.86 N) was not significantly different from the MVC determined prior to the magnetic stimulation series (113.82 ± 17.97 N) (mean difference=1. 74 ± 7.34 N, p > 0.05). The mean amplitude of the twitches evoked at MVC was not significantly different between electrical (0.62 ± 0.49 N) and magnetic (0.81 ± 0.49 N) stimulation (p > 0.05). The mean evoked twitch force at rest was about 10% of MVC and significantly reduced to 0.6% of MVC at maximal contractions. |
Comparison of proximal and distal M-waves during different levels of voluntary elbow flexion |
The mean BB M-waves area during all levels of voluntary contractions did not differ significantly between electrical (13.47 ± 0.49 mV·ms-1) and magnetic (12.61 ± 0.58 mV·ms-1) stimulation (F(1, 4) = 0.31, p > 0.05, ηp2 = 0.07). Specifically, at maximal contractions no differences were revealed between electrical (mean BB M-waves: 14.85 ± 4.04 mV·ms-1) and magnetic (mean BB M-waves: 12.43 ± 3.08 mV·ms-1) stimulation (p > 0.05). Similarly, no significant effect of stimulation type was revealed for the TB M-waves (F(1, 6) = 0.16, p > 0.05, ηp2 = 0.03) and the TB M-waves evoked at maximal contractions did not differ significantly between electrical (1.99 ± 0.84 mV·ms-1) and magnetic (1.36 ± 1.55 mV·ms-1) stimulation (p > 0.05). The APB M-waves during voluntary contractions, evoked by electrical stimulation were significantly larger than the magnetically evoked ones (F(1,6)=10. 21, p ≤ 0.05, ηp2 = 0.63). Additionally, the way the M-waves changed during the various levels of voluntary force was significantly different between electrical and magnetic stimulation (F(1.6, 10. 1) = 8.54, p ≤ 0.05, ηp2 = 0.59). Specifically, the APB M-waves evoked by magnetic stimulation were reduced after the force level of 25% of MVC (M-waves at 10%MVC = 12.74 ± 8.32 mV·ms-1, at 25%MVC = 9.79 ± 6.74 mV·ms-1, at 50%MVC = 8.16 ± 5.92 mV·ms-1, 75%MVC = 7.81 ± 5.43 mV·ms-1, 90%MVC = 7.61 ± 5.13 mV·ms-1) while the electrical evoked wave was not significantly different (p > 0.05) among these same increasing levels of voluntary contraction (M-waves at 10%MVC = 18.95 ± 10.03 mV·ms-1, at 25%MVC = 19.67 ± 9.87 mV·ms-1, at 50%MVC=20.10 ± 9.28 mV·ms-1, 75%MVC = 20.45 ± 8.40 mV·ms-1, 90%MVC = 20.78 ± 9.53 mV·ms-1. At maximal contractions the APB M-waves evoked by electrical stimulation (18.80 ± 9.04 mV·ms-1) were significantly larger than those evoked by magnetic (7.30 ± 4.34 mV·ms-1) stimulation (p ≤ 0.05). |
Background sEMG of agonist & antagonist muscles |
The sEMG activity of the antagonist TB, remained low even at maximum contractions (mean rmsEMG: 0.05 ± 0.03 mV during electrical stimulation and 0.048 ± 0.03 mV during magnetic stimulation) and was not significantly different between the two types of stimulation (p > 0.05). |
The evoked twitch-voluntary force relationship between the two methods of stimulation |
The active twitches decreased with the level of voluntary force and this was significant, (F(6,36) = 86.37, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.94). However, the best nonlinear (polynomial) fit of the evoked twitch-voluntary force relationship as it was assessed by GEE analysis was different between electrical and magnetic stimulation ( |
Voluntary activation |
Despite the differences in the resting evoked twitches, the voluntary activation of elbow flexors was not statistically different between the two types of stimulation used in its determination, (F(1,6) = 0.14, p > 0.05, ηp2 = 0.02) ( |
This study compared the standard assessment of voluntary activation using the ITT between peripheral electrical with magnetic stimulation in healthy individuals in the absence of fatigue. It also assessed the magnetically evoked twitch-voluntary force relationship. The results of this study showed the index of voluntary activation at maximal contractions were similar for the two methods of stimulation and the twitch-voluntary force relationship to fit a curvilinear function for both magnetic and electrical stimulation. In addition the BB evoked twitches at maximum contractions and the M-waves of all tested muscles, but APB, were similar between electrical and magnetic stimulation. The resting twitches however, evoked by electrical stimulation were larger than those evoked by magnetic stimulation. These results are in accordance with the study of O’ Brien et al. ( In addition, the non-linearity in the relationship between evoked and voluntary force for both electrical and magnetic stimulation is in agreement with previous studies which report a deviation from the simple linear reciprocal electrically evoked twitch-voluntary force relationship (Allen et al., The reasons for this non-linear relationship have been extensively discussed in previous studies (Allen et al., The differences in the resting twitches between this study and the previously published ones using magnetic stimulation may also depend on the magnetic stimulation characteristics and the magnitude of the induced electric field in the tissues (Jalinous, The absence of differences in the antagonist TB M waves suggests that magnetic stimulation does not induce more widely distributed electric field than the electrical stimulation within the compartments of the upper arm underlying the stimulation coil. In contrast however, the presence of larger M waves in the distal APB and the significant differences observed for the type of stimulation over the range of voluntary force levels suggest that there is wider electric field effects of the electrical stimulation on the underlying median nerve. The effective induced electric field produced by magnetic stimulation drops off with increasing distance between target tissue and coil surface. Thus the likely decrease in the M wave with increasing force level production in these isometric tasks physically moves the magnetic stimulation coil further away from the underlying median nerve situation beneath BB and other elbow flexors of upper arm. This would not be seen with the electrical stimulation as the current path between the two electrodes would be much less affected by the muscle contraction. This is a likely explanation given that the magnitude of the induced current is proportional to the distance from the source of the magnetic pulse produced by the coil (Epstein, The similarities observed in our study between magnetic and electrical stimulation overall imply that peripheral magnetic stimulation can be a safe alternative for examining neuromuscular function of BB, when an examination of possible changes in neural drive at the level of motorneurons is required. The painless, supramaximal, reproducible application of magnetic stimulation examined here has been also reported elsewhere in other muscles (Hamnegard et al., |
Overall, the results of the study have shown that there are key similarities between magnetic and electrical stimulation in the assessment of voluntary activation with the single pulse Twitch Interpolation Technique. The twitch responses at maximal contractions and the M-waves for agonist BB were comparable. The activation for the antagonist TB was minimal and the curve-fitting for the twitch force-voluntary force relationship was non linear for both electrical and magnetic stimulation. The closeness of BB voluntary activation between electrical and magnetic stimulation at maximal contractions indicate that the use of magnetic stimulation in the single twitch interpolation technique may be an appropriate method of estimating the activation level of BB, despite the factors which contribute to the resting twitch differences and the different curve fitting observed here. The larger resting twitches evoked by electrical stimulation and the different curve fitting may not be significant when investigating the use of peripheral magnetic stimulation with an array of coils and stimulators. Thus, the similar sensitivity of magnetic stimulation to electrical stimulation in assessing voluntary activation and the absence of discomfort from magnetic stimulation offer significant advantages for the assessment of voluntary activation in the clinical environment. |
The financial support for this project was part of a PhD studentship from Brunel University. All experiments comply with the current laws of UK. Authors are grateful to Dr. Paul Sacco for his valuable help on reviewing the manuscript. Authors also declare no conflict of interest. |