This study demonstrated that squatting during WBV using 20%BW could increase VO2 by 16.6% and 18.9% for the 35L and 50H, respectively, producing similar increases to those produced without vibration using 40%BW. This is particularly relevant since squatting using 40%BW may be too difficult for untrained individuals, especially if they are obese or elderly. Additionally, applying WBV during a squatting at 20%BW produced higher VO2 values than the same load without vibration. We also found that load alone determined VO2 during recovery, although previous studies have shown an additional increase in oxygen consumption over a 24-h period following a WBV exercise intervention (Hazell and Lemon, 2012) . Our results showing a significant difference in VO2 between the vibratory (50H, 35L) and NV conditions at 20%BW are similar to those reported by Rittweger and colleagues (2002), using a side-alternating WBV platform and an external load of 40% lean body mass applied at shoulder level. However, our results differ from earlier findings by this group showing a significant increase in VO2 using a 40%BW load during side-alternating WBV (Rittweger et al., 2000, Rittweger et al., 2001). Methodological differences may explain these divergent results. The use of a rotational movement on the side-alternating platform may have required greater recruitment of the core musculature; increasing VO2 (Willardson et al., 2009) as indicated by the increased physiological response using side-alternating compared to synchronous WBV (Gojanovic and Henchoz, 2012). Second, the volumes and patterns of work performed differed, since the present protocol used 6 sets of 30s with 60s recovery, while Rittweger's protocols used a single set until exhaustion (Rittweger et al., 2000; 2001) or a 3 minute set (Rittweger et al., 2001; 2002). In addition, during two of the studies by Rittweger et al., the load was applied at the hips (Rittweger et al., 2000; 2001), while we applied the load at shoulder level, which has been shown to have a greater impact on VO2 (Rittweger et al., 2002). Finally, the squatting exercise was performed more slowly during the studies by Rittweger et al. compared to ours (6s versus 3s cycle) and movement velocity has been shown to have a specific impact on energy expenditure (Garatachea et al., 2007). Increased VO2 when a 20%BW load was added during WBV was reported by Cochrane et al., 2008; however, these researchers also noted a significant increase in VO2 between the vibratory and non-vibratory conditions at a load of 40%BW while we found none. One protocol differences that may have caused these divergent results was the use of a modified isometric leg press rather than dynamic squatting. Additionally, the use of only one vibratory condition (30Hz, 1 mm) on a device which applied vertical rather than multiple synchronous WBVconditions (35, 2-3mm; 50Hz, 4-6 mm), may have increased these differences. Finally, the protocols differed since Cochrane et al., 2008 used a four minute isometric contraction; while the current study used six 30 s work intervals separated by 1 min passive recoveries. Perhaps the most apparent difference between the two studies was in loading. Cochrane et al., 2008 used loads of 20 and 40%BW while our loading was actually 120 and 140%BW since body weight is included as resistance during the squat. Given these factors an exacting comparison between studies is not possible. Our findings also differ somewhat from those of Da Silva et al., 2007, who reported a significant increase in energy expenditure when combining WBV and an external load of approximately 74%BW. Although we did not see an increase in VO2 when external load was increased from 20%BW to 40%BW; this does not negate the possibility that a higher load, similar to that used by Da Silva et al., 2007, could have produced a significantly higher VO2 than that seen with our 20%BW or 40%BW loading conditions. Additionally, differences between the studies noted above, including the use of vertical versus synchronous WBV (affecting exposure time and loading vectors), performance speed (3 s·rep-1 vs. 4 s·rep-1), the number of sets performed (6 sets vs. 5 sets), and the recovery provided between sets (1 min vs. 2 min). Our finding that there was no impact of WBV on post- exercise VO2 differs from that of Da Silva et al., 2007, who reported a significant increase in energy expenditure during a 4-minute recovery after adding WBV to a loaded squat. Moreover, Hazell et al. (2012) found that a WBV session increased the 24-h oxygen consumption by 10% compared to non-WBV exercise. Once again, these differences may be attributable to the factors mentioned previously (Thornton, 2002). We found no significant changes in RER due to WBV, while Da Silva and colleagues (2007) reported a significant increase. On the other hand, both studies showed no significant RER increase regardless of load in the NV condition (Da Silva et al., 2007). It is possible that the high loads in conjunction with the use of vertical rather than synchronous displacement WBV can account for the higher RER reported by Da Silva et al., 2007. Our results, showing increases in HR when combining WBV and load during squatting, but no increases in HR with WBV under unloaded conditions, are in agreement with those reported in the literature (Garatachea et al., 2007, Willardson et al., 2009). On the other hand, Hazell et al. (2012) showed increases in HR when using side-alternating WBV. This study demonstrates that WBV may be an effective training tool for weight control when combined with moderate-load dynamic squatting exercise. In the current study, the addition of WBV to active squatting at a load of 20%BW produced a 16.6% and 18.9% increase in VO2 for the 50H and 35L conditions. Given the lack of significant differences in RER seen across the resting, exercise and recovery stages, the increases in VO2 seen with WBV reflect increased caloric outputs. This finding could be especially important when prescribing exercise for overweight individuals or older persons with sarcopenic obesity who are unable or unwilling to use traditional loads or who show poor exercise compliance. Our finding that no significant differences in VO2 were seen among the WBV and non-vibration conditions at 40%BW is difficult to explain, and we suggest that this study be repeated using similar loads with the addition of a higher 70-80%BW loading condition to see if further increases are seen. Additional benefits may be revealed if electromyographic data are collected simultaneously with VO2 to ascertain if the differences in muscle activity between the non-vibration and WBV condition do indeed decrease with increasing loads. Additionally, we recommend examining these loading conditions using different training volumes to ascertain if longer duration protocols will allow greater time for differences between the non-vibration and WBV conditions to emerge. Finally, when using external loading accelerometer measurements should be incorporated to quantify plate movement due to the potential for vibration dampening as loads increase, especially using WBV devise which do not compensate for external loading conditions. In summary, a discussion of the benefits of WBV would not be complete without addressing the issue of safety. The estimated vibration dose values for both vibratory conditions used in the present study exceed the ISO 2631-1 guidelines (International Organization for Standardization, 1997). However, Abercromby et al., 2007 state that due to the intermittent nature of WBV as a treatment modality and the fact that subjects experience vibration during standing rather than sitting, the ISO 2631-1 guidelines may be an overestimate of the actual dose value to which the body is exposed. Additionally, unless the knees are fully extended, the level of force transfer is greatly reduced as it passes through the body tissues. Therefore, accelerations at the spine and the head can be expected to be small compared to those measured at the plate itself. For example, Pel et al., 2009 reported that vibration is reduced 6-10 times when comparing values at the knee and hip to those measured at the ankle. Regardless of the findings presented in these papers, we feel that there may be an unknown and potential risk of injury, which may be even greater in overweight or older populations. The limitations of this study were mainly related to the capacity to control physical activity and nutrition prior to each testing day. The use of accelerometers and the provision of meals would improve the control over physical activity and nutrition. Also, the measurement of body composition would add value to the interpretation of the physiological response to WBV. |