Research article - (2013)12, 298 - 308 |
The Effect of Moderate and High-Intensity Fatigue on Groundstroke Accuracy in Expert and Non-Expert Tennis Players |
Mark Lyons1,, Yahya Al-Nakeeb2,3, Joanne Hankey4, Alan Nevill5 |
Key words: Fatigue, tennis, expertise, achievement motivation |
Key Points |
Participants |
Thirteen expert tennis players (7 male and 6 female) and seventeen non-expert tennis players (13 male and 4 female) participated in this study. The players were recruited using volunteer and opportunistic sampling methods. The expert players were all current county standard players, training three times per week, playing regular competitive matches, with an LTA rating of 6.2. The non-expert players had an average LTA rating of 10.2 and comprised club-standard players. The mean age, stature and body mass of the expert tennis players was 19.5 ± 3.0 years, 1.76 ± 0.08 m, and 71. 2 ± 13.7 kg respectively. The mean age, stature and body mass of the non-expert tennis players was 24.9 ± 9.6 years, 1.80 ± 0.10 m, and 73.2 ± 13.0 kg respectively. |
Testing Site |
All testing was carried out on a single indoor hard-court that comprised a granular rubber base with 2 mm elastic polyurethane top layer (Pulastic 2000, Sports Surfaces International Ltd, England). The temperature was monitored using a digital barometer (Model BA116, Oregon Scientific, China) and regulated/maintained at 17-19° C with comfortable, stable humidity. |
Experimental Design |
This study used a mixed factorial design. Informed consent and a medical history questionnaire were completed by all participants after being fully informed of the nature and demands of the study. All procedures were reviewed and approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee. Each participant attended three testing sessions (rest, moderate fatigue and high- intensity fatigue) in a counterbalanced order. |
Baseline Measurements |
During the initial testing session, all procedures were explained in full to the participants. Stature and body mass were assessed using a Seca stadiometer and weighing scales (Seca Instruments Ltd, Germany). Participants were fitted with a heart rate monitor (Polar RS800, Polar Electro Oy, Kempele, Finland) to assess heart rate throughout the testing. Participants were given five minutes familiarisation with the tennis ball serving machine (Tennis Tutor Plus, Sports Tutor, USA) and court surface. During this time, tennis balls were served to the forehand and backhand sides at speeds of 66-68 km/hr and a frequency of 15 balls per minute. Participants were instructed to return the groundstrokes at their normal warm-up pace in any direction. Following this, participants were given five minutes to perform their typical range of stretches prior to playing tennis competitively. After a 3-5 minute rest period, participants then began familiarisation blocks on the modified Loughborough tennis skills test. |
The Modified Loughborough Tennis Skills Test: Groundstrokes |
The modified Loughborough Tennis Skills Test (mLTST) was used to assess groundstroke accuracy ( For each of the familiarisation blocks, the ball was served left and right alternating to the forehand and backhand at a frequency of 20 balls per minute in a continuous manner. For each serve, the ball was delivered with topspin, travelling over the net at a height of 1.5 m and landing 2 m from the baseline and 0.5 m from the tramline on both sides of the court. The participants were required to return all shots in the order of down- the-line forehand followed by cross-court backhand, aiming returns at target A at match pace ( With respect to scoring the mLTST, each tennis ball that landed within the 2 m2 areas (targets A & B) or hit the perimeter lines marking out these areas, was considered ‘in’. Tennis balls landing within the area or on the perimeter marked out with the diagonal white lines ( 'Consistency’ + ‘Accuracy’ + ‘Out’ Scores = 100% Mean percentage scores were calculated for each of the above parameters and used in subsequent statistical analyses. |
Tennis Hitting Sprint Test |
It has been established by a number of authors (Delamarche et al., Following the familiarization blocks, participants completed the maximal hitting sprint test starting in the centre of the baseline (base A - The rest, moderate and high-intensity fatigue conditions were conducted on separate testing days so as to avoid potential cumulative fatigue effects. Each of these testing sessions began with a five-minute standardised warm-up against the tennis ball serving machine, alternating feeds to the forehand and backhand sides at a frequency of 15 balls per minute. Players were informed that they could stand anywhere on court but were instructed to hit the ball as they would during normal match play. They were also instructed to practice all the different strokes required in the mLTST. Following this, participants were given five-minutes to perform their normal range of stretches. Following the standardized warm-up players commenced the Loughborough Intermittent Tennis Test (Davey et al., |
Loughborough Intermittent Tennis Test (LITT) |
This LITT consisted of bouts of maximal hitting of four minutes’ duration with 40 seconds seated recovery between bouts. The ball machine served the tennis balls in a random fashion ( Heart rate and RPE values have been used in similar past work as they provide relatively reliable and valid information about a players physical effort and intensity during tennis matches (Fernandez-Fernandez et al., As well as completing the testing under moderate and high-intensity fatigue states, the mLTST was also completed on a separate occasion in a rested state following only a warm-up. The order of all tests and fatigue conditions were counterbalanced. |
The 2 x 2 Achievement Goals Questionnaire for Sport (Conroy et al., ) |
As part of the baseline measurements, each participant also completed the Conroy et al., The entire sample AGQ-S data were averaged irrespective of gender/expertise. The data from the two approach subscales were combined and a mean for the entire group was calculated. High and low approach achievement motivation groups were then calculated based on whether an individual was above or below the mean (split mean) for the group. Those above the mean were categorized as a ‘high approach’ group and those below the mean were categorized as a ‘low approach’ group. The same procedure was used with the avoidance subscale data. Again, high and low avoidance achievement motivation groups were determined based on a split mean. These groups were used as a between-subject factor in the subsequent analyses which follow. |
Statistical Analysis |
Four shots were analysed during the testing sessions at rest, under moderate and high-intensity fatigue conditions. These were down-the-line forehand (DTLF), down-the-line backhand (DTLB), cross-court forehand (CCF) and cross-court backhand (CCB). For each shot the participant’s raw scores were converted into ‘accuracy’, ‘consistency’ and ‘out’ percentages as a means of generating the dependent variables. For the purposes of brevity however, all four groundstrokes were combined to give an overall percentage for ‘accuracy’, ‘consistency’ and ‘out’ groundstrokes. A number of 3 x 2 mixed ANOVAs were then conducted on the overall percentage data. For each analysis, the within-subject factors were the three conditions (rest, moderate and high-intensity fatigue). However, a number of between-subject factors were examined including: As all treatment conditions were planned, a pairwise least significant difference post hoc procedure was used in the case of significant F scores. With each analysis, the residuals of the repeated measures ANOVA were checked for normality using the Shapiro-Wilk test statistic. Homogeneity of variance was evaluated using Mauchly’s test of sphericity and when violated, the Greenhouse-Geisser adjustment was used. SPSS Version 17.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) was used for all statistical calculations. The level of significance was set at 0.05. |
The ‘accuracy’, ‘consistency’ and ‘out’ percentages of expert and non-expert players across individual groundstrokes are presented in A 3 (fatigue intensities) x 2 (expertise levels) mixed ANOVA on the accuracy or ‘in’ percentage scores for all four shots combined revealed highly significant fatigue effects (F2, 56 = 14.517, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.341) and highly significant between-group differences (F1, 28 = 10.302, p = 0.003, η2 = 0.269). No fatigue by level of expertise interaction was found however (p > 0.05). LSD post hoc procedure revealed a highly significant (p < 0.001) difference between performance at rest and performance following high-intensity fatigue. Furthermore, there was a highly significant (p < 0.001) difference between moderate and high-intensity fatigue conditions ( A 3 x 2 mixed ANOVA was conducted on the ‘out’ percentage scores for all four shots combined and again revealed a highly significant fatigue effect (F2, 56 = 27.301, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.494) and highly significant between-group differences (F1, 28 = 33.407, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.544). The results illustrate that there are marked differences in the number of ‘out’ shots performed by expert and non-expert players across fatigue intensities. LSD post hoc procedure revealed similar trends to those found for the accuracy percentages. A highly significant difference was found between performance at rest and that following high-intensity fatigue. Furthermore, there was a highly significant difference between performance following moderate and high-intensity fatigue (both, p < 0.001) but no fatigue by level of expertise interaction (p > 0.05) ( The final analyses examined the consistency data. A 3 x 2 mixed ANOVA again revealed a highly significant main effect (F2, 56 = 5.093, p = 0.009, η2 = 0.154), highly significant between-group differences (F1, 28 = 15.391, p = 0.001, η2 = 0.355) but no fatigue by level of expertise interaction (F2, 56 = 3.145, p = 0.051, η2 = 0.101). The LSD post hoc revealed differences between performance at rest and high-intensity fatigue (p = 0.026) as well as a highly significant difference between performance following moderate and high intensity fatigue (p = 0.002). With respect to the consistency of expert and non-expert players, the trend ( |
Gender |
A 3 (fatigue intensities) x 2 (males and females) mixed ANOVA was conducted on the accuracy percentage scores for all four shots combined and indicated that there was a highly significant fatigue effect (F2, 56 = 12.404, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.307). LSD post hoc procedures revealed that there was a highly significant difference between performance at rest and high-intensity fatigue. There was again a highly significant difference between groundstroke accuracy following moderate and high-intensity fatigue (both, p < 0.001). No fatigue by gender interaction was found however, and no between-group differences (both, p > 0.05). The performance of both groups at rest was analyzed further by means of an independent t-test in an effort to explore whether the differences evident at rest ( |
Achievement Motivation |
Concerning the AGQ-S scores, the entire groups of players were grouped into ‘high approach’ and ‘low approach’ groups based only on their AGQ-S responses. These high and low ‘approach’ groups were then used as a between-subject factor in the analyses which follow here. A 3 (fatigue intensities) x 2 (high and low approach) mixed ANOVA was conducted on the accuracy scores for all four shots combined and a highly significant fatigue effect was found (F2, 56 = 14.513, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.341). No fatigues by group interaction or between-group effects were apparent (both p > 0.05). LSD post hoc analyses revealed a highly significant difference between performance at rest and high-intensity fatigue (p < 0.001) and a highly significant difference between the accuracy scores following moderate and high-intensity fatigue (p < 0.001). The same ranges of analyses were conducted on the consistency and out percentage data for all groundstroke shots combined. In each case, highly significant main (fatigue) effects were found. There were no between-group differences or fatigue by group interactions found. Finally, players were grouped into ‘high avoidance and ‘low avoidance’ groups based on the AGQ-S responses. The same ranges of analyses as described above were conducted. Again highly significant main (fatigue) effects were found with all analyses (all, p < 0.01). No between-group differences or fatigue by avoidance interactions were found across all the analyses (all p > 0.05). |
Fatigue is a topic that continues to fascinate exercise physiologists, psychologists, sport scientists, athletes and coaches alike. This is because fatigue is multifaceted, complex and encompasses a variety of behaviours that are unique to each situation (Gawron et al., To reinforce, the primary aim of this research was to examine the effect of moderate and high-intensity fatigue on groundstroke accuracy in expert and non-expert tennis players. The 3 x 2 mixed ANOVA’s for accuracy, consistency and out percentages all revealed highly significant fatigue effects. In both groups, groundstroke accuracy following high-intensity fatigue was significantly poorer than that at rest and moderate-intensity fatigue ( In the present study, performances at rest and moderate-intensity fatigue were equivalent within expert and non-expert players. The between-group analyses (for accuracy, consistency and out shots) also revealed highly significant differences. In each case, expert players maintain a higher percentage of ‘in’ shots across the three conditions. Expert players hit fewer ‘out’ shots across the three conditions and were also more consistent when compared to the non-expert players. This is consistent with the findings of Aune et al., Many of the procedures used in this study were derived from the work of Davey et al. ( Consistent with the findings of Davey et al., A secondary aim of this research was to explore whether the effects of moderate and high-intensity fatigue on groundstroke accuracy are the same regardless of (1) gender and (2) players achievement goal characteristics. With respect to the range of analyses examining within and between-group differences in male and female tennis players, a number of interesting preliminary findings were revealed here. Firstly, with all the analyses conducted (‘in’, ‘out’ and ‘consistency’ percentages) significant fatigue effects were found across each analysis, with no between-group effects. Consequently, it seems that both male and female tennis players perform at comparable levels under moderate and high-intensity fatigue conditions and this is clearly evident in Human performance under fatigue conditions is likely to be influenced by many variables, not least those involving the psyche (Noakes, As with past research pertaining to this topic, the protocols used in this research are not without limitation. In controlled field investigations such as this, it is not possible to fully replicate the demands of competitive match play which vary considerably across matches, playing surfaces and environments. It is also not possible to create the same sensory states of competition. Therefore, in spite of the effort to maximise ecological validity, there will always be some compromise. There are also some assumptions inherent in this research. Verbal encouragement was provided by the researcher during all testing conditions in order to motivate participants. It is assumed therefore, that all the players produced their best effort to achieve the maximal performance they were capable of at that time. There is added difficulty here also in light of the fact that the player is playing against a ball serving machine and not an actual opponent. These points need consideration when interpreting the findings. With a research topic as broad as fatigue effects on performance in tennis, it is likely that there are many contributing variables, the significance of which need more exploration. Future ecologically sound research is imperative in this respect, examining all aspects of skilled performance in tennis under resting and fatigue conditions. A key challenge for the researcher however, is to develop sport-specific protocols that simulate as closely as possible match conditions. Research relating to fatigue effects on sports performance in expert and non-expert groups, males and females is still very much in its infancy. Much more research is needed here as well as exploration of psychological and / or personality variables in an effort to clarify or better understand how these interact with performance when fatigued. A more holistic approach is needed therefore incorporating physiological, psychological and biomechanical analyses simultaneously so as to allow for a more comprehensive analysis of performance and a deeper understanding of fatigue effects on performance in tennis. An interdisciplinary approach such as this will greatly advance our understanding of this complex multidimensional construct as well as the personality and / or psychological factors that may influence performance under fatigue conditions. Research of this nature would be of immense value to players, coaches and trainers at every performance level. |
Coaches and commentators often blame the deterioration in an athlete’s skill level at the end of a game on increasing fatigue levels (Royal, Coaches integrating short bouts of high-intensity exercise into skill sessions need to consider the findings here carefully. It is fundamental that the intensity simulates, as much as possible, the bouts typical of a competitive game. Practicing skills under high-intensity fatigue conditions can result in a lessening of the inhibitory effects of fatigue (Goper, |