Fifteen spherical reflective markers were attached on the subject and racket to define the coordinate systems of the thorax, upper arm, forearm, and racket. The markers were attached to the xiphoid process, incisura jugularis (suprasternal notch), C7, T8, and, on the dominant side, angulus acromialis, deltoïdus tuberosity, medial and lateral epicondyles of the elbow, radial and ulnar styloid processes (Wu et al., 2005). On the nondominant side, the markers were placed on angulus acromialis and radial styloid process. Two markers were attached at mid-height of both racket-face sides to determine the centre of the racket-face and one marker was placed at the top of the handle (Figure 1). Retro-reflective tapes were placed around the ball to detect the ball-racket impact. The six-camera Eagle® motion analysis system (Motion Analysis Corp., Santa Rosa, CA, USA) collected the 3D trajectories of markers during serves at a sampling rate of 256 Hz. To quantify the movement of the dominant upper limb, this study modelled a four-segmented linkage system, including the thorax, upper arm, forearm and hand-racket (Figure 1), and assumed each body segment was a rigid body. All the trajectories of the reflective markers were smoothed using a triangular filter kernel obtained from two passes of a 20 points sliding average window (Campione and Gentilucci, 2011). Segment coordinate systems (SCS) of each upper limb segment were constructed according to International Society of Biomechanics recommendations (Wu et al., 2005). The gleno-humeral joint centre was estimated by regression (Reed et al., 1999; Dumas et al., 2007). Upper limb net joint moments (Fi, Mi) were computed by a 3D inverse dynamic method (Dumas et al., 2004; Cleather and Bull, 2010). Inputs for the computation were the quaternion attitude and the origin of each segment i (qi and rPi), the mass mi, position of centre of mass rCis and matrix of inertia Iis (at the centre of mass) of body segments estimated by regression in the SCS (Dumas et al., 2007) and of the racket (i=0), computed at the racket centre of mass from the Table 1 values using parallel axis theorem: where E3x3 is the identity matrix, 03x3 a zero matrix, g the acceleration of gravity, and is the skew matrix. The position of centre of mass (rCi) in the inertial coordinate system (ICS), the matrix of inertia (Ii) in the ICS, the linear acceleration of the centre of mass ai, the angular velocity and acceleration of the segment (ωi and αi ) were all computed with the quaternion algebra (i.e., is the quaternions product and - the quaternion conjugate (Dumas et al., 2004)): Each time derivative of quaternion required for the inverse dynamics (i.e., in ai, ωi, and αi) was followed by filtering (4th order Butterworth filter with 12 Hz cut frequency). The recursive computation starts for the wrist net joint forces moments with the segment (i=1*) composed of the hand (i = 1) and the racket (i = 0). The hand centre of mass is supposed fixed in the racket axes (at -4 cm along Y0 axis, Figure 2). As no markers were placed on the hand, the quaternion attitude and the origin of the hand-racket SCS are: The mass m1*, position of centre of mass rC1*s, and matrix of inertia I1*s (at the centre of mass) in the hand-racket SCS are: Outputs of the computation were the net 3D joint moments (M3) acting at the dominant shoulder joint in the ICS. Shoulder joint power (P3) was computed as dot products of 3D joint moments and the difference between distal and proximal segment angular velocities: The 3D shoulder joint moment were then expressed in the joint coordinate systems (JCS) (Desroches et al., 2010; Morrow et al., 2009): with (e1, e2, e3) the three axes of the JCS. In order to avoid gimbal lock during tennis serve, these axes were the X4 axis of thorax, Z floating and Y3 of upper arm (Bonnefoy-Mazure et al., 2010). Positive moments were shoulder adduction, flexion, and internal rotation. The joint angles were computed using the same JCS and with the same positive/negative conventions. The functional significance of the joint moment patterns in terms of energy generation and storage/dissipation can be understood by examining the positive and negative powers, respectively. The frame of impact is not presented (vertical black line in the Figure 3) because the results of inverse dynamics (M3, P3) are not interpretable without having measured, or estimated (Haake et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2012), the impact forces. However, the methods of impact force estimation have not been used for inverse dynamics under field conditions so far. The frame of impact in the present study was automatically identified as the time where the absolute normal distance of the ball to the racket plane is minimal (and simultaneously the absolute tangential distance of the ball to the centre of the racket face is inferior to the face radius). Both the smoothing of markers trajectories (triangular filter kernel) and the filtering of quaternions (4th order Butterworth filter) were performed on the raw data including frame of impact. Only the results of inverse dynamics at the frame of impact were discarded, since they cannot be interpreted. |