Primarily, this study sought to validate BSIP data extracted from DXA scans and then compared DXA with five other indirect BSIP methods, using 10 elite male and 8 elite female swimmers, and 10 young adult Caucasian males as subjects. In previous studies, the DXA relied on the relationships between the attenuation coefficients of the high energy beams and the mass of a given phantom to predict the mass of the scanned object (Durkin et al., 2002). A unique feature of this study was that the mass value for each unit area (mass element) could be extracted directly, via authorization from the manufacturer, Healthcare Division of General Electric Company (GEHC). Their enCORE® software also can export two bitmap images to graphically illustrate mass distribution within the scanned area. Because the software did not allow mass element data to be exported into any other formats, it was necessary to establish the relationship between mass elements and the pixel intensity of the scan images. The comparison between segment mass calculated from pixel color-mass relationship and the mass calculated for the two compartments (BM mass and tissue mass) by the enCORE® software revealed a similar level of accuracy as found previously (Durkin et al., 2002). The lower accuracy of the bone mineral mass seemed to result from inadequate threshold values used to create the binary images of the bone mineral images. When comparing both the noise and noise- free images, some bone information could have been lost. The edges of several flat bones did not line up with the edges of the rectangular mass elements (Wicke and Dumas, 2008) and could have contributed to errors in bone mass values for pixels closest to the boundaries of those bones. Also, BSIP profiles of elite swimmers were different (p < 0.05) from those of untrained Caucasian adults (Tables 6, 7">7 and 8">8). Durkin and Dowling, 2003 urged caution with subjects not reasonably matched to those whom the equations were devised. When compared with the DXA method used here, the 5 indirect BSIP estimations for the 10 non-athletes also consistently produced more errors (Tables 9, 10">10 and 11">11). Figure 6 illustrates that none of the 5 indirect estimation methods consistently reported MAPEs less than 5%. This was despite subjects approximating the anatomical features of the subjects from y Zatsiorsky and Seluyanov (Zatsiorsky and Seluyanov, 1983; 1985). Absolute and relative body sizes, somatotypes and body compositions of elite swimmers are different from those of a normal untrained population (Ackland et al., 2009). Furthermore, Carter and Ackland, 1994 reported that anatomical characteristics of elite swimmers also vary with genders and swim events (strokes and distances). Therefore, perhaps one could expect that equations using just the whole body mass, or mass and stature (C and Z1), would result in greater MAPE values. However, our results showed that the Z2 model, which used the greatest number of anthropometric variables as predictors, also had large errors (> 20%) and varied greatly between groups (Figures 6, 7">7 and 8">8). The geometric models (Y and Z3) seemed to generate less error in general. However, none of the latter consistently performed better than the others. Even though Y appeared to resemble the geometric shape of the body better than Z3, using uniform segment densities gathered from cadavers might have contributed to the errors found. The Z3 method uses a quasi-density value to compensate for differences between the actual segment volume and its cylindrical representation. This approach, however, was not enough to provide low and consistent levels of MAPE between the groups for all segments and, especially, was more evident for the lower limbs. For most of the body segments, results of this study reject the hypothesis that the indirect methods would produce significantly lower errors for the untrained adult group than the two athlete groups. The hypothesis was based on the premise that the indirect method would only be accurate for subjects with similar anthropometric profiles to the population from which the method was developed. The normal young adults tested in this study closely resembled the population used to develop Z1, Z2 and Z3 (Zatsiorsky and Seluyanov, 1983; 1985; Zatsiorsky et al., 1990). However, errors in the BSIPs estimated for this group using Z1, Z2 and Z3 did not produce consistently less errors than in the elite male and female swimmers. Reduced errors were only found for the thigh and head + trunk segments. Durkin and Dowling, 2003 also found similar %RMSE in young adult males which indicated that not even the apparent anatomical similarities minimized the errors yielded by those methods. Analysis of the COM of the thigh segment revealed a significant interaction between the estimation method and subject group, but no significant differences were found between groups. Good consistency can be observed when plotting the MAPE for COM (Figure 7), as the three groups recorded similarly low errors for most COM and estimation methods. Nevertheless, no estimation method found MAPE to be less than 5% for all COMs, and all groups. The Y method was the only one not showing errors greater than 15% at least once. Also, the greatest %RMSE for Y was 11.74% (Table 10), which was for the head segment of the untrained subjects. This indicated that the uniform density assumption, and the geometrical solids that were used, enabled fairly accurate results for COM estimation. The two methods, C and Z3, used a fixed proportion between COM distance from distal endpoint and segment length. The Chandler method (C) performed poorly for the head, trunk, and head + trunk. Perhaps this could be explained partially by the different segmentation protocol used by Chandler et al., 1975. Moreover, once elderly cadavers are used, there needs to be some consideration of the ageing effect over the spine. Over the years, the spine tends to shorten its longitudinal length due to disc flattening when losing the nucleus pulposus from the middle of the spinal disc. Thus, the resultant shorter trunk length might have induced errors when being compared with younger subjects with spines unaffected in this way. The Z3 method used adjusted positions for the COM relative to the joint centers (De Leva, 1996), rather than the anatomical landmarks. However, rather than using the same cohort as Zatsiorsky and colleagues (Zatsiorsky and Seluyanov, 1983; 1985; Zatsiorsky et al., 1990), some adjustments were carried out using anthropometric data from other Caucasian ethnic groups, which certainly added errors to the adjustment. The other two methods (Z1 and Z2) demonstrated considerably large errors for the head, forearm and thigh COMs, although little difference between groups was observed. The largest percentage errors (MAPE and %RMSE) were found for Ixx (Figure 8). Even though Ixx does not require mass and COM values for its calculation, it is physically related to those two inertial parameters. Thus, results for Ixx were similar to those of mass values where significant interactions between the estimation method and subject group were found for most segments. This was true except for the head, and the head + trunk segments. The Ixx for all limb segments of female swimmers seemed to be affected more than in the other two groups. Even though this was hypothesized, only the thigh segment showed a trend towards having significantly lower percentage errors for the normal subjects, when they were compared with the two groups of swimmers. But, the %RMSE was less than 10% only for the Y method (Table 11). Nevertheless, with %RMSE of up to 50% for the indirect estimation methods, regardless of subject group (Table 11), one should avoid indirect estimation methods when applied to a population of different morphology and body composition from which it was derived. A limitation of research designs with elite athletes is to find sufficient participants to yield statistically significant differences between groups. Despite the low number of subjects in this study, it was clearly demonstrated that indirect estimation methods failed to provide subject-specific BSIP data. Furthermore, in a within-group research designs, the sample mean is used as a representative value of the group. Thus, it could mask important information of some individuals. Therefore, when dealing with elite level athletes, research needs to focus on an individual athlete for an accurate assessment of performance or any effects of an intervention (Kinugasa et al., 2004). This is another reason why subject-specific BSIP estimation methods should be preferred over indirect estimation methods. Despite accuracy, easy access, low radiation exposure and easier data processing than required for other medical imaging technologies, there are limitations that prevent DXA from being used for BSIP calculations. One limitation is that one might not be able to access the raw data as this function is not readily available in the software, possibly due to concerns relating to intellectual property by the manufacturers. Furthermore, the DXA scan table may not be large enough for elite swimmers or athletes from other sports as they are generally much taller and larger than populations for which DXA was designed. The scanner used in this study has a scan area of 59.75cm x 197cm, which was slightly larger than the machine used in previous studies (Hologic QDR-1000/W 59.4cm x 192.7cm, Hologic Inc., Bedford, MA, USA) (Durkin and Dowling, 2003; 2006; Durkin et al., 2002; 2005). A major limitation of DXA lies in its 2D characteristics of the results. Hence, it does not allow calculations of the COM position in the sagittal plane, and the principal moments of inertia about the longitudinal and transverse axes (Durkin et al., 2002; Ganley and Powers, 2004b; Wicke and Dumas, 2008). Therefore, kinetic analyses in sporting maneuvers that are typically three-dimensional (e.g., swimming) cannot rely on data extracted from DXA without incorporating other modeling techniques. Several modeling technique approaches can be performed, as proposed in previous studies (Durkin and Dowling, 2006; Durkin et al., 2005; Lee et al., 2009; Wicke et al., 2008; 2009). Finally, it can be argued that the influence of errors in BSIP calculations depends on the nature of the movement being analyzed. Factors such as whether the task involves rapid linear/angular movements of the segments, is an open-chain or closed-chain analysis, or whether external forces exert greater or lesser influence than the BSIP method used, will determine the level of accuracy in the joint forces and moments calculated. However, this study demonstrated that using an indirect estimation method can lead to grossly inaccurate BSIPs. The recent advances in kinematic analysis systems have resulted in greater validity, reproducibility, and also flexibility with regard to the environment in which the assessment is required. It seems counter-intuitive then to ignore the potential errors from using inappropriate BSIP data. However, extracting full body 3D BSIP from DXA requires further development before it can be readily used. |