The main findings of the study were that 1) the % EMGmax value during abdominal bracing was significantly higher in IO than in the other muscles, and 2) while the % EMGmax values for RA, EO, and ES were significantly lower in the abdominal bracing than in some of the other exercises, the % EMGmax value for IO during the abdominal bracing was significantly higher than those in most of the other exercises including the dynamic ones. These results indicate that abdominal bracing is one of the most effective techniques for inducing a higher activation in IO muscle, even compared to dynamic exercises involving trunk flexion/extension movements. It has been suggested that IO muscle plays a large role in creating abdominal bracing maneuvers (Vera-Garcia et al., 2006; 2007). In fact, Vera-Garcia et al., 2010 observed a higher activation of IO muscle during abdominal bracing. The current result agrees with this and indicates that the activation level during abdominal bracing distinctly differs between IO muscle and the other three muscles. The internal oblique muscles, together with the transversus abdominis muscles, are considered to be key deep abdominal muscles that contribute to the stability of the spine during physical movements in both athletic and daily events (Rasouli et al., 2011; Teyhen et al., 2008). However, it is also suggested that all trunk muscles play an important role in achieving spinal stability and must work harmoniously to reach this goal (Grenier and McGill, 2007; McGill et al., 2003). Taking these aspects into account together with the current results, it can be considered that abdominal bracing is a modality which induces selectively higher activity in the deep abdominal muscles of the trunk musculature which harmoniously work to stabilize the spine. The % EMGmax values in each muscle during abdominal bracing were 18% in RA, 27% in EO, 60% in IO, and 19% in ES muscles. These values are similar to those (RA: 20 – 25%, EO: 30 – 60%, IO: 50 – 80%, ES: 10 – 40%) reported in previous studies (Bressel et al., 2011; Vera-Garcia et al., 2010). However, as shown in the current and previous studies (Bressel et al., 2011; Vera-Garcia et al., 2010), it should be noted that all of the trunk muscles cannot be fully activated under abdominal bracing with maximal effort. The reason for this phenomenon is unknown. Pashler, 1994 indicated that when two tasks are performed simultaneously, the performance of each is often impaired. This phenomenon is referred to as dual-task interference (Pashler, 1994), and it often occurs even when performing relatively simple tasks, especially when the task is unfamiliar. Considering this, it seems that the task requiring simultaneous contractions of multiple muscles induces a similar phenomenon to the dual-task interference, and it might have resulted in the lower % EMGmax values during the bracing task. Furthermore, as described earlier, abdominal bracing can be considered a mode of antagonist co-contraction (Cholewicki et al., 1999; Gardner-Morse and Stokes, 2001). Some studies reported that an influence of reciprocal inhibition might be assumed to be involved as a factor limiting the maximal activation of antagonistic muscles (Serrau et al., 2011; Tyler and Hutton, 1986). If this finding can be applied to abdominal bracing, it seems that the antagonistic pairs located in the trunk might never reach their maximum level of muscle activation due to neural inhibition during voluntary co-contraction. Another interesting finding obtained here was that while % EMGmax values for RA, EO, and ES were significantly lower in the abdominal bracing than in some of the other exercises such as V-sits and sit-ups for RA and EO and back extensions for ES muscle, the % EMGmax value for IO during the abdominal bracing was significantly higher than those in most of the other exercises such as sit-ups and curl-ups. This implies that abdominal bracing is one of the most effective techniques for inducing a higher activation in deep abdominal muscles, such as IO muscle, even compared to dynamic exercises involving trunk flexion/extension movements. From an athletic perspective, dynamic exercises involving spine flexion and extension are usually preferred for strengthening the trunk muscles (Hibbs et al., 2008). In addition, a recent review article (Martuscello et al., 2013) suggested that multi-joint free weight exercises, rather than trunk-specific exercises, should be implemented in training programs in order to adequately strengthen the trunk muscles. These types of exercise, however, are recommended for advanced trained individuals because the lumbar spine is subjected to high loads, which are not advisable for inexperienced individuals or patients with spine instability, spine lesion, or lower back pain (Monfort-Panego et al., 2009). Therefore, from a clinical point of view, static exercises are usually recommended for rehabilitation and/or fitness programs at the expense of muscular activity. In IO muscle, nevertheless, abdominal bracing showed greater activity than most of the other exercises including dynamic ones. This suggests that IO muscle is not highly activated by most exercises conducted in many athletic and rehabilitative programs, but is selectively recruited by such specific exercise as abdominal bracing. It is recommended that in the initial stage of spine-strengthening programs, participants should be instructed to become aware of motor patterns and to recruit muscles in isolation (Hibbs et al., 2008). These programs can then progress to functional positions and dynamic activities (Akuthota and Nadler, 2004). It is also suggested that trunk stability training should range from isolated activation of the deep abdominal muscles, such as internal oblique or transversus abdominis, to lifting weights on uneven surfaces (Hibbs et al., 2008). This is due to the different functional roles of the muscles during specific exercise tasks. Therefore, it is advised that exercises should be performed to activate the trunk musculature in all three planes and full ranges of motion for developing total spine stability (Bergmark, 1989). In addition, trunk stabilization and trunk-strengthening programs that target the deep abdominal muscles have been designed to improve motor control and strength of the trunk region (Teyhen et al., 2008). Considering these, abdominal bracing should be included in both rehabilitation and athletic training programs when the goal is to improve spine stability. However, as demonstrated by the present study, it should be noted that abdominal bracing is not the best exercise for maximizing the activities of all the trunk muscles. In view of establishing the efficacy of a training modality for improving muscle function, it must be considered whether the muscle activation during the exercise is sufficient in terms of training intensity. A recent study (MacKenzie et al., 2010) reported that a resistance training program, in which subjects performed voluntary co-contractions of antagonistic pairs (elbow flexors and extensors), produced significant increases in the strength capability of both muscle pairs without the use of an external load as resistance. Although the intensity level during maximal voluntary co-contraction exercise was not discussed in their study, other studies showed that muscular activity levels of elbow flexors and extensors during the task were about 40 – 70% of those during MVC (Serrau et al., 2011; Tyler and Hutton, 1986). Hence, the 60% EMGmax value in IO muscle as shown in the current study can be considered sufficient to be a training stimulus for improving the function of the deep abdominal muscles. Hides et al., 2012 applied a training modality with isometric voluntary contractions of abdominal muscles plus abdominal drawing in upright and forward lean positions to Australian Football League players with or without lower back pain. As a result, they observed that the training modality had more positive effect on multifidus CSA than a Pilates program with abdominal drawing in horizontal positions. This finding supports the assumption mentioned above and, at the same time, indicates that abdominal bracing can be a training modality for strengthening the muscle groups which function to stabilize spine even for athletes. In any case, no study has tried to examine how a training modality with abdominal bracing influences neuromuscular function which may contribute to spinal stability. Further study is needed to clarify this. |